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Moonlight Passions

By: Aundrea Methvin

By Aundrea MethvinPublished 2 years ago 25 min read
the inspiration

The smell of burnt flesh and smoke woke her with a start and then she heard her mother’s screams and knew she had to get away. She wrote one last entry in her mother’s secret book saying “I will never forget mom. I love you.” Eire grabbed up her little knapsack and slipped out the back door of their little house. She ducked into the tree-line and went to the cave she had discovered when she was little. She knew she had to get away from there by the break of daylight. The villagers would be looking for her to put her to the same fate because she was like her mother and had learned read and write in the secret ways of nature.

She knows these paths by heart, hidden deep but always seemed magical with the wonder of fairies somewhere in the hidden beauty of the night. A deer walked just ahead of her heading for the stream for a drink its scent causing her stomach to grumble. Eire looked to the skies and there was a beautiful hunter’s moon in her full delight. She hurriedly stripped off her clothes knowing the change was going to happen. Her body started twisting and her muscles reformed as the deer started to run knowing that it had to get away before the predator could get her. Eire’s ivory skin covered itself in black fur as her face contorted into her family’s totem animal. She could feel the thrill of the scent of the frightened doe and like so many times she was on her own and a pack of grey wolves joined her on the feast when she brought down the gentle creature. The cries of the doe made the human side of her want to weep but the blood lust had her senses reeling blood gushed from the multiple wounds around the doe’s throat as she finally bled out from all the pack's biting and Eire's claws ripping at its tender flesh. The feast was dramatic in the hunt and satisfying but knowing she would change back into human form she went to the stream where she could cleanse some of the blood off before her fur receded. She went back to get her things and to get dressed after she bathed in the stream after the feast. She was covered in crimson blood but she couldn’t handle it once she became human again.

The pack that had joined her stayed close as if they could sense her fear and were there to protect her and her secret. They guided her to the cave and though the alphas took their watch but also took a place high on the rock above her as if to remind the rest that she was part of their pack until she left. She started a small fire just enough to keep her body warm and to dry her raven-black tresses. She fell asleep and woke up to a pup, oh so sweetly, snuggling into her skirts as if to try to keep her warm.

She traveled with the pack by night until she made it to the mountains that surrounded the valley and the village. She wiped away her tears as she said her final goodbye to her mom knowing that she would be on her own until either she could learn to blend in once more in a different village as they had done for so long, or until she didn’t have to hide what she was anymore. She played the damsel in distress when it was needed such as finding a way to get a ride over the waters to the Isles of Sky and then into the Highlands of Scotland.

Eire lived in caves and sometimes stayed in barns when she could use her skills with horses to pay for the night’s stay. Three years later she had saved up enough money to rent her own little house, it was on the far edge of a mighty castle estate. She had settled on the outskirts of Village Methvine, a small but thriving little town that she could go into and not be questioned about where she came from or even who she was. The duke’s son had started to watch her but always from afar as to not make her run away. He had watched her with the black Morgan that he had raised from a colt; her gentleness didn’t surprise him but the reaction of the horse to her every movement even kneeling to help her up on his back as if looking forward to the ride that would stretch out his legs. The new peasant girl might as well have been the daughter of Epona for her ways with horses were unbelievable. He kept his distance but there was something about her he could not place she had the elegance of a lady yet the clothes of a commoner, it just didn’t feel right to see her in such a state. He went to his mother, Duchess Ella, and explained his feelings about the new peasant maid who lived on the edge of the castle grounds. Duchess Ella went to see what it was about this young lady that had caught her son’s attention. She dressed as a commoner keeping only her necklace on to reenter the castle once her visit was done. She walked to the white stone fence and watched as Eire took the big Morgan through his paces as if she had been working with him his whole life. To the duchess’s amazement, she watched as Eire leaned forward and whispered in the great beast’s ear and then watched as the horse knelt to let her slide gently to the ground without wrinkling her soiled dress as if she were a Lady of the court and not just a servant working with him.

