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The urban legend

Horror Story 05

By AshDream_StoryPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Plot: A group of teenagers investigates a civic legend, only to find that it's each too real.

It was a typical Friday night in the small city of Millfield. A group of teenagers were sitting around a bonfire, telling ghost stories and civic legends. The air was crisp, and the sky was clear. But there was a bite in the air, and the atmosphere was tense.

As the night went on, the group of musketeers began to partake their own civic legends. It was not long before the legend of" The Black Knight" was brought up. Legend had it that a black knight rode through the city at night, seeking out youthful souls to claim as his own.

At first, the group laughed it off. But also, one of the girls suggested that they probe the legend themselves. It would be a fun adventure, she said.

The group agreed, and they set out into the night, following the path the black knight was said to take. They walked along a winding, wooded path, the darkness growing thicker around them with each step.

As they continued, they began to hear the sound of hooves, and the clopping of essence. Their hearts contended as they imagined the black knight approaching.

Suddenly, out of the darkness surfaced a figure on a steed, wearing black armor that glinted in the moonlight. The group set in terror as the figure approached, their fears realized.

The black knight came to a halt in front of them, his helmet obscuring his face. He sat there for a moment, the only sound the heavy breathing of his steed.

Without warning, the black knight reached out and seized one of the girls, pulling her onto the steed with him. The group tried to snare her, but the black knight was too strong, too presto.

As the group watched in horror, the black knight rode off into the darkness, taking the girl with him. The group stood there, paralyzed with fear and unbelief.

The coming day, the girl was reported missing. The city searched for her, but she was noway set up. The legend of The Black Knight had come each too real.

The remaining members of the group were visited by the events of that night. They could not shake the feeling that the black knight was still out there, staying for his coming victim.

Weeks went by, and the group tried to move on, but they couldn't. They came more and more paranoid, constantly looking over their shoulders, wondering if the black knight was watching them.

One night, as they sat around the bonfire formerly again, they heard the sound of hooves approaching. They set, their hearts pounding in their cases.

Out of the darkness surfaced the black knight, riding towards them. The group ran in terror, but the black knight pursued them relentlessly.

One by one, he caught them, pulling them onto his steed and riding off into the night. The city noway saw them again.

The legend of The Black Knight had come a terrible reality, and the city was ever changed by the events of that night. From also on, the city was known as a place of darkness, where legends came real and agonies came true. And the legend of The Black Knight lived on, a warning to all who dared to probe the unknown.

The city of Millfield was noway the same after the exposure of the group of teenagers who had set out to probe the legend of The Black Knight. Rumors circulated about what had happed to them, but nothing knew for sure.

Times went by, and the city tried to move on. But the legend of The Black Knight continued to hang the resides, and numerous believed that the spirit of the knight still floated the city at night, searching for new victims.

One night, a youthful couple who had just moved into city decided to probe the legend for themselves. They had heard the rumors and dismissed them as nothing further than superstition, but they were curious nevertheless.

They set out into the night, following the path that the black knight was said to take. The darkness was thick around them, and the only sounds were their steps and the occasional rustling of leaves in the wind.

As they walked, they began to hear the sound of hooves and the clopping of essence. Their hearts contended as they realized that they were getting near to the black knight.

Suddenly, out of the darkness surfaced the figure of the black knight, riding towards them on his steed. The couple set in terror as the knight approached.

The black knight came to a halt in front of them, and the couple could see the glint of his armor in the moonlight. The knight sat there for a moment, his breathing heavy and labored.

Without warning, the black knight reached out and seized the woman, pulling her onto his steed with him. The man tried to snare her, but the black knight was too strong.

The black knight rode off into the darkness, with the woman screaming and floundering in his grasp. The man ran after them, but he soon lost sight of the knight and his interned.

The coming day, the man reported his gal missing. The city searched for her, but she was noway set up. The legend of The Black Knight had claimed another victim.

The man was devastated by the loss of his gal, and he came hung up with the legend of The Black Knight. He spent every night searching for suggestions and trying to find a way to master the knight and free his gal.

But no matter what he did, the black knight continued to scape him. It sounded that the legend was stronger than anything he could do.

In the end, the man left the city, unfit to bear the constant monuments of his loss. The legend of The Black Knight lived on, a warning to all who dared to probe the unknown. And the city of Millfield remained a place of darkness, where legends came real and agonies came true.

slashervintageurban legendsupernaturalpop culturehalloweenfictionart

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • rpohwoabout a year ago


AshDream_StoryWritten by AshDream_Story

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