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Moonlit Manor

A story about a decaying mansion

By Stijn HuismanPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

It was a dark and stormy night as thunder rumbled ominously and rain lashed against the windows. In a small town nestled deep within the woods stood a foreboding mansion known as Moonlit Manor. Locals whispered in hushed tones about the mysterious disappearances that had plagued the town for decades, all somehow connected to that eerie estate.

The townsfolk believed the manor to be cursed, its walls hiding unspeakable horrors. Many had tried to uncover the secrets of Moonlit Manor, but none had returned to tell the tale. The townspeople avoided the mansion like the plague, fearful of the unknown.

On this fateful night, a group of adventurous teenagers, oblivious to the town's superstitions, decided to explore the infamous Moonlit Manor. They were lured by the thrill of the unknown and the desire to solve the mystery surrounding the disappearances.

As they approached the decaying mansion, their hearts raced, and their breath quickened. The heavy iron gate creaked open, inviting them inside. They entered cautiously, their flashlights cutting through the darkness, illuminating the cobweb-covered furniture and faded portraits on the walls.

As they ventured deeper into the manor, the atmosphere grew more oppressive. A chill hung in the air, causing their breath to form misty clouds. Whispers echoed through the hallways, but when they turned to find the source, there was nothing but empty rooms and shadowy corners.

Suddenly, a door slammed shut behind them, trapping them within Moonlit Manor's clutches. Panic set in as they realized they were no longer alone. Muffled footsteps echoed through the corridors, growing louder with each passing moment. The teenagers exchanged fearful glances, their hearts pounding in their chests.

One by one, they started to disappear, vanishing into thin air, leaving no trace behind. The remaining survivors trembled in terror, their minds consumed by the horror that surrounded them. They clung to one another, seeking solace in their shared fear.

In a desperate attempt to escape, they made their way to the attic, hoping to find a way out. As they ascended the creaking staircase, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light. It was the ghostly apparition of a young girl, her ethereal form floating above the ground.

With a mournful voice, she revealed the truth behind the manor's curse. Moonlit Manor had been the site of an unspeakable tragedy years ago. The young girl, named Emily, had been held captive by an evil presence that dwelled within the mansion. The disappearances were a result of the entity's insatiable hunger for souls.

Emily begged the remaining teenagers to help her break free from the clutches of the malevolent force. They listened intently, their resolve strengthening as they realized their purpose was not only to survive but to save Emily's tormented soul.

Armed with newfound determination, they searched for a hidden chamber deep within the manor. Inside, they discovered a worn journal that contained a ritual to banish the malevolent entity from Moonlit Manor. With trembling hands, they followed the instructions, reciting the ancient words and sealing the curse away.

As the final incantation echoed through the halls, the mansion trembled, and a blinding light consumed the darkness. When the light subsided, Moonlit Manor stood restored, no longer a place of fear and dread.

The teenagers emerged from the manor, their bodies filled with a mixture of relief and sorrow for the lives lost. The curse had been broken, and the town could finally rest in peace. Moonlit Manor became a distant memory, a cautionary tale whispered to future generations.

But for those who survived that night, they would forever remember the horror they had faced in the depths of Moonlit Manor and the bravery it took to conquer their fears. It was a night etched into their souls, a night they would never forget—a night they had narrowly escaped the clutches of darkness.


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  • Judey Kalchik 12 months ago

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SHWritten by Stijn Huisman

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