The kindness she had witnessed got the Duchess thinking that maybe she would like to help this poor young lady who was so different from the others who were always trying to impress her. The next day when Eire stepped outside she found a package wrapped in paper and tied with ribbons she was amazed. She gently opened it and inside was a beautiful gown of blue velvet with silver brocade and a matching cloak with silver brocade and lined in warm black and white rabbits fur. A note had been with it stating that “a kind heart should have a gift as beautiful as the heart that was shown to a mighty horse.” She placed the gown in on her bed and went to do her chores around the estate before working with the Duke’s horse again. She went to the gardens and did the weeding and cleaned the statuary of angels and other very beautiful statues. When she got to the Duchess’s rose garden she was taken by surprise when the kindly lady who had been so aloof approached her. Eire dropped to a curtsy as the duchess approached her. “Dear child you don’t have to do that here in this space. I would just like to talk to you and ask you a few questions my dear”, said Duchess Ella. Eire straightened up and answered, “Yes my Lady what would you like to know about me?” Well where do you hail from my dear and why are you always alone?” asked the Duchess. “I am from a village far from here, madam, I am only alone because my mother passed away and I have no family here. I enjoy working by myself because it is all that I have known since I was nine.” Eire answered.” Oh silly me what is your name, dear child? Even a Duchess forgets her manners every now and again” giggled Ella. “My name is Eire, my mother used to say that it meant spirit in grandmother’s language.” answered Eire, “As for the whisper it was just me asking if he would help me down because I felt like someone was watching me.” Ella answered, ‘That was me Eire, I was trying to see what my son has been watching from the catwalk.”

“Did you get the gift I sent you Eire?” asked Ella. “Yes, my lady, I did. I was wondering where such fine things came to my humble doorstep, thank you my lady.” answered Eire. “In here no formalities please Eire. I am just the same as you just a little more in stature than what I should be. Here we are equal unless the men are close by.” Ella said with a smile.

“Ella, I need to get to my chores and Knight will want his carrots soon. I did so enjoy this visit but chores must be done and I so love to visit Knight.”, said Eire. “Yes the chores do need to be finished but if you ever want to talk with me you can find me here Miss Eire please come visit when you can get away from your chores.”, stated Ella.

Off Eire went to see the horses and to remind herself of her place which was well below that of the Duchess. She knew her place and that was one of an outcast she was meant to be different her lycan blood proved it and her healing powers guaranteed that she would be an oddity at best in court. She smiled as Knight welcomed her with a snuffle of her hair and a soft neigh. She slipped him his carrot and asked him if he wanted to have his nightly run before being put away for the night. As if he could understand her he lifted his mighty chin as if saying yes, yes, and then dropped down to help her mount in her dress and leggings. Out in the field she could feel the Duchess watching her but her mind went to when her mom had taught her to ride and the freedom that is only felt when control is so loosely in one’s grasp. She was free from all the nightmares upon this great steed that had her heart even though she would never have his true masters. She could feel the sinew of the muscle beneath her and the power of his hooves hitting the ground. The wind blew and she could sense every creature long before it came into view as the moon began to rise she guided Knight back to his stall with a loving hand.

Unknown to her she was being watched by the Duke’s son Mikal who was convinced she was more than she seemed. She was just too natural on horseback and so in tune with the change in the winds almost like she had more than her own mystery to guard. He couldn’t help but be scared and then enchanted each night she rode Knight thinking that his horse would harm her somehow, she never used a saddle just a bridle and reins that must have been her father’s or her grandfather’s at one time. He couldn’t help but wonder how her touch felt because if it was the same as the way she guided Knight she could lead his heart anywhere. Her smile and wild hair gave his fantasies even more unruly desires. The nightly dreams were getting more sexual in nature for him to the point he wanted to endure his nightly watches as she rode just to catch a glimpse of a hint to her mysteries.

One night she went out hunting for a rabbit or two as she was checking her traps and gathering the ones that were caught she ran into her worst fear. Her mother’s killer had found her. “So this is where you hide witch!!?”, hissed Damien. “I don’t hide as you can plainly see I am checking traps you heartless fake. What are you going to do? The same to me as you did my mother you are not a follower of your religion just a murderer of what you cannot understand!!”Eire shrieked back. “Now, now dear I just want freedom from the curse that your mother placed on me and I know you continue as a way of vengeance”, stated Father Damien. “My mother was an innocent that you murdered because she could do what you could not and still cannot as for the curse there is none it’s just your conscience if you have one.” said Eire as she slid her hand behind her back to the skinning knife tucked in her belt. Father Damien backed Eire up against the tree with his knife drawn but before he could strike, she had buried her silver blade into his chest and twisted it. Oh, the smell of his black-hearted blood was only a relaxing moment for the first time in five years that Eire could truly breathe. She sparingly buried him under rocks and posed the body as if he had slid down the ravine, as she slid her knife out and stabbed him into its place making it look like he fell on his own blade.

