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Scary time👻


By Minhal ShakeelPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a group of friends who loved to explore the forest surrounding their village. They would often spend hours playing and running around in the forest, chasing each other and laughing. However, they had always been warned by the villagers not to venture too deep into the forest, especially at night. They were told that the forest was haunted by an evil spirit that preyed on children who dared to venture too far.

One day, the group of friends decided to go on a camping trip in the forest. They packed their bags with food, water, and blankets and set off into the forest. As they walked deeper into the forest, they began to feel uneasy. The trees seemed to be closing in around them, and the forest was eerily quiet. They shrugged off their fears and continued on their journey.👻👻

As the sun began to set, the group found a clearing where they set up their campsite. They built a fire and roasted marshmallows as they told scary stories to each other. As the night grew darker, they heard strange noises coming from the forest. The noises sounded like footsteps, and they seemed to be getting closer and closer to their campsite.👻

Suddenly, one of the children screamed, "What is that?" They all turned to see a shadowy figure standing in the darkness. It was tall and thin with long arms and legs, and it had bright red eyes that glowed in the darkness. The children were frozen with fear as the creature stepped forward, revealing its sharp teeth and long, jagged claws.😈

The creature began to stalk towards them, and the children ran for their lives. They sprinted through the forest, branches whipping at their faces, and thorns tearing at their clothes. But the creature was faster than they were, and soon it was right behind them, its hot breath on their necks.

As they ran, they stumbled upon an old abandoned house in the middle of the forest. They ran inside, slamming the door behind them and barricading it shut. The house was dark and musty, and there was a strange smell that filled the air. The children huddled together, terrified, as they heard the creature scratching at the door.

Suddenly, they heard a voice whisper, "Get out now, while you still can." The children looked around, but they couldn't see anyone. The voice whispered again, "I said get out now!" The children decided to take their chances and ran out the back door of the house.🤯😰

They found themselves in a graveyard, surrounded by old gravestones and crypts. They heard the creature's footsteps behind them, and they ran towards a large crypt. They climbed inside and pulled the heavy door shut behind them.

As they caught their breath, they noticed that they were not alone. There were other children inside the crypt, all huddled together, trembling with fear. The children told the others about the creature, and they all agreed to stick together and find a way out of the forest.👻🙀

As they searched for a way out, they stumbled upon an old well in the middle of the graveyard. The well was deep, and the children could not see the bottom. They heard the creature getting closer and closer, and they knew they had to act fast.

One by one, they climbed down the well, using the old rusty chain as a makeshift ladder. As they descended deeper and deeper into the darkness, they heard the creature's footsteps echoing behind them. Finally, they reached the bottom of the well, and they found themselves in a small chamber.🤯🤯

The chamber was filled with old bones and cobwebs, and there was a strange feeling in the air. Suddenly, they heard a voice whisper, "You have come to my lair, and now you shall never leave😳😈


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    MSWritten by Minhal Shakeel

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