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People that Remembered their Past Lives

Reincarnation "The Past Lives"

By CharlesPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Reincarnation "The Past Lives"

Do you believe in the concept of reincarnation, where individuals have past lives? There are various perspectives and opinions on this topic, with many religions centered around this idea. Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, it's hard to deny that there are some remarkable stories of past lives out there. Although the truth of reincarnation stories cannot be definitively proven, some of them contain elements that are truly astonishing, particularly when they come from young children who have limited worldly knowledge.

A little boy known as Sam showed compelling evidence suggesting he was the reincarnation of his own grandfather. When Sam was 18 months old, his father was changing his diaper, and Sam told him, "When I was your age, I used to change your diaper." Startled by this remark, Sam's father was taken aback. Dr. Jim B. Tucker at the University of Virginia's Department of Psychiatry documented Sam's case. Sam made more startling statements when looking at an old photo album. He mentioned that when he was four years old, his grandfather had passed away.

However, Sam had never seen a photo of his grandfather before. As they were flipping through the album, Sam pointed to a photo of a car and said, "That's my car," which happened to be his grandfather's first car. Sam's mother, initially skeptical due to her Baptist beliefs, decided to test him. She showed Sam a photo of his grandfather as a young boy among other boys of the same age. Sam confidently pointed to his grandfather and said, "There I am." When corrected by his mother, Sam replied, "No, that's me." When asked if he remembered anything from his past life, Sam mentioned someone called "Turned" who turned his sister into a fish. When questioned about this, Sam responded that "bad men" were responsible. It turned out that Sam's grandfather did have a sister who was murdered, and her body was dumped into the San Francisco Bay.

Luke Roman, a five-year-old boy, claimed to have been Pam Robinson, an African-American woman from Chicago who died in a fire at the Paxton Hotel in 1993. Luke started revealing details about his past life to his mother, Erica, when he was just two years old. He mentioned a mysterious woman named Pam, and when asked directly, Luke replied, "Well, I was Luke. I used to be, but I died and went up to heaven. I saw God, and eventually, God pushed me back down, and I was a baby, and you named me Luke." Erica was puzzled because her family didn't know anyone named Pam, and Luke had never been to Chicago. Intrigued, Erica investigated further and discovered Pam Robinson, who was one of the 19 people who died in the 1993 Chicago fire.

Ranjit Singh, a six-year-old living in a village in India, claimed that his real name was actually Satnam and that he was born in a different village called Jalandhar, approximately 60 kilometers (40 miles) away. He even mentioned being in the ninth grade and provided his father's name, Gursewak Singh. Ranjit recalled being killed on September 10, 1992, when a man on a scooter collided with him while he was riding his bike. Astonishingly, Ranjit's father decided to investigate further due to his son's insistence and the detailed nature of his story. A teacher in Jalandhar confirmed that a boy named Satnam C had indeed died in an accident, and his father's name was Gursewak. Ranjit's family reached out to Satnam's family, who confirmed details such as the blood-soaked books and the 30 rupees in his wallet. Furthermore, a forensic scientist, Vikram Raj Chauhan, compared samples of Satnam's handwriting from an old notebook to Ranjit's and found a striking similarity, despite Ranjit being very young.

To be continued!


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