After collecting the rabbits and cleaning both them and herself she went home wishing she could tell her mom but it was a life for a life she was probably just being worried about what her mother would think of what her little girl had done. She went home and started her small fire to dry out the skins and herself after her dip in the creek. She cleaned her knife as she was always told to do as above and so below as her mother used to say as she did the same task. She set up a nice fire in the fireplace just to chase the morning chill then she went out to the stream and gathered water for the rabbit stew that would be ready for dinner once she got done with her and Knight's evening ride. she poured the water into the cauldron and added the rabbit meat and the few potatoes she had then she went back to the stream and bathed before starting her day after checking the small fire and making sure it was going to stay low and contained. She went about her chores feeling safer for probably the first time in years even before her mother's murder. She knew she had to hunt for the pack that guarded her in a few days if she could get away but for now she was just happy. Even in tending the gardens and gathering the dandelions was delightful filling her basket to the brim and taking it back to her home for drying. She gathered honey and even the bees were calm as she was within herself. She gathered wild lettuce and radishes for her lunch and to add to her dinner stew, she gathered carrots for the horses even a bit of white willow bark for her headaches. All things her mother had taught her for as long as she could remember.

Knight was practically prancing as she approached him with a pocketful of carrots she slipped one to him and then went to gather the bridle and get ready for their evening ride. To her surprise Duke Mikal was there and just handed her Knight's bridle. Knight snorted at Mikal's approach as if to guard his favorite friend which Eire quickly calmed him and reminded him that she was just a helper not his owner as Mikal was. Knight still stayed between the two as if afraid Mikal would harm her. "Knight, you know I would never harm your lady. I would prefer you be in the gentlest hands possible my little man."stated Mikal gently. "Sir if you would rather take him out it would only take a minute to saddle him for you sir.” questioned Eire all but a bit skittishly. "No, Miss Eire, I would rather take King out for a ride with you if you wouldn't mind some company." requested Mikal. "As you wish sir, I will get King ready for you but I hope you don't mind a short ride instead of my normal wandering I have dinner over the embers at home.” replied Eire. "Not at all Miss Eire, just as long as I get the sweet pleasantry of having your company for no matter the time. “Mikal gently replied. King was a black and white paint but also a medicine hat according to the old stories that Eire's mother would tell her, one of his ears was completely white where the rest of his coat was blotchy with the black. Saddling him would have been difficult for her but with a little gentle prodding he knelt just as Knight would do to help her. She placed the blanket on his grand back and then the saddle and gently got him up so she could tighten the cinch and drop the stirrups for Mikal. Mikal stood in the doorway leaning up against the frame in complete wonder watching her every movement. He wished he was what had her smiling as she did the simplest things even when she slipped King a carrot before slipping the bridle over his head. "King is ready for you my lord.” replied Eire as she held out the round reins to him. Knight knelt for Eire to mount his back as she had done since she had started caring for him. In complete awe, Mikal swung up on King and watched as Eire dropped her reins and leaned forward, and disconnected them from the bridle leaving only the mighty mounts mane for her to grasp. His heart rate jumped as she gently prodded Knight into a prance which from the look the horse was giving he was possessive of the young woman on his back. King was wanting to run but Mikal was in such awe from the sight of the woman on the horse that he almost fell. Eire stated, “let him stretch out his legs that poor guy has been locked in his stable for too long my lord. “this startled Mikal out of his stupor and he loosened his grip on the reins and let King run. Mikal watched as Eire reached and brushed Knight's strong neck as if telling him without a word to go ahead and run. He watched as she bent low and her hair wildly whipped by the breeze as Knight and King were neck and neck in stride in complete awe as she laid her hand against his ear and watched amazed as Knight leaped over the fence in one beautiful muscular launch. Mikal found himself trying the same thing but King wasn't as willing as he dislodged Mikal over the fence... looking back over her shoulder she noticed that Mikal was dusting off and about to open the gate for King to come through and started to giggle. She turned Knight back towards the fence and stopped him next to Mikal. “Are you alright my lord?” Eire asked as she dismounted and held on to Knight’s bridle. “Yes Miss Eire, only my ego is wounded. How did you get Knight to do that jump? He never does that while we ride.” asked Mikal. “it’s a trick my mother taught me when I was very little and I just have a gentle way with him.”, answered Eire.

