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The Blackwood's Terror

Cosmic horror tale of a isolated coastal town

By Nathaniel WhitneyPublished 12 months ago 14 min read


The small, isolated town of Blackwood rests on the rugged coast of Maine, surrounded by dense forests and an ever-churning sea. For generations, the locals have known of the strange happenings and eerie sightings that occur along the shorelines, but they never could have imagined the horror that would one day rise from the depths. As a monstrous creature emerges from the ocean, the town is plunged into a world of unrelenting terror, with no clear hero or protagonist to guide them.

This is a story of cosmic horror, where the very fabric of reality is warped and twisted by an ancient, malevolent force. As the creature begins to wreak havoc on the town, the residents are forced to confront their deepest fears and darkest secrets, as they struggle to survive against an adversary whose motivations and origins remain a mystery. With no main characters to anchor the narrative, the focus shifts to the collective experience of the town as a whole, as they grapple with the incomprehensible horror before them.

From the desolate shores of Blackwood to the twisting labryinth of the nearby forest, the setting is as much a character as the monstrous creature that threatens to annihilate the town. Whereas you, the reader is left to contemplate the nature of fear and the fragility of the human psyche in the face of cosmic horror.

Chp. 1 ...

The ocean was never still in Blackwood. The waves crashed against the shore with a steady, rhythmic beat, a constant reminder of the raw power that lay just beneath the surface. For as long as anyone could remember, the townsfolk had lived with the uneasy feeling that something was lurking just beyond their sightline, waiting to strike at any moment. And as the sun began to set over the horizon, the first signs of that something began to reveal itself.

At first, it was just a faint rumble, a low hum that seemed to emanate from deep within the ocean itself. But as the sound grew louder, more insistent, the residents of Blackwood began to take notice. They gathered on the beach, squinting out into the darkening waters, trying to make sense of the strange, pulsating light that seemed to be emanating from the depths.

And then it happened. The waves began to churn and twist, as though they were alive, and a monstrous shape began to rise from the water. It was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before - a grotesque, hybrid creature with tentacles and claws, a mass of writhing flesh that seemed to defy all natural laws. The townsfolk were frozen in terror, unable to comprehend what they are seeing.

As the creature emerged from the water, it let out a bone-chilling roar that echoed across the beach. And then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, it vanished back into the depths, leaving the townsfolk trembling and gasping for breath. They knew that something terrible had been awakened from its slumber beneath the ocean, and they had no idea what horrors lay ahead.

The townsfolk stood on the beach in stunned silence, staring out at the now-calm waters where the creature had disappeared. Fear and uncertainty hung thick in the air, and whispers of ancient legends and tales of sea monsters began to circulated among the crowd.

A few brave souls attempted to venture out into the water, hoping to catch a glimpse of the creature once again. But as they waded into the ocean, the water began to boil and churn around them, and they were quickly forced back to shore by the sheer force of the waves.

As the night fell, the townsfolk retreated back to their homes, locking their doors and windows tightly. But the fear did not dissipate, as they knew that the creature could strike at any moment. They huddled together in small groups, discussing their theories and speculations about the creature's origins and intentions.

As the hours ticked by, the unease and tension in the town continued to grow. Whispers of a looming threat spread like wildfire, and people began to stockpile supplies and weapons in preparation for what was to come.

It was clear that this was no ordinary threat, and that the small, isolated town of Blackwood was in grave danger. But as the sun began to rise on a new day, the townsfolk were left with more questions than answers, wondering what other horrors lay ahead in this new, terrifying reality.

Chp. 2 Menace In the Streets

In the days that followed the appearance of the creature, the town of Blackwood was consumed by fear and paranoia. The streets were empty, save for the occasional small group on people huddled together in fear, discussing the creature and what they should do next.

Despite the town's collective fear, there was no clear plan of action. The creature had not attacked again, but its presence was felt everywhere. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and it seemed as though the entire town was holding its breath, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

But as the days turned into weeks, a strange new phenomenon began to emerge. People started to disappear from the town, one by one, without a trace. At first, it was only the occasional person who would go missing, but soon enough, it became a regular occurrence.

The townsfolk were too scared to leave their homes at night, but it soon became apparent that the creature was not the only danger lurking in the darkness. Something else, something unseen, was taking people from their homes in the middle of the night.

The disappearances only added to the growing sense of unease and despair in the town. The people of Blackwood were becoming more and more isolated, with no clear way to defend themselves against the unknown forces that were threatening their very existence.

