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Their eyes locked. They couldn't look away. Who will blink first?

By Christopher KellyPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own.

It showed a woman.

And this woman was staring at me.

Not a glance. Not an appraising look. Not even in a “checking me out” kind of way, no. She was full on staring, like her eyes could see right through me to my very soul.

She was sitting on the floor, one knee brought up to her chin and she was hugging it to her chest. She looked tired, like she hadn’t slept in several days. She obviously hadn’t showered in that time either as a thin layer of dirt clung to her skin. Slightly matted, her hair was shiny due to the natural oils that build up over time. Maybe it was more than a week since she showered, it was hard to tell honestly. Her arms and legs were skinny, almost skeletal. When was the last time she had a decent meal? Too long.

The room around her was in disarray, clothes littered the floor, bed unmade, visible dust on all the surfaces. And she seemed completely oblivious to it all. She was just staring. I felt as if the whole building around her could crumble away and she wouldn’t notice. No, she would just keep on staring. At me.

I realised that I was staring back, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I felt as if… if I were to take my eyes off her, something bad would happen. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. My gut was telling me that either if I took my eyes off her something bad would happen to her, or that if I took my eyes off her something bad would happen to me.

My anxiety levels rose, heart beating slightly faster, my mouth dried up. I swallowed. So did she. Was she copying me now? Just what was wrong with this woman?

My breathing sped up, anxiety levels rising even more. I was scared to blink, in case in that split second my eyes were closed she would close the distance between us and put her hands around my neck. My brain conjured an image of this happening, but instead the woman didn’t put her hands around my neck, but put her fingers in my eyes. Why, brain? Why do you always do this? You wait until I am already on edge and go “Hey, I see you’re feeling a little rough. Have this creepy, horrifying mental image to make things worse!”. I hate my brain sometimes.

I have no idea how long this woman and I have been staring at each other now. It only feels like minutes, but the ache in my joints and my glutes tell another story. I must have been here for hours. But why? I can’t remember why I sat down now. It was important. More important than anything. But if it was so important, why can’t I remember it? Another reason I don’t like my brain very much.

My eyes never left this woman as my mind wandered, but my attention was suddenly drawn back to her.

I think… she moved.

I’m not sure I actually saw her move, it was more of a feeling that she had. I thought her neck twitched, but it happened so fast… Did I imagine it? I am pretty tired so I could have conjured up this movement.

No. She did it again. Her neck twitched again. My heart was beating so fast. My fight or flight reflex kicked in; stomach discomfort, legs and arms muscles tensed ready to move. In this long stalemate I had with this woman had finally been broken, and she had been the one to do it.

I held my breath. She was about to move. I knew it. I just knew it. Any second now.

The woman, who had been staring at me for so very long, did move. She smiled. It was a dark smile, filled with malice, and ill intent. It stretched across her face. It just kept growing. It looked unnatural. I kept thinking if her smile grew any more her face would split. Finally it stopped growing. Her mouth was stretched in this grotesque smile, and I was frozen in place. I couldn't take my eyes off her

I felt a breath on the back of my neck.

The mirror shattered.


About the Creator

Christopher Kelly

Engineer by day. Writer of mages, dragons, werewolves, vampires, and all things magical by night.

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