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night mare


By bakhtawarkhanPublished 23 days ago 2 min read
night mare

In the sleepy town of Ravenwood, nestled between mist-covered hills and ancient forests, there existed a tale whispered among its inhabitants—a tale of a creature that prowled the night, feeding on the fears of those it encountered. They called it the Night Mare.

Lucy was a girl of curious spirit, unafraid of the darkness that enveloped Ravenwood each night. She had heard the stories of the Night Mare but dismissed them as nothing more than old wives' tales meant to scare children into staying indoors.

One fateful evening, as the moon cast its silvery glow over the town, Lucy found herself wandering through the streets, her footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night. The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, and a sense of unease settled over her like a heavy cloak.

As she rounded a corner, a chill wind swept through the alleyway, carrying with it the faint sound of hooves against cobblestone. Lucy's heart quickened as she turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows—a creature with eyes that gleamed like polished onyx and a mane that billowed like smoke.

It was the Night Mare.

Fear clutched at Lucy's heart as the creature drew closer, its presence looming over her like a dark cloud. She tried to run, but her legs felt like lead, rooted to the spot by an unseen force.

The Night Mare circled around her, its gaze piercing into her very soul. Lucy could feel its hunger, a primal urge that sent shivers down her spine.

But then, as if from nowhere, a voice broke through the silence—a voice that echoed with a power that seemed to shake the very foundations of Ravenwood.

"Fear not, child," the voice whispered, weaving through the darkness like a thread of light. "For though the Night Mare may seek to devour your dreams, it cannot harm you unless you let it."

With those words ringing in her ears, Lucy closed her eyes and summoned forth the courage within her. She focused on the warmth of the sun, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the comforting embrace of her loved ones. And with each breath, she felt her fear begin to melt away like morning mist.

Opening her eyes, Lucy met the gaze of the Night Mare with a newfound resolve. She held out her hand, palm outstretched, and spoke with a voice that trembled with conviction.

"Be gone, creature of darkness," she commanded, her words ringing out like a clarion call. "You have no power over me."

And with that, the Night Mare let out a blood-curdling scream, its form dissolving into wisps of shadow that vanished into the night. The air grew still once more, and Lucy found herself standing alone in the moonlit alley, her heart pounding with exhilaration.

As she made her way back home, Lucy knew that she had faced her greatest fear and emerged victorious. For though the Night Mare may continue to haunt the dreams of Ravenwood, it would never again hold sway over her. She was free, a beacon of light in the darkness, forever unafraid.

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About the Creator


With a growing body of work and a dedicated readership bakhtawar remains exploring the world of words, crafting stories and essays content article that captivated peers and mentors alike. This early interest laid the foundation.

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