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The six most mysterious urban legends from around the globe

urban legend ghost stories

By iqra bibiPublished about a year ago 8 min read
The six most mysterious urban legends from around the globe
Photo by Linus Sandvide on Unsplash

Hello, I'm iqra, and I'm from the Midwest. I love to campaign because there isn't much to do there, and I've actually asked people to hang out at Walmart on a Friday night. When you camp, you have to build a fire, roast marshmallows, and tell scary stories because Halloween is coming up. I'm going to give you some super scary story tips to get you ready for your next ring as a super scary storyteller.

I love urban legends because they are frequently thrilling stories with many folkloric elements and they all seem like they could possibly be true so, even though they are called urban legends, I like to think that there is some truth to every story and since I felt wet reading the story, here are some of the scariest urban legends from around the world to prepare you for your next ring as super scary story champion.

Here are some of the most terrifying urban legends from around the world. I love urban legends because they are frequently exciting tales that incorporate numerous folkloric elements and they all seem plausible enough to be true, so even though they are called urban legends, I like to believe that there is some truth to each one. However, since I got squeamish while reading the tales I used in this story, you should exercise caution before reading it.

Examine your closets. Check under the bed, keep the light on, and perhaps prepare an episode of Friends to watch after this as a sort of chaser. I personally suggest the NAP partner’s episode. All right guys, let's start with number one.

Seeded sesame this tale is set in Korea, where a young woman was concerned about the aging and wrinkling of her skin. She was the kind of person who would almost try every remedy to improve her skin when shopping. She immediately tried this method after learning from a friend that adding sesame seeds to the water of your bath would be beneficial for your skin. However, after spending several hours in the bathtub, she would still not exit; instead, she would only say, "Just a moment." When her mother became suspicious and forced open the locked bathroom door, she was horrified to discover that countless sesame seeds had attached themselves. Every single wrinkle and pore in the girl's skin and have begun to sprout roots The girl appeared to be normal and was feverishly trying to remove the seeds with a toothpick, but only succeeded in cutting her skin. In addition, number two Technic Tech is the ghost of a Japanese schoolgirl who haunts two train stations in Japan. In life, this girl was stunning but she was also very jittery, and people would frequently play practical jokes on her. One day at the train station after school, her friends decided to put a bug on her shoulder. She was so startled that she fell off the platform and was hit by a train.

In order to make her victims feel their own pain, she has been known to kill people with her sight and split them in half. She now stalks the train stations of Japan while dragging herself with her elbows and occasionally her hands. She goes by the name Tech Tech because when she claws around, her elbow makes the sound 8 Tech Tech. This legend also tells the tale of a boy.

who came into contact with tech at his school one day as a boy left school very late he saw a beautiful girl just standing in the window but he felt this was very strange as he wondered why a beautiful girl was just standing in the window especially since she was inside a boys-only building then the girl hates herself out of the window revealing that

She lacked legs. The youngster immediately split in two as he froze in terror number 3.

The sounds of children laughing are the happiest thing in life, the woman in grey knows , until it's the middle of the night and you're alone. There's simply something about children that makes every eerie situation even worse, whether they're laughing or sobbing.

So I don't think I would have done what these guys did in the following urban legend, which is set in the Midwest and features two young men working in a small store when they noticed a small woman entering and heading towards the dairy section. She took a bottle of milk and left the store without paying, and the workers hurried out to look for her, but she was nowhere to be found.

The woman soon returned to the store, headed straight for the dairy section, took a bottle of milk, and once more left without paying. When it happened a third time, the men were prepared and were able to follow her through the main streets of the middle town. When they noticed that she had turned onto a dirt road, which is where they lost her, they briefly explored the area.

They then continued on and came across a cemetery they'd never seen before this is where I would have promptly peed my pants and ran away but They followed the sound to a recently dug grave and then found some shovels and dug up the coffin when they opened the lid they found the recently deceased body of the woman in grey and in her arms was a crying baby.

