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And then just like that, the sound of her son's laughter kept Thu awake all night long....

By HK DecorPublished 17 days ago 9 min read

Her husband went to school far away from home, so Thu alone had to take care of everything in the family. From matters of children to matters of parents-in-law, the little woman keeps rolling and diving into work.

They were married for a week when Quyet learned that the master's scholarship he applied for had been accepted. Her husband's "joy" made Thu burst into tears and until the plane soared high into the air, there was still one thing in Thu that made her tears choke at the bottom of her throat: Thu was pregnant. ..1 week old.

It's been two years since Quyet went to school away from home, and Minh is almost 2 years old. Surprisingly, the boy resembles his father so he is handsome, plump and very adorable. I don't know if it was God's test or because Thu wasn't smart, but Minh became more and more anorexic, sleeping all day and staying up at night.

The nurse takes care of everything in the hospital during the day, but at night is hard because of her small and pitiful son... Several times, people caught Thu falling asleep on the duty desk, everyone felt sorry for her and couldn't bear to hit her. awake. She became visibly thinner - the 25 year old woman was now more emaciated and less beautiful.

Quyet also realized that through skype chats with Thu...he also tormented a lot, blaming himself, blaming his parents for being too old and weak, blaming his beloved child for making Thu work hard. Fortunately, in just a few months, he will return, be a husband, a son, and a father to help Thu's hardships.

I love my miserable wife

Today, the hospital had an operation. A woman had difficulty giving birth. Doctors and nurses like Thu had to struggle to get the pregnant woman out of her critical condition. Thu was allowed to leave early to rest. Coming home, Thu was shocked to see Uncle Minh climbing onto the altar in the corner of the house and sitting on it. Thu shouted:

- What do Minh's parents look like?

The couple slowly walked out of the room. Seeing the little boy hanging around, they couldn't help but be shocked.

- Children are just playing around.

- There is only one thing that grandparents can do at home to look after their grandchildren. If something happens to him, can you guys handle it? - Thu was angry and quickly climbed up to carry Minh down.

The boy struggled and cried. Thu used her hand to slap his butt a few times, it clearly hurt. The grandparents ran back and grabbed the child, making Thu feel even more frustrated and hit the child harder. Mother cried, children cried, grandparents cried...the whole house was loud.

- Mom, you said you wanted to play with Minh - the little boy shook his mother's hand.

- Which sister? Thu asked again.

- That little sister.

- Which sister?

- That's my sister.

- I don't have a sister. Well, sleep well, son.

Minh closed his eyes and fell asleep. Maybe he cried so much that he fell asleep immediately. Thinking back to the scene that afternoon, Thu felt sorry for her child and felt sorry for her parents. Let's sleep, tomorrow morning Thu will make up for it.

- Mom said sleep.

Thu suddenly woke up, there was a sound of talking. Thu turned to her child and rubbed his back:

- Maybe I'm so tired that's why I'm here.

Then it was Thu who fell asleep first...she was too tired from everything.

tired of it all

- Mom said, you put this amulet on Minh, I'll go to the temple to get it in the morning - mother-in-law cooed and put a small red bag in Thu's hand, hooked on a silver chain.

Thu smiled, thinking: "Mom is superstitious again." Thu put a necklace around her son's neck.

For several weeks now, Thu hasn't had a chance to talk to him. Every time Thu comes home from work, he falls asleep. Today was no different. Thu gently kissed her child's forehead and then started cleaning the house. Suddenly hearing a baby crying, Thu rushed to her room. Cu Minh didn't understand why he kept crying miserably, his hands kept tightening the silver rope around his neck. Thu panicked and ran back to hug her child.

The boy's face was pale because he had trouble breathing. Thu quickly put her hand behind her child's neck and snatched the silver necklace. The boy let his body hang down, clung to his mother in fear, and sobbed:

- You hit me! Mom, you hit me.

The first time I didn't believe it, but the second and third times like this made Thu start to think.

Laying her child down on the bed, Thu looked intently at her sleeping child. Sit in the hammock, where a large mirror reflects the bed where your son is sleeping. Hands quickly typing on the keyboard, occasionally not forgetting to look at the child through that big mirror.

Laughter echoed throughout the room. Cu Minh's eyes were closed, it wasn't like he was smiling. Thu quickly ran into her grandparents' room. No, the two old grandparents still slept soundly.

The laughter grew louder and louder. It was like a gust of wind blew across my spine. Thu stood still, her arms and legs shaking - there was someone, right next to her.

Thu turned her gaze over her shoulder, there was nothing. "Meow" a pure black cat brazenly looked at Thu challengingly. Thu stomped her feet really hard. The cat rushed forward and hugged Thu tightly. She was scared, screamed loudly, shook her body vigorously, her arms and legs swung wildly.

In response to Thu's cry for help, there was only an angry "Meow" from the cat clutching her neck. Its claws drew quite a few lines on Thu's neck that were bleeding. Thu cried in despair... and the sound of children's laughter, the sound of cats meowing... Thu gradually fell asleep...


- Hey... Thu... why are you sleeping like this? - Mother-in-law caresses her daughter-in-law who falls asleep in a hammock in the middle of the house.

Thu woke up, her face still filled with panic. She hugged her mother-in-law:

- Mom, there's a ghost!!!

