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The Feast

Zeal's Arrival

By Lillian CrummeyPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

There are rules and if you want to break those rules feel free. Just don’t think you’ll be able to come crying to me. Not that I wouldn’t want to help you, it’s just you might not make it back to me in the first place. So for your sake follow the rules won’t you, the main ones are fairly simple. Rules are as follows: never leave the compound at night, don’t approach other pods, wear protective gear, and always double-tap a zale.

Now, what brought upon these rules? The end of the world as it was obvious. It was a surprise when the floods and fires came, nobody was prepared for the disastrous wrath. Some say the disasters were cleansing the land of our modern inventions brought by divinity. Others say it was purely our own actions that brought them down upon us. When the floods and fires ceased there were only a few humans left. And to no one's surprise, they became greedy and dangerous in the pursuit of self-preservation. That slowly changed when zales started to appear and people needed to rely on one another to survive their attacks. Surely we would have been wiped out if we didn’t form groups or pods, as they are now called. Thus compounds were formed as safe places and strongholds. I was lucky enough to escape into a compound with my mother when it was first made. She was deemed a valuable asset because she was an OB/GYN doctor and could help aid any current and future pregnancies. I was her one clause to join, I had to be able to join, they were reluctant but they ultimately deemed it worth it. That 15 years ago now, sadly my mother is no longer with us she and her squad were removed by a group of zales, while on a scouting mission.

The only thing I have left of her and the world of the past is a silver heart-shaped locket with a photo of us inside. I often keep it hidden under my shirt and close to my heart so she is always with me and to ensure it doesn't get taken. You see, metal is a precious commodity no matter its substance of making. Anything metal that could be spared to reinforce the compound walls were taken to do so. It did not matter the sentimental value or meanings behind such jewelry and other objects. It's important to keep things that matter so that we don’t lose our humanity. Without our humanity what makes us better than the zales at our door.

Now you may be wondering what a zale is. They appeared shortly after the fires and floods receded. Appearances among them vary greatly, but for the most part, they are some sort of animal and human hybrid. As for their behavior, think of if the appetite of a zombie and the speed of a vampire met to form the ultimate monster of nightmares. They usually travel in packs of at least 5 but can go up to about 15 until they start to turn on each other. Know this if you have spotted them they have most definitely spotted you. And don’t fall into the trap of thinking you are safe. If you see one, there is certainly more to follow. The best advice I can give is to hold formation and get out of there as soon as you can. Though truly no squadron is promised to return, no matter how skilled. It is all luck. Just as it was luck that we survived the fall of the world or were brought into the world by those that did.

If a zale hadn’t removed you from your squad and you made it back you were likely infected by it. They mirror zombies that way, their bite or scratches will lead to transformation. That’s why upon reentry into the compound, scout squads are put through rigorous decontamination and body inspection to ensure the safety of those who lie within. This is also the reason behind the rule to stay away from other pods. The safety of the pod and compound is at stake if an infected member of another pod were to enter.

As a scouting and guard squad member, I have had to watch as people have come to our gate seeking refuge. Either because their pod separated or they were kicked out. Very rarely are people allowed to go through inspection than allowed entry into the compound. Those people are often like how my mother was, deemed to have valuable assets. Those assets made them worth the extra mouth to feed and protection to be provided. More often than not though, people were left to their own defenses outside the compound. Other cases of acceptance to the pod are when children approach the compound. Whether they are with their parents or not, the children will be accepted as long as they aren't infected.

Unfortunately, our pod is running low on supplies and there has to be a scouting mission done to replenish our stocks. Normally, it is likely that a member or two could be removed on these trips. That is normal for the majority of the year, this time of year is not normal though. We call these two months of the year, the feast. During the Feast, zales are especially deadly and rabid. It’s as though their animalistic nature is multiplied 100 fold and any thought they may have is lost. It is not uncommon that scouting groups that leave the safety of the compound at this time are highly likely to be removed entirely. Though when the pod needs supplies, it needs supplies. So my squad and I will be venturing out into the vastness of what lies beyond the compound's walls.

I have planned for a month the exact route and exit strategies that could be applied should things go wrong. No matter what plans and escape plans are made, there is always a chance of failure. With a quick kiss to the pendant on my neck, I made my way to the rest of my squad waiting by our carrier. With a nod to the guards and an all-clear from the lookouts, the gate was opened. As soon as the back tires cleared the gates were once again sealed and radio silence issued. Instead of a barren wasteland as one may expect from an apocalypse, the land was lush and green. It was beautiful if you ignored the screeches and howls of the zeals running in the distance.

Sooner than expected we arrived at our first search location, an abandoned hospital. It was in better condition than I expected. Something strange hung over the hospital, with a signal for extra precautions we headed in. Everything went smoothly and most supplies needed were gathered. Upon regrouping at our carrier, I noticed that our group of 6 was now 5. Something certainly was wrong when the 6th member of our squad did not return.

Making the tough decision, I decided we must push forward to our next location, a field. In which a flower grows that helps aid the fevers that come in the winter. Entering the field was a great risk, it was a wide-open space that didn’t allow for good coverage. That thought proved to be true; two more squad members in that field were removed by zeals. Dropping our squad countdown to 3, which isn’t a safe number to be traveling in at this time. It was time to return though there were supposed to be three more stops, I don’t want to risk the removal of any more squad members to zeals. At least that’s what I had hoped to do, it wasn’t meant to be. Before I could get us back to the compound, we were surrounded by zeals. One of the largest packs I have ever seen. Noticing that my removal would be soon, I grabbed onto my pendant and placed one last kiss on it.


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    LCWritten by Lillian Crummey

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