“Why do I have the suspicion that there is more to you than what you show anyone here including the horses?”, asked Mikal. “Very perceptive of you my lord but who and what I am is only for me, not anyone who would change me for any reason. I simply read and write as well as have good skill with horses nothing to get a worry line in your brow for.” answered Eire.

Frowning Mikal walked King to his stall and for the first time since he was a boy unsaddled and fed King. He had to get to know this peasant but how -to that is what had him perplexed. As soon as Mikal had turned his back and had dropped the conversation she watched his movements with King he wasn't aggressive but it was plain to see he was irritated because she had barely ghosted his questions. She just wasn't sure how to explain anything about herself, she had to survive on secrets for so long that it was as automatic as feeding the horses each day. She watched Mikal walk to the castle without a backward glance and that gave her both worry and relief. She took Knight into his stall and brushed and fed him and told him goodnight kind sir as was her routine. She went home to dinner and though her tiny house was neat and warm she couldn't help but fear what might happen come morning. She dished herself her rabbit stew and sat outside on a fallen log just stargazing as each little light of hope sparked and welcomed the moon. A sound of rustling came from behind her, she turned to see that it was a gray wolf wounded but just a visitor looking for food. Unknown to her, Mikal had seen the wolf approach and instantly had reached for his cross-bow only to watch as Eire handed the wolf her dinner bowl as if the wolf was a welcomed guest, and then she disappeared long enough to gather another bowl and a rag and a basket of healing herbs. To his wide-eyed amazement, she sat next to the wild beast and plucked a thorn from its paw as if it was a child who needed help. He watched while she bandaged the wolf up and then returned to her dinner as if she was at peace with the wolf just laying about five feet from her. He watched enchanted as the wolf seemed to act like a household pet content to just relax as if basking in the glow of the woman's kind heart.

Chapter two

The wolves didn’t harm the herds or even make the villagers nervous, they even gossiped about how full stomachs made the wolves both part of the village and the wild. Duchess Ella smiled as she watched Eire with her silent friends as she went towards the treeline taking careful steps as though she was not trying to leave a mark on the meadow’s floor.

The wolves had woken and went back to their homes sometime in the night but the fact remained that Eire had a connection that was far deeper than what it seemed. Mikal was impressed but still kept to himself, he couldn’t believe a woman could outdo his horsemanship. He had to focus on anything besides her because of the royal hunt that was coming up and he didn’t want to find out she was better than him at that.

Eire went into the forest out of sight of the castle and the noise of the village and walked ever so gently to an old oak tree that she had found to meditate under to contain her beastly side as much as possible. She sat down and relaxed with a single breath, here no one could find her or find out the secret she kept locked up tight in a box under a raised root. She opened the box and wrote her thoughts in the book she had kept from when she had to leave her home village and come to this beautiful place.

The day went as normal, she did her chores and visited Knight and King, and the rest as she did every day, she went to the gardens and the orchards and collected what was needed. She found she had time to escape and check her mother’s charts to see if tonight would be the night that she could hunt and not be worried about anyone finding her. The charts said it was to be a new moon that night which meant she could blend in and not have to worry about any humans including Mikal finding her. She calmly meditated and gave herself permission to relax. She listened to the hawk's cry and heard a rustling in the branches ahead of her thinking it would be a rabbit or a field mouse she quickly hid her book and hid the box just in case it was one of the villagers coming to check to make sure she wasn’t hurt. She looked up and there stood Mikal with a puzzled look on his face “Why do you come out here? My Mother was worried that you had gotten hurt.”, questioned Mikal.