- Oh my god, I have a fever. My forehead is hot here. Go to bed, why are you both feverish at the same time? The mother-in-law clicked her tongue and turned away.

Thu was startled and rushed to her child's side. The baby had a fever so hot, holding him in her arms made Thu's whole body hot.

- Mom, Minh is in so much pain - the little boy cried.

- Where do you hurt? – Thu gently comforted it.

- You hit me on the head and neck, mother - the boy whispered.

- Where are you? – Thu asked again

- You're sitting there, Mom - then the boy pointed towards the altar in the corner of the house.

Thu looked at her child's hand. She screamed loudly and sat down on the ground. The mother-in-law rushed up again.

- What happened again? Star? Star?

- That little girl...on...on...the altar... - Thu trembled.

- There is no one - the mother was bewildered.

- She's standing like that but I can't see it - Thu shouted - there's that girl wearing a black dress.

The old mother panicked, knelt down on the ground and prayed, muttering prayers...

baby ghost

"Xoc". The incense bowl fell to the floor, ash flew everywhere, and the girl's bright laughter echoed throughout the whole house. Minh's younger brother suddenly started crying. Thu regained her composure and shouted: "Put down the flower vase." The mother-in-law looked at Thu in fear, the flower vase made another "clang" sound and then burst on the floor. The little girl jumped to the ground, leaned close to her face and glared at Thu.

- Damn it - Thu shouted.

- Who's the bastard? – the little girl growled.

Thu bit her lip tightly, drawing blood, her teeth chattering.

- It's because of you that my mother killed me... it's because of you that I'm hungry... who's the bad guy? – The girl's voice hissed intermittently, sounding full of blame and hatred. He rushed in and grabbed Minh's brother from Thu's hand.

The boy cried, Thu cried, Thu's mother-in-law cried out loud:

- Grandma please... please... please... forgive... me.

- I'm not a bad boy - the girl shouted straight at her face again.

Thu didn't understand, didn't understand anything, the only thing Thu knew was that her son was being held tightly around the neck by a black hand. The boy's face turned purple, then gradually faded away.

"N...h...o...n...g" Thu screamed: "What are you doing to my child?" Thu rushed in to fight for the boy and the child. The weak mother-in-law also rushed into this fight. She grabbed her hair and pulled it back.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" the little girl screamed angrily, her eyes were red, she growled, looked at Thu and then turned to her mother:

- Grandma...you die with me.

The little girl let go of Minh, and Thu quickly grabbed him and hugged him. "Bump" Thu quickly turned back. "Oh my god...mother" that evil girl pushed her mother-in-law hard against the wall, blood oozing from the top of her head...her eyes opened wide...she was dead...dead. Thu was scared and looked at her:

- I beg you...I don't know anything...forgive me because he is my younger brother - Thu bowed and begged Luc.

- Hahaha.....the creepy laughter filled the room. It was neither high-pitched nor bright, but had a ghostly echo, like someone was rubbing iron in Thu's head.

Suddenly, seeing someone passing by, Thu quickly shouted for help: "Just...". The black hand, slimy with fishy liquid, squeezed her mouth tightly: "Scream loudly....ha ha ha...scream loudly, I can hear you." The little girl laughed savagely again.

Cu Minh kept sobbing... he whispered strange languages ​​in his mouth... Thu didn't care... what Thu wanted right now was to end it all... nightmares? Nightmares are just unpleasant dreams. Thu reassured herself like that.

"Xoc". Thu looked up in surprise. Thu's wedding photo had broken into sharp pieces of glass. The girl took a piece of paper and cut hateful lines across Thu's photo. Taking this opportunity, Thu stood up and ran away frantically...

The girl is wearing a black dress

- The boy is okay, just leave him here, I want to talk to you outside - the monk gently comforted Thu.

- Yes - Thu replied simply. That's right...you don't have the strength to do anything.

Thu slowly followed the teacher to the main hall. The monk pondered, then pointed to the photo on the small table containing pictures of living beings.

- This girl died because she was abandoned - the monk spoke slowly - she went crazy and slit her stomach to take the child...she died.

- I don't really understand - Thu asked again

- She is your husband's ex-lover - the monk stared into Thu's eyes - Because of you, he and his family abandoned her, she became frustrated, went crazy, and died like that.

- What about the child in the black dress on the altar? - Thu asked back.

- In the past, people worshiped that altar, but now no one even pays attention to it, huhuhu...- the crying got louder...

- Teacher... - Thu is scared

- And that child is me - Thu gasped. Everything is changing. The temple was suddenly dilapidated and old, and the monk was that evil girl in the black dress.

- K..H..O...N..G - Thu shouted and the response was her loud laughter.

The wind outside whipped the trees, then crept through the hollows of the houses, whistling.

- I'm afraid we should wait for dad to come home - she said then took Minh's hand and walked out the door.

- No... - Thu stood up and ran after her. A beam fell in front of Thu and caught fire. Thu screamed and cried, pulling the beam out of the door...

Fire... the whole temple was on fire... hot... Thu lay in the middle of the fire, it sounded like someone was shouting fire. Minh's brother followed her... looked back at Thu... and smiled.

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About the Creator

HK Decor

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (1)

  • Ken aquariums6 days ago

    It's great, I hope there will be more articles to come

HK DecorWritten by HK Decor

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