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The Skeleton Horror of Peace

spooky story to bring some clarity to our mental state

By Goosey Q.Published 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 2 min read
The Skeleton Horror of Peace
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Days of the haunted come lay waste by my side, as the ghouls and witches flow through the night. I venture forth paths familiar, to find the truth of life for my own debuter. A virgin to life and all its realities, constantly thinking where we all would be. Validity of self and what it is all about, seeking peace within yourself without feeling codependent for others' health. Feelings of clarity and the choice one makes, must only be for the love, that you, yourself haven't made.

Every day is a rollercoaster, it goes up and down, focus on the peace and good rides that we have bestowed upon. Goals and plans are some of the things that you look forward to most, even when some people you want to take, are unable to upvote.

By Robert Linder on Unsplash

In this month of ghosts and shadows, we creep along with the scare and protect what's hallow. Continue to live and fight the fight, because a reminder for us, is that we are unique and must live our life. Pure and peace each come with some solace, just like ghosts and vampires need blood and something to be haunted.

The witches three that come to play, only for self-pleasure and not in a helpful way, chaotic forces that fill the night, will show the lack of colors for this one month of fright. The powers of the many that we all share, differ from them all because we are individual people, with memories to bare. Strength of the ghost that can pass through them all, pumpkin lays outside to protect kids and young adults.

By Candice Seplow on Unsplash

The month of horror, ghouls, and straw, makes me wish I had a family at all. People to come together, to experience the fright, Bob for apples, or join a haunted hayride. The favorite time of year, to feel so included, wanting to belong, and scream from the monsters intrusive. Dark thoughts and fears left inside, going through a haunted house mean nothing when I’m dead in my mind. Mister jokester that has no fear, ready to scare others and laugh with cheer. Devious and hurtful with no doubt, doesn’t even realize the harm he’s done because it seems he just wants clout.

Upon the light that shines on through, darkened eyes and windy spools. Capes and fangs rule the night but make for a fun look during the daylight. Self luxury that goes so deep, a sprinkle of pumpkin spice just to make everything nice, a dash of peppermint, because soon the hot cocoa will bring us life.

By Sabina Music Rich on Unsplash

Petty and vengeful is what people say because he cares for no one, more than he does his own way. Takes people for their word but leaves them empty-handed, cares more about himself but doesn’t call it a greedy tactic. To be left alone to his own devices, yet people still come, to see what the next crime is.

A shot in the dark with waters so plenty, time apart, restless and thirsty. Do your own thing when there’s silence to part, little short guy, to make you fall apart. Not really jealous, wait maybe I am, because you used to give me so much attention as if you were my shining man. Not getting much love, just words of encouragement, and being reminded of how things could be different. Fantasies galore and everything’s a lie, so much for growth and trying to let loose, and not letting things die. The sun rises back up in the deep of night, to remind us that from this darkness, there comes alight.


About the Creator

Goosey Q.

A Portfolio of Written Pieces from Poetry & Reviews, to Positive Affirmations & Mental Health. This page is to Inform, Educate, & Inspire people to take a positive outlook on life while relating to struggles that we have or haven’t faced.

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