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A Beautiful Wife: A Tale of Obsession and the Supernatural


By ILYAS KHANPublished 12 months ago 7 min read
A Beautiful Wife A Tale of Obsession and the Supernatural


The allure of a beautiful wife is undeniable. In the hazy depths of memory, the narrator recollects the enigmatic woman who would become his friend, companion, and ultimately his wife. Her name was Lygeia, and her presence left an indelible mark on his soul. However, as he retraces their intertwined paths, he discovers a haunting mystery: the elusive nature of her true identity, veiled by her desire to keep it hidden.

Lygeia's Physical Appearance

Lygeia possessed a striking physicality that captivated all who encountered her. Her slender figure bestowed an air of elegance, although in the later stages of her life, it transformed into a fragile thinness. It is a challenge to find adequate words to describe her beauty accurately. Her face, though not of classical proportions, possessed a profound allure. The narrator found himself endlessly contemplating the factors that contributed to her unique charm. Was it her immaculately fair skin or her lustrous mane of thick black hair? His gaze often lingered on her perfectly shaped, delicate nose, and her lips, soft and luscious, adorned her countenance like a crimson rose. But it was her eyes that held the greatest fascination. They were larger than most, their inky blackness heightened by long, dark lashes and eyebrows. Yet, as he delved deeper into their depths, he detected an inexplicable expression that eluded his comprehension, a mystery he yearned to solve.

Lygeia's Personality and Talents

Beyond her captivating physical appearance, Lygeia possessed an aura of serenity and poise that accompanied her every movement. Her steps, quiet and aristocratic, were like whispers of grace. Whenever she entered the narrator's office, he only became aware of her presence upon hearing her melodious voice or feeling the gentle touch of her pale hand on his shoulder. But her external composure masked a hidden fervor—a determination that burned with an intensity that both awed and unsettled him. It shone through her eyes like an undying flame, its flickering light a harbinger of her indomitable spirit. Yet, her qualities extended far beyond her captivating presence. Lygeia's intellect was as formidable as her beauty. She possessed an unparalleled proficiency in Latin and Greek, and her command of other languages left no room for error. She was a scholar of science and mathematics, lending her expertise to the narrator's studies during their time together. However, her demise plunged him into the depths of solitude, leaving him like a helpless child groping in the dark for the wisdom she had once illuminated.

Lygeia's Illness and Death

The frailty of human existence manifested itself in Lygeia's gradual descent into illness. Her ethereal beauty gave way to a gaunt visage, and her skin acquired a pallor that revealed the delicacy of her existence. As her strength waned, the narrator's desperation surged. Witnessing the woman he loved fighting against the encroaching grasp of death was an agony that consumed him. It was in those moments, as her life force waned, that he began to comprehend the depth of her devotion. Her love for him was an integral part of her unwavering determination to survive. It held her tethered to the world of the living. However, fate dealt a cruel hand, and Lygeia succumbed to her illness. The narrator's sorrow became an overwhelming torrent, engulfing him in a sea of grief. Unable to bear the weight of their shared memories, he sought solace in distance, embarking on a journey that led him far from the old city by the Rhine.

The New Marriage and Return to the Abbey

The narrator's travels eventually led him to a new chapter in his life, one that unfolded within the confines of an ancient Abbey. He married Lady Rowena Trevanion of Tremaine, a woman whose appearance stood in stark contrast to the ethereal beauty of Lygeia. Rowena possessed flowing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, a stark divergence from the dark allure that had captivated him before. Though he could never forget Lygeia, he hoped that this new union would bring solace and companionship. Together, they retreated to a room high up in the Abbey's tower, hoping to find sanctuary within its walls. The grandeur of the room, adorned with ornate furnishings and intricate tapestries, aimed to inject some semblance of happiness into the narrator's sorrowful existence. However, the vibrant colors that surrounded him failed to dispel the shadow of melancholy that cast a pall over his soul.

