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The Unleashed Box

Confronting Childhood Demons

By Vanshika JainPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Lila had always struggled with her childhood traumas. Her parents had been abusive, both physically and emotionally, leaving her with deep psychological scars. As she grew older, she tried to bury those memories deep inside her mind, hoping that they would disappear forever. But they never did. They lingered in the back of her mind, waiting for the right moment to resurface.

Lila had just moved into her new apartment, hoping that a change of scenery would help her forget about the past. The apartment was old and creaky, with walls that seemed to whisper to her every night. She tried to ignore it, telling herself that it was just her imagination. But she couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something off about the place.

One night, Lila woke up to the sound of footsteps in the hallway. She lay in bed, frozen with fear, wondering if it was just her neighbor coming home late or something more sinister. The footsteps grew closer and closer until they stopped right outside her door. Lila held her breath, waiting for something to happen.

But nothing did. The footsteps retreated back down the hallway, and Lila was left alone in the dark once again. She tried to convince herself that it was just her imagination playing tricks on her, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching her.

The next day, Lila went to the local library to do some research on the history of her apartment building. She found out that it had been built in the early 1900s and had been home to several families over the years. But one family, in particular, caught her attention. They had lived in the apartment for several years before abruptly moving out in the middle of the night. The reason for their sudden departure was never disclosed.

Lila couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible had happened to that family. She felt as if their ghosts were still haunting the apartment, unable to move on from whatever tragedy had befallen them.

That night, Lila was awoken again by the sound of footsteps in the hallway. This time, she decided to investigate. She got out of bed and cautiously opened her bedroom door. The hallway was dark, but she could see a faint glow coming from the end of it. She walked towards it, her heart pounding in her chest.

As she got closer, she realized that the light was coming from under the door of the apartment next to hers. She hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door. There was no answer. She knocked again, louder this time, but still, no one responded.

Lila pushed the door open and stepped inside. The apartment was empty, except for a single room at the back of the house. Lila walked towards it, her heart beating faster with every step. She pushed the door open and gasped.

The room was filled with old toys and children's clothes. It was as if the family that had lived there had just disappeared, leaving everything behind. Lila felt a chill run down her spine as she looked around the room. There was something unsettling about it, as if the ghosts of the children who had once played with those toys were still lingering there.

Suddenly, Lila heard a sound behind her. She turned around and saw a little girl standing in the doorway. The girl was wearing a white dress and had long, dark hair that covered her face. Lila couldn't see her eyes, but she could feel her gaze upon her.

Lila tried to speak, but her voice caught in her throat. The girl stepped forward, her hair parting to reveal a face that was twisted in anger and pain. Lila recognized the face instantly. It was her own.

The little girl spoke, her voice a whisper that echoed through. Lila stumbled back in shock, her mind reeling from the realization that the little girl in front of her was a manifestation of her own childhood trauma. The ghostly image of her younger self spoke again, this time with a voice that was filled with anger and pain.

"You abandoned me," the little girl said, her words cutting through Lila's heart like a knife. "You left me alone with them."

Lila felt tears welling up in her eyes as she realized the truth in the little girl's words. She had spent so many years trying to forget about her past that she had abandoned the part of herself that had suffered the most. She had left her inner child alone to deal with the trauma, never giving her the love and support she needed to heal.

In that moment, Lila made a decision. She would no longer run away from her past or try to bury her trauma. She would face it head-on and do everything in her power to heal the wounds of her inner child.

As she made this promise to herself, the ghostly image of her younger self began to fade away. Lila watched as the room around her grew brighter and brighter until it was filled with a warm, comforting light.

From that day on, Lila dedicated herself to healing her inner child and overcoming her childhood traumas. She sought out therapy and surrounded herself with supportive friends and family who helped her on her journey to healing.

And though she still sometimes felt haunted by the memories of her past, she knew that she had the strength and courage to face them head-on. She had learned that healing was a journey, not a destination, and that by embracing her past, she could create a brighter future for herself.


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    VJWritten by Vanshika Jain

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