Alongside them were three empty milk bottles. The fourth urban legend, Cal Head, is so terrifying that no one even knows what it is, according to lore. In the 17th century, a short story about Cal Head was found in Japan. Several written references to the story were found, but they only mentioned the title and the fact that the tale was too horrifying to be told.

The narrative was thought to be so terrifying that anyone who reads it will quiver wildly for days till they pass out from fear that only parts of the original tale remain today due to the fact that the majority of copies were destroyed and the few copies still in existence were divided into portions. According to one rumor, a primary school teacher took his students on a field trip because he intended to amuse them.

After only one sentence, the children with ghost stories announced that he was going to tell the forbidden story of cow head. Children began to scream and beg the teacher to stop telling them the story, but he appeared to be in some sort of trance and would not relent. An hour later, the teacher regained consciousness and discovered that the bus had crashed into a ditch, and all the children had perished.

The bus driver was slouched over the group of children who were all out cold and were frothing at the lips. Here’s the strange part: I just told everyone about this ludicrous cursed narrative that was probably dreamed up by the Japanese Crypt Keeper and nobody knows what happened to the instructor in the students to this day. whoever hears it would be so terrified that they would eventually pass away from fear, but you know what, I bet there are a lot of you who

Are now searching for the entire version of the story online, so let me know if you succeed in doing so and if you do, where you discovered it but come on folks, what have we learned from horror films? You never ended your relationship despite being warned not to number 5, parents should never let their children read. The only other person at the bus stop for the midnight bus in Beijing was a young man who was attempting to go home because it was so late and the streets were essentially deserted.

Stop with him was a senior citizen. There were no other passengers as they both boarded the midnight bus after a while, the bus stopped, and two new passengers boarded and sat behind the driver. A short while later, the old man suddenly began yelling at the young man, accusing him of stealing his wallet. The young man was irate at the accusation, and their arguments quickly escalated to the point where the old man forced him to settle their differences at the closest police station.

When the bus accelerated away, the old man was no longer there. The young man reluctantly agreed, and they both exited the vehicle. When the young man asked what was going on, the old man was irate and looked relieved, to which the latter replied, "I just saved our lives." The young man was perplexed, to which the older man replied, "Yeah, but what the old man said unlike you I took a closer look they have no feet they were just floating on air."

Those two weren't people. The following day, the news was all about the missing midnight bus and its companions. When the police eventually discovered the bus, they discovered the driver's horribly decomposed body inside. When they checked the petrol tank, they discovered blood instead of gasoline number 6

The white death. The narrative is rather ominous. It tells the story of a young Scottish girl who despised life and wished to erase all memories of herself.

The Day this young girl committed suicide, and days later every member of her family learned what she had done. When you learn about the White Death, the girl's ghost is rumored to knock on your door first. She will knock once for your skin, which she will use to patch her rotting flesh, twice for your hair, and three times for your bones. The legend claims that when you learn about the White Death, the girl's family was killed with their limbs severed.

Which she will cut from your hearts and make it into clubs four times each knock gets louder until you open the door and she kills you out of fear that you'll tell someone else about her existence. No matter where you go, the white Death will track you down. Your chest five times for your teeth, which she will keep in a box, six times for your eyes, which she will pluck out one by one, and seven times for your soul, which she will swallow whole. Every knock becomes louder until you answer the door, at which point she shoots you out of fear that you'll let someone know. No matter where you go, the White Death will find you, and if you tell anyone of her existence, she will kill you and then start pursuing the person you told. Oh, can I just realize what I did here? What if that story was true, and now that I've told everyone about her existence, you know, don't go answering that, okay? Any unexpected raps on the door that’s generally sound counsel, right? Okay, that's simply terrifying if I don't hear from you folks soon, you'll know what occurred and should keep your doors secured. I'm going to find out who that is.


About the Creator

iqra bibi

  • Hi! I am iqra talented writer with a passion for storytelling. Since a young age I have been captivated by the power of words to evoke emotion and transport readers to new worlds.My writing is characterized by ivivid imagery themes.

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    iqra bibiWritten by iqra bibi

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