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The Dark Forest


By Hashim NawazPublished about a year ago 5 min read
The Dark Forest
Photo by Rosie Sun on Unsplash

John loved hiking and exploring new trails. One day he decided to travel alone through a dense forest where he had never been before. As he walked deeper into the forest, he noticed that the trees were getting crammed and the light was fading.

Suddenly he heard a rustling behind him. He turned but saw nothing.He shrugged it off and continued walking. But the rustling sounds continued, getting closer and louder with every step he took.

John started to feel uneasy. He looked around but couldn't see anything in the darkness. He tried to retrace his steps, but he realized that he was lost.Panic spread and his heart pounded.

Just then, he heard a low growl coming from the bushes. He froze, not knowing what to do. Suddenly a pair of bright red eyes appeared in the darkness. It was a big wolf, growling and baring its teeth.

John started to run, but the wolf chased him, its eyes glistening in the dark. John knew he couldn't outrun it so he looked for a hiding place. He spotted an old abandoned shack in the distance and ran towards it.

When he entered the hut, he found that it was not empty. An older man was sitting in the corner staring at him blankly.John tried to speak to the man but he didn't answer. He was starting to feel like he was being watched.

Suddenly he heard a wolf howling outside and it seemed to be approaching. John knew he had to leave the cabin, but he couldn't help but think that something was wrong with the old man. As he neared the door, he saw the old man's eyes following him.

John opened the door and ran as fast as he could. But the wolf was still chasing him. He heard its footsteps approaching. Just when he thought it was going to lunge at him, he woke up in his bed, drenched in sweat.

John thought it was just a nightmare but when he looked out the window he saw a pair of red eyes glowing in the dark staring at him.

John, although devastated by the nightmare, decides to take another trip the next day. He couldn't let his fears keep him from doing what he loved. This time, however, he took extra precautions by carrying a GPS device and a whistle in case of an emergency.

Following the trail, John couldn't help but feel followed. Every rustle of leaves made him wince and every snap of a twig made his heart beat faster.But he overpower his fears and moved on.

Suddenly he heard a loud growl and turned to see the wolf from his nightmare just a few feet away. This time John was ready. He had a hunting knife with him. Suddenly he heard a loud growl, turned around and saw the wolf from his nightmare and knew how to defend himself.

The wolf pounced on him, but John insisted. He waited until the wolf was close enough, then lunged forward with the knife and slashed at its neck.The wolf howled in pain and kept charging, but John managed to dodge his claws and strike again. This time the wolf fell lifeless to the ground.

John is relieved to find that he has overcome his fear and defended himself against the wolf. He knew he had taken his own life, but he also knew it was necessary for his safety.

As he continued on his way, he felt pride and a sense of accomplishment.He faced his worst nightmare and emerged victorious. From that day on, he felt more confident and confident knowing he had what it took to survive in the wild.

As John looked at the dead wolf, he realized that he had just taken a life. He felt a mixture of emotions: relief, fear, guilt, and a strange pride.

He knew that killing the wolf was necessary for his safety, but he also knew that he had just ended his life.He couldn't help but wonder if there was another way to protect himself without resorting to violence.

It took John a moment to catch his breath and gather his thoughts. He sat on a nearby log and tried to figure out what had just happened. He looked around and noticed that it was deeper than ever in the forest. He realized he had lost track of time and didn't know how to get back to his car.

Sitting there, he remembered the old man from his nightmare. He wondered if the man was real and if he could help him find his way. He decided to continue in the direction he was headed, hoping to meet the old man or some other trace of civilization.

As he walked, he couldn't help feeling that he was being watched. He heard leaves rustling behind him, but turned and saw nothing. He felt a shiver run down his spine and picked up the pace.

After hours of walking, John came across an old cabin. It looked deserted, but he hoped it would provide shelter and security for the night. As she approached the cabin, he noticed that the door was slightly ajar. He carefully opened it and entered.

The cabin was dark and smelled musty.There were cobwebs in the corners and the furniture was covered in dust. John looked around but saw no one. Deciding to make himself at home, he lit a fire in the fireplace.

As he was warming himself by the fire, he heard a wolf howl in the distance. It seemed to be getting closer.John's heart began to race as he realized he could be in danger again. He wondered if he'd made the right decision coming into the cabin.

At that moment he heard a knock at the door. He froze, not knowing what to do. He wondered if it was the old man from him nightmare or someone else.He walked slowly to the door and looked through the peephole.

To his relief, he saw a ranger standing outside. He quickly opened the door and explained his situation. The attendant helped him find his way back to the car and made sure it was safe.

During the drive, John couldn't stop thinking about the day's events. realized he had faced his worst fears and walked away. He killed the wolf in self-defense and found refuge in an abandoned hut. He felt proud and fulfilled knowing he had what it took to survive in the wilderness.

But he also knew he was lucky. He was dangerously close to getting lost in the forest or being attacked by a wild animal.He knew he had to be more careful in the future and always be prepared for the unexpected.

urban legend

About the Creator

Hashim Nawaz

A Med Student and a story writter.both go side by side,writing stories so to run my expenses

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    HNWritten by Hashim Nawaz

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