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The Abandoned Hospital


By Hashim NawazPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Abandoned hospitals always have an eerie and unsettling vibe, and the abandoned St. Agatha's Hospital was no exception. The hospital had been closed for decades, and the once pristine building was now dilapidated and overrun by nature. People had often reported strange noises coming from the hospital, but no one had ever been brave enough to investigate. That is until a group of teenagers decided to explore the hospital on a dare.

The group consisted of five teenagers - Tom, Emily, Mike, Lisa, and Jake. They had heard the rumors about the haunted hospital and wanted to explore it for themselves. They planned to sneak into the hospital at night and explore the entire building. They packed flashlights, snacks, and some water, and set off towards the hospital.

As they approached the hospital, they could see that the building was in a state of disrepair. The windows were boarded up, and the walls were covered in graffiti. Tom found a loose board on one of the windows and managed to pry it open. The group crawled through the window and found themselves inside the hospital.

The air inside the hospital was stale and musty. The group could hear the sound of their footsteps echoing through the empty halls. They explored the first floor, which was the hospital's main reception area. The reception area was littered with old medical equipment, and the desks were covered in dust and cobwebs.

As they made their way through the hospital, they heard strange noises coming from the upper floors. Emily suggested they should turn back, but the rest of the group wanted to continue exploring. They climbed the stairs to the second floor, where the patient rooms were located. The doors to the patient rooms were closed, but some of them were slightly ajar.

Mike pushed open one of the doors, and the group peered inside. The room was dark, and they could barely see anything. They flashed their flashlights around the room and saw a figure lying in one of the beds. They quickly realized it was a life-sized doll that had been left behind. However, the doll's eyes seemed to follow them as they moved around the room.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from the end of the hallway. It sounded like something heavy was being dragged across the floor. The group froze in fear and listened. The sound seemed to be getting closer and closer. They turned around to run, but the door was now closed, and they were trapped inside the room.

They tried to push the door open, but it wouldn't budge. That's when they realized that the door had been locked from the outside. The group was now stuck in the room with no way out. They could hear the sound getting closer, and the door started to rattle violently.

Just then, the door swung open, and the group ran out of the room as fast as they could. They could hear footsteps coming from behind them, and they knew they had to find a place to hide. They ran into one of the other patient rooms and hid under the beds. They could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer, and the sound of heavy breathing.

The footsteps stopped, and the group could hear someone or something breathing heavily. They could see a shadow moving underneath the door. Suddenly, the door swung open, and they saw a figure standing in the doorway. The figure was tall and dark, and it had no face.

The group screamed and ran out of the room. They ran down the hallway and down the stairs, but the figure was still chasing them. They finally made it to the main entrance, and they could see the light of day outside. They pushed open the door and ran out of the hospital.

As they ran


About the Creator

Hashim Nawaz

A Med Student and a story writter.both go side by side,writing stories so to run my expenses

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    HNWritten by Hashim Nawaz

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