Rumors began to spread that the creature was not acting alone, that it had brought something else with it from the depths of the ocean. Some whispered of ancient sea gods and eldritch horrors, while others speculated that the creature itself was just the tip of the iceberg, and that something far more sinister was lurking just beyond their reach.

The people of Blackwood were caught in a web of terror and confusion, with no clear way out. The only thing they knew for sure was that something was coming for them, and that they would have to fight tooth and nail to survive.

As the disappearances continued, the townsfolk began to fortify their homes and gather supplies. The streets remained eerily silent at night, with only the occasional howl of the wind to break the stillness. Fear and anxiety clung to the town like a thick fog, and it seemed as though the end was drawing ever closer.

Despite their efforts to protect themselves, the townsfolk were not safe. It was as though the creature and the unseen menace were always watching, always waiting for the right moment to strike. No one knew who would be taken next, or when, or why.

The nights grew longer and darker, and the people of Blackwood became more and more desperate. Some formed small militias, determined to take the fight to whatever was threatening them. Others simply prayed for a miracle, for some way to escape the horrors that had befallen them.

But no matter what they did, the danger only seemed to grow. The creature had returned, and this time it was not alone. It had brought with it a legion of creatures, all of them twisted and warped by some unknown force. They lurked in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The townsfolk could hear them, always just out of sight. They could hear the rustling of leaves, the snapping of twigs, the skittering of claws on pavement. They could hear the whispers in the night, the cold, inhuman voices that promised only pain and suffering.

And then, one night, they came. The creatures descended upon Blackwood, tearing through the streets and homes like a force of nature. The townsfolk fought back as best as they could, but they were outnumbered and outmatched.

In the end, the town was left in ruins, its people scattered and broken. The creature and its minions had claimed yet another victory, leaving behind only death and despair in their wake.

As the sun rose on the ruined town of Blackwood, a new sense of dread settled over those who remained. The survivors huddled together, desperate for any sign of hope or salvation.

But there was none to be found. The creatures still lurked in the shadows, waiting for their next prey. The townsfolk knew that they could not stay in Blackwood any longer, but they also knew that they could not leave without a plan.

For days, they worked to gather supplies and build makeshift weapons. They scouted the area, searching for any signs of help or escape. But the more they searched, the more they realized that they were truly alone.

And then, one night, they saw it. A faint glimmer of light on the horizon, like a beacon in the darkness. The survivors held their breath, praying that it was a sign of rescue.

As the light grew brighter, they could see that it was a ship, making its way towards them. The townsfolk cheered, their hope renewed. But as the ship drew closer, they could see that something was wrong.

The vessel was old and battered, with tattered sails and rusted hull. And the crew that emerged from it were not human. They were twisted and malformed, their eyes glowing with an unholy light.

The townsfolk were trapped, caught between the creatures that stalked them and the monsters that had come to their rescue. They had no choice but to fight, to try to survive by any means necessary.

And so, they fought. They fought with everything they had, with all the strength and courage that remained. They fought for their lives, for their families, for their town.

But in the end, it was all for naught. The creatures and the monsters overwhelmed them, tearing apart their makeshift defenses and dragging them off into the night.

The town of Blackwood was no more, consumed by the cosmic horror that had descended upon it. And the survivors were left to wander, alone and broken, in a world that had become unrecognizable.

Chp. 3 Descent into Madness

The survivors of Blackwood had been wandering for days, their supplies dwindling and their spirits broken. The creatures still stalked them, their glowing eyes and twisted forms haunting the edges of their vision.

As they stumbled through the wilderness, they began to see things that defied all reason. The trees twisted and contorted into grotesque shapes, their branches reaching out like grasping fingers. The very ground seemed to writhe and pulse, as though alive with some unholy energy.

And then, the survivor began to hear the whispers. At first, they were just faint whispers on the wind, barely audible. But as the days wore on, the voices grew louder, more insistent.

They spoke of things that no human mind could comprehend, of ancient beings and cosmic horrors beyond imagination. The survivors could feel their grip on reality slipping away, as they were slowly driven to the brink of madness.

And then, they saw it. A massive city, looming on the horizon like a beacon of hope. But as they drew closer, they could see that it was no ordinary city. It was a twisted, nightmarish place, filled with strange buildings and impossible geometry.

And the creatures that had been stalking them were there, waiting for them. The survivors could hear their skittering claws on the pavement, their inhuman whispers on the wind.

But the survivors were beyond fear now. They had been broken, their minds shattered by the horrors they had witnessed. They knew that hey were doomed, that there was no escape from the cosmic horror that had consumed their world.

