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By HayyePublished 5 days ago 3 min read

In a remote village, far away in the middle of a dense forest, there was an old well that had not been used for centuries. The well was located in an area the locals called "The Forbidden Place." It was said that the well was inhabited by many spirits ready to terrorize anyone who dared to approach it. Stories about the old well became a legend, feared and yet fascinating to thrill-seekers.

Aris, a young man who had just returned to the village after living in the city, heard the eerie tales about the old well from his grandmother. Despite many people avoiding the place, Aris felt curious. Together with his two friends, Budi and Dian, they decided to explore the area.

That night, the full moon shone brightly, providing some light amidst the forest's darkness. The three of them walked carefully, carrying flashlights and other equipment they thought might be useful. As they ventured deeper, the atmosphere became increasingly tense, as if eyes were watching their every step.

"Why do we have to go to the well at night?" asked Dian worriedly.

"I'm just curious. Besides, we can prove that all the stories are just myths," replied Aris confidently.

"Yeah, who knows, we might get cool photos or exciting stories to share," added Budi, trying to encourage Dian.

After about an hour of walking, they finally reached the location of the old well. The well looked more terrifying than they had imagined. Its walls were covered in moss and wild plants, with some tree roots creeping into it. The air around the well felt cold and heavy, as if a dark energy enveloped the place.

Aris turned on his flashlight and approached the well. He tried to look inside, but the darkness made it difficult to see anything. "There's nothing here," Aris said, trying to reassure himself.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of water trickling from inside the well, followed by strange whispers. The whispers grew louder, sounding like thousands of voices whispering at once. Dian started feeling uneasy and scared. "Guys, I think we should leave now."

Aris still tried to stay calm. "Relax, it's just water. Nothing strange."

But when Aris tried to turn off the flashlight, it suddenly died. Total darkness surrounded them. Panic began to set in. "Aris, this isn't funny. Turn the flashlight back on!" Budi shouted with a trembling voice.

"I'm not joking! It turned off by itself," Aris replied, panicking.

In the darkness, a large black shadow suddenly emerged from inside the well. The shadow began to form a terrifying figure with glowing red eyes. The creature let out a scream that pierced the night air. The three of them screamed in terror and ran as fast as they could away from the well.

During their escape, they felt something following them, but every time they looked back, there was nothing there. The sense of dread grew stronger, and they ran faster until they finally reached the edge of the forest, gasping for breath and shaking with fear.

The next day, they returned to the village with pale faces and trembling bodies. They told the villagers what had happened, but not everyone believed them. However, those who knew the old legends found the story even more frightening.

Mr. Rahmat, an elder of the village, approached them and said, "You have disturbed a place that should not be disturbed. That old well is not an ordinary place. It is a gateway between our world and theirs."

Aris, Budi, and Dian could only remain silent as they listened to Mr. Rahmat's explanation. They realized they had made a grave mistake. Aris felt deeply guilty for dragging his friends into danger.

Since that incident, Aris, Budi, and Dian never dared to approach the forest again, let alone the old well. They understood that some mysteries are better left unsolved. The old well remained there, inhabited by spirits ready to scare anyone who dared to come near.

The villagers began holding rituals to appease the spirits in the old well. They lit incense, burned offerings, and prayed for the village's protection from supernatural disturbances.

The village returned to its usual calm, but the story of the old well, inhabited by spirits, would always be a part of the horror legend passed down from generation to generation. No one knew what really lay within the well, and perhaps it was better that way. One thing was certain: the old well was not just an ordinary well but a gateway to a world filled with darkness and mystery.

Aris, Budi, and Dian learned from their experience. They became wiser and more cautious in their actions. Although their curiosity was satisfied, they also realized that not all mysteries need to be uncovered. Sometimes, letting things remain hidden is the best choice.


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    HWritten by Hayye

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