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Portal to Hell

A Night of Demonic Terror in Ravenwood

By Vanshika JainPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

In the small town of Ravenwood, a legend had been passed down for generations. It was said that deep in the woods, there was a portal to hell itself. Some dismissed it as a mere folktale, but others believed it to be true. And for one group of friends, the legend was about to become all too real.

It started on a warm summer evening when four friends, Eric, Sarah, John, and Emily, decided to go camping in the woods. They had always been drawn to the mystery and danger of the dark forest, but little did they know what horrors awaited them.

As they set up their tent and started a fire, they heard strange noises coming from the woods. At first, they tried to brush it off as just the wind, but the noises continued to grow louder and more ominous. Suddenly, a thick fog rolled in, shrouding the campsite in darkness.

The friends huddled together, their hearts pounding in their chests, as they heard something moving in the shadows. And then they saw them. Demons. Demons with glowing eyes and sharp claws, emerging from the fog like creatures from hell itself.

The friends tried to run, but they were surrounded. The demons closed in on them, their eyes filled with malice and hunger. Eric tried to fight back with a stick he had found, but it was no use. The demons were too strong, too fast, too powerful.

In a last-ditch effort, Sarah grabbed a nearby lantern and smashed it on one of the demon's heads. The creature screeched in pain and backed away, giving the friends a brief moment to escape. They ran deeper into the woods, their lungs burning with exertion, as the demons pursued them.

They stumbled upon a clearing, and there, in the center, was the portal to hell itself. It was a gaping hole in the earth, with tendrils of smoke and fire emanating from it. The friends were paralyzed with fear as they watched the demons close in on them.

And then, from the depths of the portal, emerged the king of demons himself. He was massive, towering over the friends, with skin as black as coal and eyes that burned with hatred. He spoke, his voice like thunder, and demanded that the friends offer themselves as a sacrifice to him.

Eric, John, and Emily were terrified, but Sarah, fueled by a mixture of fear and anger, refused to submit to the demon's demands. She fought back with all her might, using everything she had at her disposal, and managed to wound the demon king. It howled in rage and retreated back into the portal, taking the other demons with it.

The friends were left standing in the clearing, their bodies trembling with exhaustion and terror. They knew that they had escaped the demons, but they also knew that they would never be the same again.

Years later, Sarah still had nightmares about that night. She never forgot the sound of the demon's voice, or the way its eyes had burned with hatred. And she knew that the portal to hell still existed, waiting for its next victim to stumble upon it.

As for Eric, John, and Emily, they never spoke of that night again. They had all gone their separate ways, but they shared a bond that could never be broken. A bond forged in the fires of hell itself.

In the end, Ravenwood became known as a town plagued by demons, and many people avoided the woods at all costs. But for those who dared to venture into the darkness, the legend of the portal to hell served as a warning. A warning that some things are better left undiscovered, and that the demons of the world are far more real than we care to admit.

urban legendsupernaturalmonsterhalloweenfiction

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