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The Call of Darkness


By Jessica PhoenixPublished 27 days ago 5 min read
The Call of Darkness
Photo by I.am_nah on Unsplash

{5/8/2024, 4:00 AM}

I woke up in a cold sweat.

Eyes darting around like flies trapped in a net, I snapped up, heart racing like a frightened rabbit in my chest.

They're coming, I thought wildly, whipping my head about, holding the cover up to my chest, They're coming.

The room was dark. I looked at the window; the sun wasn't even up yet. With a trembling hand, I reached for the string on the table lamp by my bed, to illuminate the darkness. However, before my hand ever reached the lamp, my hand brushed something furry, and I quickly snapped my arm back with a shriek, leaping out of my bed as my heart pounded in my ears.

Footsteps pounding behind me as they pursued, frenzied shouts as they began to catch up, my heart racing as I ran. A shiver shot up my spine. Fear coursed through my veins. I couldn't breathe. My throat was closing up. I was failing. I was failing, and I was alone.

They were coming.

They were coming.

They were coming.

My eyes shot open, and I forced myself to clear my head, trying to get my breathing back on track.

Breathe, I commanded myself, Breathe.

Inhale, exhale.

They can't hurt you now.

Inhale, exhale.

It was just a dream.

Inhale, exhale.

Once I could breath again, I carefully walked back over to my table lamp, each step shaking with fear as I dreaded what could be there. I reached out for the string at a different angle, so I wouldn't touch the thing again, and quickly pulled it and yanked my arm back.

I hissed as light assaulted my eyes, and quickly shielded my vision with one arm. Once I was adjusted, I looked at the thing I had touched, and felt an almost giddy sense of relief.

It was just the cat.

The cat, and nothing more...

…This time.

{5/9/2024, 5:34 AM}

-They're right behind me- No, I can't- Help! Someone! Anyone! Help! Oh- Oh no- No, no, no-

I shot up in bed with a scream, eyes going wide as dinner plates, pulling my knees into my chest. Although I was had just woken up, I felt fully alert, scanning my surroundings with something akin to paranoia.

My mind was replaying the same thought in my head, over and over again, the same thought I'd had last night; They're coming for me. They're coming for me. They're coming for me.


My head whipped around as I heard the little voice, and I let out a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding.

Light spilled in from the open door, flashing against the little figure of Aliya, who cocked her head at me. A few more breaths, and I was able to remove my hand off my legs enough to give her a "come here" gesture. She began to walk over to my bed, and with each step she took toward me, the safer I began to feel.

You're not alone, whispered a small voice in my head.

She crawled up the side of my bed, then came and leaned against my shoulder, putting one of her small hands on mine. "Daddy?" She asked, "Are you okay?"

Am I? I wondered.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

It's just a dream.

"Yeah," I managed to choke out. My throat was dry, so I coughed to clear it, taking another deep breath before continuing. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine." She said accusingly.

How do kids always seem to know these things?

"I just... had a bad dream, is all." I hedged.

They're coming for me.

I shook the thought off.

"Well whenever I have a bad dream," Aliya advised, "I just imagine everyone is a unicorn."

I had to hold back a laugh at that. "A unicorn. Yeah, okay." I told her, ruffling her hair. "Thanks, kiddo. I think I'll head back to sleep now, I have work in the morning. You should get back to bed too."

"Okay daddy." She obeyed, swinging her small legs over the edge of the bed and hopping off, walking out the door. "Good night daddy!"

"Good night."

The door slammed shut behind her.

{6/10/2024, 3:28}

I had woken up an hour ago and, knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I had stayed up pacing the bedroom, trying to figure out what was causing this recurring dream.

This has to be a some kind of sign, or warning. I thought, It's definitely not a coincidence that I had the same dream three nights in a row.

I stopped before the window, staring through the shutters into the pitch-black dark. The sun wasn't coming up any time soon. The dream seemed to be waking me up earlier and earlier each day. I wonder why that is...

I turned to the door, thinking I heard footsteps. When it didn't open, I took a deep breath and walked with unsteady steps back to my bed, the springs in the mattress creaking as I put my weight on it.

I flinched.

Maybe I should just go back to bed. It's not like I'll have the same dream again. If I do, then there is absolutely no way that this is a coincidence. I thought.

Carefully, I lowered my head to the pillow, taking deep breaths through my nose.

Inhale, exhale.

Inhale, exhale.

I fought back a shudder as my cat shuffled from her usual place by my table lamp, pulling the cover over myself and forcing my eyes to close.

It'll be fine. I told myself.

I tried to convince myself of it.

{6/15/2024, 5:37}

It happened again.

Again and again and again, without pause.

Every time my head hit the bed, the dream happened, harrowing me until I forced myself to rise.

How long would this dream keep recurring? How long would I have to continue living like this? How long until I was driven to the brink of insanity?

Taking in a deep breath through my nose, I released my legs and allowed my head to fall back onto the bed with a thump.

I was so tired of fighting it.

Then don't.

My head shot up.

"W-who said that?" I asked carefully, my fight-or-flight instinct taking over.

That is not your place to know...

The hairs on the nape of my neck stood on end, and my skin felt prickly all over. The voice echoed through my mind like the ripples in a pond. It was eerie, and it was terrifying me. Who was that?

Join me... Succumb...

Succumb? I wondered, my terror beginning to get the best of me, Succumb to what?

Succumb, my dear... Let me end your suffering...

End my suffering? I thought, almost like a parrot.

"W-why would y-you help me?" I asked unsteadily.

I'm a friend... You can trust me... Close your eyes, my dear... Succumb...

Ice was crawling up my spine. The voice wanted me to trust them, but how could I possibly do that? I had no idea what they wanted, or what they had in store for me.

Close your eyes, dear...

An unexpected wave of tiredness washed over me, dulling my instincts and making my eyelids flutter.


I tried to stay awake, but couldn't.

I couldn't fight it.

My eyelids were beginning to close...

That's it, dear... Succumb... You can trust me...

My fingers twitched, then went slack...

My breathing slowed...

My eyes closed.


My breath hitched for a moment, then I succumbed.


About the Creator

Jessica Phoenix

I like to dig deep into things and find out their true meanings, and while I don't always succeed, it's exhilarating to try.

I write for challenges sometimes, but you'll also find me writing little stories for fun.



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Comments (3)

  • MikMacMeerkat22 days ago

    Maybe if he thought about unicorns more he wouldn't have succumbed :D great story very frantic.

  • J. L. Green26 days ago

    Excellent story! The short, stilted sentences feel frantic when read and that alone matches the energy of the story.

  • I didn't give you much information on what he succumbed to, because I wanted to leave you guys room to wonder about it. Use your imagination. I've found that the eerie air of this story works better if you take deep breaths through your mouth while reading it, so it feels like all the things happening to the man in the story are happening to you!

Jessica PhoenixWritten by Jessica Phoenix

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