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The Haunting of Grimwood Hollow

Lost in the Grim Forest: A Chilling Tale of Descent and Darkness

By GrimTaleTellerPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

One day, Raj was coming back from the market after buying vegetables. He was on his way to home in the car when suddenly his car broke down in the middle of the road, when he checked it, he gets to know that his tire was punctured. So, he checked his trunk for a spare tire, but he doesn’t found one. He checked his surrounding to know where he is, but cannot exactly know as only thing around him was long tall and deep grasses. He checked his phone to know if there was any repair shop nearby, but there was no network in that area and his phone battery was also pretty low. He waited 15-20 minutes in the hope that someone will come and help him, but 30 minutes passed and no one came. With no option left, he decided to go in the deep forest in the hope that he will find someone on the other side, who can help him. As he was going deeper and deeper in the forest, he was getting a little scared as it was already night time, and he can hear some animals around him grunting and howling. And then he reached the center of that forest and there he found a bucket laying upside down on the ground, he was scared to lift it as there was a very disgusting smell coming from it but also curious to know what was inside. So, he slowly lifted it up and under it, he found a newborn’s burned body. He was so scared after seeing that he fell backwards and hit his head on the rock and was unconscious. When he wake up, he found himself in the center of the forest with his hands tied backward on a big wooden stick and the bucket was also not there. He tried untying himself and after a lot of struggle he was able to get out. He ran in the forest to get out of that place, after running for a long time, he realized that there is no way out and he was stuck there forever, then he heard some footsteps and a little hope rise in him that he can be saved, so he went towards the direction from where the footsteps were coming from. Then, he saw some tribal people with spear and axes, he ran towards them in the hope that they will save him. But he was knocked unconscious by one of them. When he wake up, he felt a sharp pain in his body, when he looked around, he saw that his hands and legs were pierced on a cross and there were some masked people around him chanting in another language. When he opened his mouth to scream, blood came out of his mouth and he realized that they had cut his tongue. After sometime, they all stopped chanting and then a tall man with a goat’s head came forward from among them and then whispered something in his ears and then put something in his mouth, and forcefully make him eat it, after which he started feeling a lot of pain in his stomach like something was trying to get out, his stomach burst open and a child with horns came out, it was the Devil who has been reborn on earth. And Raj died on spot. His blood was been drank by the child.

On the next day, there was a poster in the town that a Boy named Raj was missing. Police searched for him for a long time, but they got nothing. So, it was assumed that he was dead. Even his car and the forest had disappeared. Nobody knows where he suddenly went, it’s like he disappeared all of a sudden.

urban legend

About the Creator


From the depths of shadow, GrimTaleTeller arises, weaving chilling tales that grip sanity and dance with darkness. Venture forth cautiously into their haunting realm, where nightmares become real.

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