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My First Neighbor: A Mysterious Connection with Crows

Neighbourly story

By ILYAS KHANPublished 12 months ago 5 min read
My First Neighbor: A Mysterious Connection with Crows


Moving into a new apartment complex can be an intimidating experience. The unfamiliar faces and the unfamiliar surroundings can leave one feeling isolated and detached. However, amidst the sea of strangers, I found solace in an unexpected friendship with my first neighbor. Little did I know that this connection would unveil a mysterious and unsettling bond between him and a group of crows.

Meeting the Neighbor

As I settled into my new home, an older gentleman who had recently lost his wife extended a warm welcome to me. Despite his grief, he managed to bake a cake, a gesture that touched my heart. The cake itself may not have been perfect, with leaky icing and a slightly dry texture, but the kind thought behind it made my day. In that moment, he made me feel at home and part of the neighborhood, even if he was the only one to welcome me.

Building a Friendship

As days turned into weeks, our friendship grew stronger. The neighbor would often invite me over for coffee, and sometimes, on weekends, he would add a splash of Bailey's to the mix. He had a lifetime of stories to share, and it was evident that he missed having someone to talk to. I, too, found comfort in his company, discovering that age was no barrier to forming connections.

In an effort to reciprocate his kindness, I started cooking extra portions, delivering hot stews and stir-fried dishes to his doorstep. He appreciated the home cooked meals, often inviting me inside to share a meal together. It was an unexpected turn of events for a young adult like me, spending so much time with someone from a different generation. Despite the gray hairs clinging to his scalp, he remained young at heart, always avoiding revealing his real age.

Unveiling the Crow Connection

As our friendship blossomed, I noticed that my neighbor rarely ventured outside his apartment. Curiosity got the better of me, and one day, I asked him about it. He revealed an intriguing connection with a crow—a unique arrangement that piqued my interest.

According to him, the crow would visit his terrace, exchanging gifts for a handful of bird seeds. It was an unconventional friendship, one built on mutual understanding and respect. The neighbor believed that if you treated crows with respect, they would reciprocate the sentiment. They would remember your face and bring you offerings in return.

The Gifts and the Mystery

Witnessing the crow's visits became a regular occurrence. I was both fascinated and perplexed by the items it brought—a diverse collection of objects. But the true nature of these gifts remained a mystery. The neighbor was enigmatic, evading questions about their origins. With every visit, the curiosity within me grew, urging me to uncover the secrets hidden within the apartment.

The Growing Unease

The more time I spent in my neighbor's apartment, the more I became aware of a growing unease. The surroundings felt suffocating, and the air carried a sense of isolation. It dawned on me that I might be the only person visiting him, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Despite these concerns, I found myself seeking comfort in his company, drawn to his captivating storytelling and the warmth of our conversations.

The Revelations

As our bond deepened, I couldn't help but pay closer attention to the photographs and knick-knacks scattered throughout his apartment. Many frames were filled with smiling faces, capturing moments of joy with family and friends. Intrigued, I started inquiring about his relatives. However, each time I broached the subject, he would deflect or change the topic, leaving me with unanswered questions.

A Hasty Exit

One fateful day, my unease reached its peak. Something felt off, and the apartment no longer felt like a place I belonged. The realization struck me that much of what filled the apartment was nothing more than junk brought by the crow—a bizarre assortment of objects. The photographs, once filled with the warmth of familial connections, now felt like haunting reminders of strangers dropped off by a crow for a few seeds.

Returning Home

With a sense of urgency, I hurriedly left his apartment, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. Returning to the safety of my own home, I locked the door and took a moment to catch my breath. But my respite was short-lived, as a clatter startled me. I turned, only to spot a shadow flickering across my living room wall. Panic set in when I noticed a kitchen knife on the floor near my terrace.

The Conclusion

In this peculiar tale of friendship and mystery, the neighbor's connection with a crow opened a world of intrigue. While their bond appeared innocent at first, it gradually revealed a disconcerting undercurrent. The gifts brought by the crow, the evasive answers, and the eerie photographs cast a shadow over the neighbor's true intentions.

Perhaps it was the crow's influence, or maybe it was a deeper, darker secret hidden within the apartment. Whatever the case, the experience served as a stark reminder that not everything is as it seems, and that appearances can be deceiving.


1. Is this story based on a true incident?

No, this story is a work of fiction created to captivate and entertain readers.

2. What was the significance of the crow in the story?

The crow symbolized an unconventional connection and the exchange of mysterious gifts. It added an element of intrigue and uncertainty to the narrative.

3. What happened to the neighbor's family?

The fate of the neighbor's family remains unknown. Despite the presence of numerous photographs, the neighbor always avoided discussing them, leaving their whereabouts a mystery.

4. Was the neighbor involved in something sinister?

While the story hints at a darker secret, it does not explicitly reveal whether the neighbor was involved in anything sinister. The ambiguity adds to the suspense and allows readers to form their own interpretations.

5. What led the protagonist to feel uneasy and leave the apartment?

The protagonist's growing unease stemmed from the realization that much of what filled the neighbor's apartment was brought by a crow. The presence of unfamiliar objects and the neighbor's evasiveness created a sense of discomfort, prompting the protagonist to make a hasty exit.

Please note that this article is a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual events or persons is purely coincidental. The purpose of this story is to engage and entertain readers with a captivating narrative.


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