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Nirmal Kumar and his friends.

Thrilling Ghost Story

By nirmal kumarPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Nirmal Kumar and his friends had always been fascinated by the paranormal. They were always looking for an opportunity to experience something truly supernatural. One day, they heard of an abandoned mansion on the outskirts of the city that was said to be haunted. They decided to explore it, hoping to finally have their encounter with the paranormal.

The mansion was a decrepit old building, surrounded by overgrown shrubs and tall trees that blocked out most of the sunlight. As they approached the mansion, the hair on the back of their necks stood up. They could feel an aura of unease surrounding the building, as if the ghosts of the past still lingered there.

Nirmal and his friends entered the mansion, each carrying a flashlight and a camera. The inside of the mansion was even more creepy than the outside. The walls were covered in cobwebs, and there was a thick layer of dust on the floor. The air was heavy with the musty smell of decay.

As they explored the mansion, they heard strange noises coming from the upstairs floor. They cautiously made their way up the stairs, their flashlights illuminating the way. When they reached the top of the stairs, they saw a ghostly figure standing at the end of the hall. It was an old woman, dressed in a tattered dress, with a look of pure hatred on her face.

Nirmal and his friends were scared out of their minds, but they didn't run away. They stood their ground, taking pictures of the ghostly figure. Suddenly, the ghost started moving towards them, and they could feel a cold chill run down their spines.

The ghostly figure pointed at them, and they could hear her voice in their heads, saying "You don't belong here. Leave this place before it's too late." They were paralyzed with fear, unable to move or speak. Just then, the ghost disappeared into thin air.

Nirmal and his friends quickly left the mansion, but they couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. They felt as if the ghostly figure was still following them.

A few days later, Nirmal and his friends returned to the mansion, determined to find out more about the ghostly figure. They discovered that the mansion had once been owned by a wealthy family, but the family was plagued by a series of unfortunate events. The old woman who had appeared to them was said to be the matriarch of the family, and she was said to be haunting the mansion to protect it from intruders.

Nirmal and his friends were fascinated by the story, and they decided to spend the night in the mansion to see if they could communicate with the ghostly figure. That night, as they sat in the dark, they heard the ghostly figure's voice in their heads once again. She told them the story of her family, and how they were torn apart by greed and jealousy.

The next morning, Nirmal and his friends left the mansion, feeling changed. They had learned an important lesson about the importance of family and the dangers of greed.

From that day on, Nirmal and his friends never ventured into the mansion again. But they knew that the ghostly figure would always be there, protecting the mansion and its secrets from those who sought to do it harm.

And so, the mansion remained abandoned, its doors closed to outsiders, guarded by the ghostly figure of the old woman. And for those who dare to venture inside, the ghostly figure would always be there, reminding them of the dangers of greed and the importance of family.


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