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The cursed forest where people disappear without a trace.

Horror Story 35

By AshDream_StoryPublished about a year ago 7 min read

In the heart of the thick timber, there was a place that the locals appertained to as" The Cursed timber." It was said that once you entered, you would noway return. No bone

knew where the missing people went, but the only thing that remained of them were their vestiges that suddenly ended.

One summer, a group of audacious youthful people decided to explore the accursed timber, despite the multitudinous warnings from the locals. The group comported of five musketeers John, Rachel, Tom, Sara, and Michael. They packed their packs with inventories and headed towards the timber.

As they walked further into the timber, they began to notice that the trees looked different than any they had seen ahead. The branches were twisted and gnarled, and the leaves were a sickly shade of green. The group felt uneasy, but they continued on, believing that they were just being paranoid.

As the sun began to set, they realized that they had lost their way. The trees sounded to move and change position, making it insolvable to determine which direction to take. Suddenly, they heard strange noises expiring

from the timber. They sounded like whispers, but they could not make out any words.

The group began to horrify and tried to retrace their way, but they were lost. They stumbled upon a clearing and decided to rest there for the night. still, they soon realized that they weren't alone. They could feel eyes watching them from the murk. They huddled together, trying to stay calm, but their fear grew with each fleeting moment.

The night was long and cold, and the group slightly slept. As soon as the sun rose, they gathered their things and set off in a arbitrary direction. They walked for hours, but the timber sounded noway - ending. The trees looked identical, and the group was disoriented.

As the day dragged on, the group began to argue and condemn each other for getting lost. Suddenly, Sara let out a blood- curdling laugh, and the group turned to see that she had faded. They searched the area but set up no trace of her. Her steps simply ended, as if she had dissolved into thin air.

The group was now in a state of maximum fear. They ran in different directions, hoping to find a way out. John stumbled upon a cabin, and he yelled for the others to join him. The cabin was old and decrepit, but it offered some semblance of sanctum.

As they entered the cabin, they noticed strange symbols etched onto the walls. They could not decrypt them, but they felt that they were a warning of some kind. The group was exhausted and empty, but they dared not leave the cabin.

As the night fell, they heard a loud banging on the door. They could hear voices calling out to them, but they could not make out what was being said. Suddenly, the door burst open, and the group was face to face with a group of shadowy numbers. The numbers were dressed in tattered blankets and had glowing eyes.

The group tried to run, but they were snappily girdled. The numbers began to chant, and the group felt a strange energy coursing through their bodies. They could feel their minds slipping down, and they knew that they were being consumed by the accursed timber.

Days turned into weeks, and the group was noway seen again. The locals rumored about their exposure, but they knew better than to venture into the accursed timber. The timber had claimed another group of unknowing victims, and it would continue to do so for eternity.

The timber was indeed accursed , and the stories about it weren't just bare myth. The shadowy numbers that the group had encountered were a part of a cult that had been rehearsing dark magic in the timber for centuries. They had been using the timber as a gate to an alternate dimension, where they would conduct their inenarrable rituals.

The cult believed that immolating humans would assuage the timber spirits and grant them immense power. Over the times, they had claimed innumerous lives, and the accursed timber had come their playground.

As the group dissolved into thin air, they set up themselves in a dark realm, girdled by grotesque brutes that sounded to be made of murk. The air was thick with the reek of decay, and the sky was a sickly shade of green.

They soon realized that they weren't alone in this realm. The spirits of the cult's victims floated the realm, their souls trapped for eternity. The group knew that they too would meet the same fate if they did not find a way out.

Days turned into weeks, and the group searched for a way out. They encountered crooked brutes and satanic realities that sounded to be feeding off the negative energy of the realm. The group was constantly on the run, but they knew that they could not keep running ever.

One day, they stumbled upon a gate that sounded to lead out of the realm. The gate was guarded by a important reality that sounded to be the master of the realm. The reality demanded a immolation in exchange for letting them go.

The group knew that they had no choice. They offered up one of their own, hoping that it would be enough to satisfy the reality. The immolation bought them enough time to enter the portal and escape the accursed timber.

As they surfaced from the portal, they set up themselves back in the timber. still, the timber looked different now. The trees were healthy and vibrant, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers.

The group knew that they had been given a alternate chance. They had hardly escaped the accursed timber, but they would noway forget the horrors that they had witnessed.

From that day on, the group devoted their lives to advising others about the accursed timber. They knew that the timber wasn't just a place of natural beauty, but a place where inenarrable horrors awaited those who dared to enter.

Times latterly, the group returned to the timber. They stood at the edge of the timber, looking in. The timber was still there, but it sounded different ever. The group knew that the curse of the timber would noway truly be lifted, but they also knew that they had to try.

As they turned to leave, they saw a youthful couple entering the timber. The group approached them and advised them about the troubles that lay ahead. The couple thanked them and turned back, deciding to heed their warning.

The group walked down, content that they had done their part. They knew that the accursed timber would always be a part of their lives, but they had faced their fears and surfaced stronger. They knew that they had defeated the curse, but they also knew that the curse would always be a part of the timber.

As the group walked down, they could not help but feel a sense of relief. They had faced the horrors of the accursed timber and survived, but they knew that they could noway forget the price they had paid.

As they reached the edge of the timber, they turned back for one last look. The timber was silent now, but they could feel the weight of its curse indeed from a distance. The group knew that they would noway forget the horrors that lay within the accursed timber, but they also knew that they had done their part in advising others about the troubles that lay ahead.

And as they walked down, they could not help but wonder if there were other accursed places out there, places where people faded without a trace, staying for their coming unknowing victims. They knew that they would always be ready to face whatever horrors lay ahead, no matter how intimidating or accursed they may be.

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