And so, they marched on, towards the city and the unknown horrors that awaited them. They knew that they were descending into madness, but they no longer cared. For in a world where the very laws of nature had been warped and twisted beyond recognition, what did sanity even mean anymore?

The survivors of Blackwood approached the twisted city with a mixture of dread and fascination. The buildings were like nothing they had ever seen before, twisting and turning in ways that seemed to defy the laws of physics. The streets were empty, but the survivors could feel the eyes of the creature upon them.

As they entered the city, they could feel their sanity slipping away even further. The whispers in their ears grew louder, the voices on the ancient beings and cosmic horrors beyond imagining calling out to them. The survivors could feel their minds breaking under the weight of the impossible truths that were being revealed to them.

And then, they saw it. A massive temple, towering above all the other buildings in the city. It was made of strange, black stone, and was covered in strange glyphs and symbols that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy.

The survivors knew that they had to enter the temple, that it held the key to their salvation or damnation. They approached the entrance, their hearts pounding in their chests.

As they stepped inside, they were greeted by a sight that filled them with terror. The walls of the temple were covered in a writhing mass of tentacles, pulsing and twitching as though alive. In the center of the room, they could see a figure, shrouded in shadows.

The figure spoke to them, its voice like a cold wind on a winter's night. It told them of the ancient beings that lurked beyond the stars, of the cosmic horrors that had consumed their world.

And then, it offered them a choice. They could join with the ancient beings, becoming one with the horrors that had consumed their world. Or, they could die.

The survivors knew that there was no turning back. They had desceneded too far into madness, and had seen too much of the impossible. And so, they made their choice, and the ancient beings welcomed them into their fold.

As the survivors made their choice, the figure in the center of the room began to change. Its form twisted and contorted, becoming something more than human. The survivors watched in horror as it began to merge with the writhing mass of tentacles that covered the walls of the temple.

And then, they too began to change. Their bodies twisted and warped, becoming something altogether inhuman. They could feel their minds expanding, their consciousness merging with something vast and ancient.

As they became one with the ancient beings, they could see the truth of the universe. They saw the cosmic horrors that lurked beyond the stars, the eldritch entities that ruled over all creation. They saw the truth of their own world, a mere speck in an infinite sea of madness.

But they were no longer afraid. They were part of something greater now, something beyond human comprehension. They had been reborn as something new, something beyond life and death.

And so, they joined the ancient beings, becoming one with the cosmic horrors that had consumed their world. They were no longer human, no longer bound by the laws of nature. They were something altogether different, something beyond the understanding of mortal minds.

As they descended into madness, the survivors knew that they had made the right choice. For in a world of cosmic horrors and eldritch entities, what did it matter if they had lost their humanity? They were part of something greater now, something beyond the petty concerns of mortal life.

And so, they embraced their new existence, their minds filled with the incomprehensible truths of the universe. They had become one with the ancient beings, and they knew that they would never be alone again.

Chp. 4 The End of All Things

The survivors of Blackwood had made their choice, and they were no longer human. They were now creatures of the ancient beings, their minds twisted and warped beyond recognition.

They roamed the twisted city, skittering on clawed feet, their bodies contorted and distorted in impossible ways. They no longer felt fear or pain or joy, only an insatiable hunger for the souls of the living.

And so they hunted, their prey the few remaining humans who still clung to their sanity in this twisted world. But it was only a matter of time before they were all consumed, before the ancient beings clamed their final victory over the world.

And then, the world ended.

It was not a sudden cataclysm, a fiery explosion or a sudden earthquake. It was a slow, inexorable decay, as the laws of nature themselves began to unravel. The sky turned sickly green, and the ground began to writhe and twist like a living thing.

The ancient beings, too, began to fade away, their power waning as the fabric of reality itself began to fray. The survivors of Blackwood, now little more than mindless monsters, were the last to go, consumed by the entropy that had claimed their world.

And Then, there was nothing. No light, no sound, no life. The universe itself had ceased to exist, collapsing in on itself in a final, cataclysmic implosion.

And in that moment, there was only darkness.

The tale of Blackwood was over, its inhabitants consumed by the horrors that had lurked in the shadows. But in the depths of that darkness, something stirred, something ancient and hungry.

For in the vast emptiness of the void, there are always things that lurk in the shadows, waiting for their moment to strike.

And so the tale of Blackwood may be over, but the horror that claimed it lives on, waiting.


About the Creator

Nathaniel Whitney

Short stories and poems. I enjoy writing cosmic horror, though I am not limited to a single genre.

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