“I just like to get away and clear my head. Please tell her that I am alright.”, answered Eire.

“My mother would also like for you to join her for tea in an hour and if you would please dress in the gift she gave you.” stated Mikal.

“If you will be kind enough to help me up then I shall hurry to get changed and walk to the castle, your highness.” Eire replied.

Mikal held out his hand and was a bit surprised at her hesitation and then at the softness of her hands knowing what work she had to do. She grasped his elbow and held her skirts as modestly as possible when her footing slipped and she grasped his hand and caught herself against the oak behind her. Mikal finished helping her to her feet as she started to dust off her skirts that were when her necklace that she always wore for protection had come loose and fell at his feet. He picked up the silver locket and motioned for her to lift her hair so that he could place such a treasure back into place. Eire couldn’t help the goosebumps that ran her skin as she felt the warmth of his fingertips connecting the clasp at the nape of her neck. He couldn’t help but notice how she reacted to his touch or his reaction to her skin as he realized how soft and almost like a rose petal her hair felt when she let it down and turned to thank him. “Thank you your highness for your assistance.” said Eire with a small curtsy.

As quickly as possible without looking like a frightened child Eire walked back to her house and went to the stream and cleaned up her hands and face. Then went inside to get dressed in the beautiful blue gown she had been given with all the trimmings. She pulled her hair up into a half bun and brushed the rest with her fingertips to make sure there were no leaves hidden within the strands. Mikal was amazed at the sight of such a lady who walked into his mother's rose garden as if she had been in such a state before. Ella's eyes brightened at the sight of Eire knowing full well what she had done was the right thing to do. Eire dropped into a deep curtsy as the Duchess approached a secret smile was on the lips of both women when Mikal glanced from one face to the other. He knew that his mother knew the commoner but this was the first time he had seen her smile as if meeting an old friend from her childhood. His mother's smile was bright and welcoming, "Hello Eire, you look like you should be a lady not just a commoner my dear. My son told me that you write poetry my dear, would you care to share?" Eire with a smile and a slight nervousness replied, “No Duchess Ella I don’t mind sharing. I just wish I wrote something that was more than old legends shared with me as a child but here goes ..it is called "Why the Willow weeps".

"Why does that tree weep?

A little girl asked the Great Spirit

And He answered…

Long ago two lovers fell deeply in love

His name was RavenHawk and hers was Spirit Dove

Their love was very strong and deep like the river

But they were separated by war

For they were of different tribes.

One evil night she was attacked by warriors of his tribe

When her father the Shaman heard of this

He beseeched me to condemn her lover

But when I looked down

What I saw killed all the need for vengeance in my heart.

The proud warrior had gathered her to his heart

The pain within him was so great that I felt his tears

With that, I changed her into the wild rose

And him into the tree.

Where his head and hair hung

Leaves and branches now hang

His strength of heart became the trunk

And she never left his arms

But he shall forever weep.

And that dear child is why the willow weeps"

the end Madam" recited Eire. Duchess Ella was not as amazed as Mikal but she saw the beauty in such a legend. Mikal asked, “Where did you hear such a tale? It had such emotion that even I got choked up waiting for the next verse dear lady." Eire politely answered, “my grandmother knew of many things and this is just one of many that she would tell me when I was younger.” and with a pleasant little smile upon her lips, Eire sipped her tea. Ella took up her teacup with a smile that amazed and yet was all-knowing, "Well I wish I would have known your grandmother Eire. She sounds like a wonderful woman. “the duchess stated simply. Mikal could see that the ladies wanted to relax and enjoy their tea so he excused himself. "Now that my son is gone Eire, what do you keep in your locket my dear?" asked Ella. "I keep a petal from a daisy and a pink rose that my mother and I had gathered before she died. It helps keep the memories alive in a sense. I know it's foolish but sometimes I see her in my dreams but it's almost as if she doesn't see me.", answered Eire. "That could mean that she is waiting for you but it's not your time thank goodness." ,'Ella replied. "thank you for your help with the dream, and the tea Ella it was a pleasant surprise." Eire pleasantly stated.

