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Scariest Book-To-Movie Adaptations to Watch This Fall

Nothing beats a good scary book, but what about the movie adaptations to these books? Do the movies to these creepy books do them justice? See a few of the scariest book-to-movie adaptations to watch this fall and you be the judge.

By Jacqueline HanikehPublished 7 years ago 6 min read

How many of us bookworms love to see amazing book-to-movie adaptations? I can just picture so many hands in the air. But seriously, after reading an amazing book and later seeing the movie based on it is the best — you cannot deny it. Sure, while reading the book, we already have in our minds what the characters look like from our point of view and not every movie is as exact as the book. But, movie adaptations really give a permanent face to the characters from the books. And sometimes they're very accurate! Yes, I'm admitting it even though I personally love putting faces on characters from books.

Creepy books is probably my (and other readers') favorite genre. The scary storylines with disturbing details and descriptions, these types of books are the best to read at any time of the day or night — I personally prefer night to really be spooked. What's great is that many of these phenomenal scary books already have (or going to have) movies based on them.

It's the perfect season to watch movie adaptations of creepy books, am I right? Some of these movies are based on literally the best scary books ever — making the movies a total must-watch. Check out some of the scariest book-to-movie adaptations that are either already released or soon to be. And I advise you all to read the books before watching any of the movie adaptations! It makes watching the movie much more enjoyable.

I’m sure everybody knows about this one since it already dropped September 8 — It by Stephen King. It's probably one of the best novels that he’s ever written and definitely one of the scariest book-to-movie adaptations.

Even though 2017's remake was amazing, the original that was released in 1990 will always be the best. What's amazing about the film is that it's so precise to King's novel! I'm sure that's what us bookworms want to see in book-to-movie adaptations.

If you have no idea what the movie/book is about, it revolves around a group of kids (The Losers' Club) trying to defeat Pennywise the Dancing Clown — who's really a demon that feasts on children's fears.

If you haven't watched or read the book — READ then WATCH IT! Really, watch It.

Ah, American Psycho. Genius novelist Bret Easton Ellis wrote one of the best books in horror history — making the film one of the scariest book-to-movie adaptations. American Psycho is an American classic (see what I did there?). You can literally rewatch this film 20 times and never get sick of it — that's how good it is.

It's about an extremely handsome, intelligent Wall Streeter who's got everything you need in an American dream. Oh, and he's also a crazy psychopath — basically puts the icing on the cake, am I right, ladies? Just kidding, nothing attractive about that. But this film is certainly bitter, and biting with a lot of dark humor following — if you're into that, of course.

This is certainly a great film to watch with a significant other during Halloween! I recommend it 100 percent.

Here's another iconic novel written by the legend himself, Stephen King. If you loved the book just as much as I did, then you'll love the film. Despite the fact that the film is just like the novel, Jack Nicholson remarkably played Jack Torrance — how can any one forget his signature smile and "Here's Johnny!" catchphrase?

If you know nothing about the book or film, it's about a writer who becomes a hotel caretaker in hopes of curing his writer’s block. Him, his wife, and their son become isolated in the hotel — trapped inside from the terrible snowstorm. While their son starts to have scary visions, Jack soon discovers the hotel’s darkest secrets and slowly becomes an insane homicidal maniac who turns against his own family.

If you haven't watched The Shining yet, you definitely should this Fall.

It's not a list of scariest book-to-movie adaptations without The Exorcist! William Peter Blatty's novel really brought the idea of possession into our minds through the terrifying details and descriptions. But what really had us jumping off of our seats was the movie adaption — even though the film was released in 1973.

Just like the majority of exorcism films, this one is about a young girl who's possessed by a demon. After attempting to medically help their daughter, the parents notice her demonic behavior decide to ask help from priests to possibly extract the demon out.

Be warned, this possessed young girl will haunt your dreams for days. Even though the films back in the day weren't that scary, this one left a scar on most people who've seen this movie adaptation.

I Am Legend is not only an amazing novel written by Richard Matheson, but the movie makes it one of the scariest book-to-movie adaptations ever. It literally gets our blood running and chills running down our spine — it's that nerve-wracking. Aside from the adrenaline rush, this movie really gives us the creeps — and Will Smith perfectly set the mood in this.

It's about a plague that wipes out everyone on earth, turning them into blood-thirsty mutants that feast on humans and animals. However, one brilliant scientist has managed to survive the plague, but will he survive living on the same planet as these monsters? After watching this, I actually couldn't sleep for a two to three days — these demonic mutants really get to you.

All the more reason to watch I Am Legend this fall!

If you don't know the story of Jaws, or even heard of the title Jaws, are you living under a rock? Among the scariest book-to-movie adaptations, Jaws is a must on this list — easily. This classic movie is based on the novel Jaws by Peter Benchley who managed to make all readers and moviegoers terrified of the ocean. If you're already petrified by sharks in general, don't watch this...

Yup, you guessed it — the story is about a shark. After the shark attacked someone in the ocean, a tourist, an ichthyologist, and a ship captain decide to go out into the sea and capture this human-eating monster. It's literally man vs. wild.

I'm sure every horror addict has watched The Ring sometime in their life — it's an easy classic. But did you know that the film is an adaptation to the novel Ring written by Japanese novelist Koji Suzuki? I didn't until this article came along. But The Ring definitely deserves a special place in the list of scariest book-to-movie adaptations, because of its sheer, terrifying character, Samara.

The story is based on a videotape that shows strange, but horrifying, graphic footage. And after watching this videotape, a telephone call occurs telling you that you'll die in seven days. After the bizarre news, a reporter decides to really investigate the videotape and its creepy purpose — soon running into Samara.

I'm sure you can all agree with me that this character needs, and I mean needs a major haircut.

This list of scariest book-to-movie adaptations has a lot from Stephen King, right? Well he is the master of horror after all. But this story is also among his best works — Carrie. Even though the original Carrie was released in 1976, we all know that the best one is the remake in 2013.

The story is based on a young girl with telekinetic powers who uses her powers in the most diabolical ways towards her school peers. She's really getting back at her bullies in this one.

Just a heads up, every Stephen King film is seriously worth watching — including this one. You should really watch Carrie this Fall.

A film based on a novel written by Jack Ketchum, The Girl Next Door should be your next movie to watch this Fall. Why? Allow me to explain what this horrifying film is about.

It's about two orphaned sisters who are placed in the care of their mentally unstable aunt. Through torture and abuse, one 12-year-old boy witnesses it all... but fails to report the crime.

Um... this is definitely on my list of movies to watch. For one of the scariest book-to-movie adaptations, this is a solid, terrifying movie that's certainly fitting for the spooky season.

The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris is easily one of the top scariest book-to-movie adaptations of all time. If you're into psychopathic cannibals, then you'll enjoy this.

The story revolves around an attractive top student at the FBI’s training academy who just might be able to grab information by interviewing a genius psychiatrist who’s also a psychopathic cannibal, Dr. Hannibal Lecter. While Lecter is behind bars for his brutal murders and cannibalism, it’s possible to draw insight from Lecter to crack open a case. But will Lecter budge to this young woman?

Sold. I'm sold — definitely watching The Silence of the Lambs this Fall. Halloween calls for psychopathic cannibals and if this film doesn't fulfill your spooky needs, then nothing will.

movie review

About the Creator

Jacqueline Hanikeh

Reading good literature plays a huge role in my life — and so does online shopping and wine.

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    Jacqueline HanikehWritten by Jacqueline Hanikeh

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