The Haunting Return of Lygeia

As the narrator struggled to reconcile his past with his present, the specter of Lygeia began to materialize in his dreams. He would call out to her in the night, believing that his love could bridge the gap between life and death, between reality and the ethereal realm where she now resided. However, the fragile equilibrium of his new life was disrupted when Lady Rowena fell ill. Restless nights plagued her, haunted by sounds and movements that echoed through the tower. Though he dismissed her fears as the imaginings of a fevered mind, her condition worsened, perplexing the doctors who attended to her. Lady Rowena's terror intensified as the nocturnal disturbances persisted, until one fateful night when she awoke in a state of utter panic. The narrator, by her side, attempted to rationalize the unexplained phenomena as mere tricks of the wind that stirred the tapestries. Yet, his words provided little comfort, and fear continued to grip her trembling form.

The Bizarre Events and Rowena's Resurrection

It was during one of these nights that the narrative took a chilling turn. The narrator rose from his seat to retrieve a glass of wine, and as he moved across the room, a strange presence brushed past him—a shadow, scarcely discernible. Dismissing it as a figment of his imagination, he proceeded to pour the wine for Lady Rowena. Unbeknownst to him, a few drops of a vivid red liquid fell into the glass, an aberration that went unnoticed in the dimly lit room. Oblivious to the macabre alteration, Rowena consumed the wine, and the narrator hesitated to voice his suspicion, attributing it to his own imagination. But as Rowena's health rapidly deteriorated, the inexplicable occurrences reached a crescendo. On that fateful night, as she lay on her deathbed, the narrator remained alone by her side, consumed by memories of Lygeia. However, the silence of the room was abruptly shattered by a sound—a sigh emanating from the bed.

The Torturous Resurrection of Lady Rowena

Frozen in terror, the narrator witnessed Lady Rowena's body stir, her lips trembling and parting to reveal her pearly white teeth. Shock and disbelief coursed through his veins as hope mingled with an overwhelming sense of dread. The color returned to her cheeks, and for a fleeting moment, life flickered within her. Desperate to revive her, the narrator clung to the fragile threads of hope. But as quickly as it had returned, the color drained from her face, her heart fell silent, and her body turned cold and lifeless once more. The narrator, exhausted and overwhelmed, collapsed onto the sofa, where memories of Lygeia once again invaded his thoughts. And then, for the second time, the haunting sound echoed through the chamber—the same sound that had heralded Rowena's temporary revival. He listened intently, his heart pounding in his chest. Once more, the sight before him defied reason. Rowena's body exhibited signs of life, her form subtly transforming. Yet, her essence had undergone a metamorphosis, and the narrator could not shake the feeling that he was witnessing Lygeia's return.

The Enigmatic Transformation and Final Revelation

The agonizing cycle of death and resurrection continued, each instance marked by a profound alteration in Rowena's appearance. With each revival, her features became more ethereal, her resemblance to Lygeia more undeniable. The lines between reality and the supernatural became blurred, and the narrator's obsession with his lost love reached its zenith. In the depths of his grief and longing, he had unwittingly brought Lygeia back to him, albeit through the vessel of another. The culmination of this tale of obsession and the supernatural remains shrouded in uncertainty. Will Rowena's final resurrection reveal the complete transformation into Lygeia, or will the narrator be condemned to an eternal state of torment, trapped between two worlds? The answers lie in the enigmatic realm that binds the living and the dead, where love and obsession intertwine in an unbreakable web of darkness and desire.


Is "Lygeia" a real name?

"Lygeia" is a fictional name created by the author Edgar Allan Poe for the purposes of the story. It does not have a specific meaning or historical background.

What is the significance of the Rhine in the story?

The mention of the Rhine serves as a backdrop to the narrator's reminiscences and travels. It adds a sense of setting and atmosphere to the story but does not hold specific significance to the plot.

Did the narrator's new wife, Rowena, die from the same illness as Lygeia?

The story does not explicitly state whether Rowena died from the same illness as Lygeia. However, her deterioration and subsequent strange occurrences suggest a supernatural element at play.

Is the Abbey an important setting in the story?

Yes, the Abbey serves as the backdrop for the narrator's new marriage and the subsequent supernatural events that unfold. It symbolizes the refuge and isolation the narrator seeks but also becomes the stage for the haunting and mysterious events that take place.

What is the overall theme of the story?

"A Beautiful Wife" explores themes of obsession, the supernatural, and the blurred lines between love, reality, and the afterlife. It delves into the depths of grief and the lengths one will go to in order to recapture lost love, even at the cost of one's sanity.

Short StoryMysteryMicrofictionLoveHorrorFantasyFan Fiction

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