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The Mansion's Dark Secret


By Hashim NawazPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Mansion's Dark Secret
Photo by Fabian Wiktor on Unsplash

The old abandoned mansion had always been a topic of interest for the locals. It had been there for centuries, intact and abandoned, nestled deep in the forest. But nobody dared to venture inside. Tales of strange and inexplicable events have been passed down from generation to generation that have always made people tremble with fear.

But one day, a group of teenagers decide to explore the area. They had heard rumors of hidden treasure and were determined to find it. They walked through the forest, through thick underbrush, until they reached the mansion. The house was in a state of disrepair, with boarded-up windows and rotten wooden doors. They pushed the door open and the creak echoed through the empty corridors. They stepped further in, and the sound of their footsteps echoed through the corridors. The air grew colder as they entered, and the smell of mold and decay filled their nostrils.. It was as if the villa were alive and watching them.

They searched the first floor but found nothing. They climbed the stairs to the second floor and then felt a shiver run down their spines. The atmosphere changed and they felt like they were being watched. They tried to get rid of this feeling and continued their search.

The second floor was much larger than the first, with several rooms in the corridor. They entered the first room, which was empty. The second room was the same as the third. But when they entered the fourth room, they saw something that made their blood run cold.

A figure stood with its back to them in the corner of the room. It wore old-fashioned clothes, a wide-brimmed hat and a long coat. The figure didn't move or make a sound. The teenagers froze in horror and stared at the figure.

Suddenly the figure turned and they saw that its face was deformed and disfigured, with sunken eyes and an open mouth. It let out a low growl and the boys ran out of the room and down the hallway as fast as they could. They heard footsteps behind them and knew they weren't alone in the villa.

They ran down the stairs and when they reached the ground floor, they found that the building had changed. The walls were no longer covered in peeling wallpaper and the boards were no longer rotting. Instead, the walls were painted dark red and the floorboards were beaming and gleaming. They heard a voice behind them and turned to see a figure standing at the top of the stairs. He let out a horrible scream and the boys ran to the door. But the door had disappeared and they were trapped inside the mansion.

They looked for a way out, but the mansion turned into a labyrinth with winding corridors and hidden rooms. They heard strange noises and saw shadows moving out of the corner of their eyes. They tried to be reasonable, but the fear was overwhelming.

They came into a room full of old paintings. All of the pictures showed the same character, wearing the same old-fashioned clothes they had seen before. The character had a sinister appearance with a smirk on its face.

As they looked at the paintings, they found that the figure was looking at them. The paintings began to move and a figure emerged from the screen and stared at the teenagers. They tried to run, but the figure was too quick and grabbed them one by one and dragged them into the paintings.

The teenagers were trapped in the paintings and could not escape. They were surrounded by darkness, with the figure looming over them. It spoke in a raspy voice, telling them that they were never going to leave the mansion alive.

They screamed and begged for mercy, but the figure was relentless. It began to torture them, subjecting them to unspeakable horrors that left them broken and traumatized. They lost track of time, and it felt like an eternity had passed.

But then something changed. The figure began to fade and the images began to crumble. A bright light pierced the darkness and the teenagers were drawn to it as if by an invisible force.

They came out of the paintings stunned and disoriented. They found themselves in a room other than the mansion. It was modern with clean lines and minimal decor. They looked at each other, unsure if what had happened was real or just a nightmare.

When they tried to leave the room, they found the door locked. They were arrested again. But this time they heard the sound of a woman's voice. She sang a lullaby, an eerie tune that sent shivers down his spine.

The woman's voice grew louder and they realized It was coming from an adjoining room. They followed the sound and found themselves in the nursery. The room was empty except for the bed, which was rocking back and forth.

They approached the cradle and saw a child in it. The baby was crying and they tried to comfort it.But then the boy's face changed and took on the same distorted shape that had bothered her in the mansion.

They tried to escape, but the door was still locked. The figure laughed and spoke in the same raspy voice as before. It told them that they would never leave, that they were trapped forever.

But then the woman's voice grew louder and the figure began to fade.The door opened and the teenagers ran out of the room, down the hall, and out of the building.

They went out into the sun and saw that the mansion was gone. In its place was a beautiful garden where flowers bloomed and birds sang. They looked at each other, relieved it was over.

But then they saw something that made their blood run cold.They saw a figure standing at the edge of the garden watching them. He smiled and disappeared into the shadows.

teenagers knew they would never be the same again. They have witnessed something inexplicable, something that has shattered their perception of reality. They will always carry with them the memory of the villa and the horror that took place within its walls.


About the Creator

Hashim Nawaz

A Med Student and a story writter.both go side by side,writing stories so to run my expenses

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    HNWritten by Hashim Nawaz

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