Ella sipped her tea and watched as Eire took her leave. Mikal watched from his vantage point as Eire went to her little house like a stately lady knowing that when she got changed from her finery she would go to the stables and go through her routine with Knight. Eire went in and got changed out of her precious gift and went to Knight as she always did and Mikal watched her ride and the return route she always took. She did her routine and then went home and relaxed until she watched the changing of the guard then she slipped out and into the woods. The moon was new and the stars were bright she undressed as the change started with a warning as it had when she needed to change. Her muscles twisted and her skeleton changed as she crossed the stream, her fur came in everything was a rush. She could sense everything deeply and purely like the feel of the soil beneath her paws and the scent of the wind and a freshly wounded doe up ahead. The scent of the blood was just an increasing agent to her adrenaline, her desire to get this doe was so strong that even though she would not part take of this hunt because it was for the pack that had taken her in she knew she would have a small bite at the throat just for the satisfaction of the kill. The pack gathered and the hunters came to see as she brought the doe down and then after her bite she backed away tucking her tail as a sign of peace. The pack approached her and the bloody carcass cautiously at first but then as if in understanding that it was a peace and an offering of thanks.

Eire hurried home as the sun began to set, knowing that the new moon would be rising soon. She changed into her peasant dress and belt then saw to the horses as was her routine. As night fell over Village Methvene Eire slipped into the tree-line and far from sight she walked to a nearby clearing and under the stars, she knelt and folded her clothing and neatly hid inside a log. She knelt there and felt her skeleton start to reform and her muscles stretch and grow and lengthen. The pain was pleasant torture causing her to moan then howl as her black fur and her paws felt the shift of the soil and pine needles underneath her. The brightness of the starlit night as her eyes conform to the darkness as if it were daylight. The smell of frightened deer and rabbits was like the smell of sweet blooms in spring. Her hunger growing, the thirst for blood and flesh was almost maddening. She saw the buck with six points on one side and eight on the other he was obviously the elder in his herd. He stood beautiful but her hunger caused her to charge he would not see dawn's glorious rise. The pack of silver-grey wolves that had protected her joined her in the chase. The sound of their paws was like the determined footfalls of an empowered Calvary on a cross-land march. The buck tried to run then turned in defense only to be defeated by jaws and claws as his crimson blood spilled upon the forest floor. He went down and the pack backed away to let her feast first after she had eaten her fill she let the pack feed making sure that the pups ate first.

Unknown to her, Mikal had followed and watched the great black wolf, a rogue of the pack, obviously get help from the pack and how the hunt went down. When the rogue let the pups eat before the rest of the pack with a low warning growl, he sat back on his haunches and watched the gruesome yet heartwarming sight as even the alphas of the pack seemed to cower from the black stranger's growl. The smell of an intruder hit Eire's nostrils, she knew it was human and smelled of clean clothes, dirt, fear, and sweat all the pheromones that sent fear into her heart and into the pack itself. Her lips lifted in a low snarl to protect the pack. Hearing her warning the pack ran for the safety of the caverns. Mikal watched as the black wolf blocked the entrance like a mother protecting her pups. Though his fear was tangible the respect for such a valiant creature was even more powerful. Mikal looked at the eyes of the wolf, they looked almost familiar even in such a furious state. They almost matched Eire's eyes but that was crazy, right?

He backed away knife in hand just in case and walked slowly away from the beast with eyes of bluish-grey and went back the same path he had walked only glancing back once to see if he was being followed by the great beast. He wished why he knew those eyes so well, but was glad to be on his way back to his castle and off to bed he just wondered if Eire had gotten scared and ran home like he hoped to encounter such a formidable beast.

Eire waited until he was out of the woods and on his way back to the castle where he belonged at this hour. She waited for his scent to dissipate and then went to the log where she had thankfully hidden her dress and belt. She looked up at the sky and saw that the stars were starting to fade she changed form this time the howl was turned into a scream of agony because it had to be done quickly so no one would know. She got dressed and went the hidden path back to her little house and went to bed falling into her cot like an overly exhausted child.


About the Creator

Aundrea Methvin

I am a self published (AmazonKindle) author of one novella and four paranormal poetry books. When Im not writing I enjoy movies and reading.

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    Aundrea MethvinWritten by Aundrea Methvin

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