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Mirror mirror on the Wall.

An Evil Paradise.

By Lamar WigginsPublished 9 months ago Updated 8 months ago 8 min read
Top Story - August 2023

Not long ago in the dark and desperate land of Longaria lived Snow white. This was not her birth name, but a name given to her by the kind spirit she embodied. She was the angel of light, living in a plagued land full of burden and despair.

Longaria wasn't always sanctioned as a place of doom. It was once a land of flourishing sunshine. An exuberant landscape only found in Van Goghs. The aromatic flowers happily conversed amongst themselves and secured a perfect alliance with the woodland creatures; a symbiotic relationship that spanned the years or time.

But one day, darkness invited itself into Longaria. Black storm clouds swirled and billowed, covering the beautiful countryside with a permanent, gray hue. The sun had not kissed the land in over three long years...


The villainous Red Witch had spread like a disease. She was the disease. Everyone she touched became her. Not in the literal sense. Weak and inferior minds were overcome by her presence. The radioactive hate emanating from her aura was infectious and brought out the worst in the quaint people of Longaria. No one could understand their own transformation from elated, happy neighbors into irritated, hateful enemies.

Snow white was affected too. She began committing unspeakable acts against the loved ones in her seemingly perfect existence. Her companions, the woodland creatures mourned the loss of her loving nature and retreated deep into the forest. The animals were fortunate not to have been affected by the wave of evil energy.

Another group of contented souls not affected were the 7 Dwarfs of Littleton. A place known for its fine silk and luscious orchards. They were a small, indifferent culture, rich in knowledge and courage. These 7 dwarfs were brothers, all possessing different attributes that acted as one complete personality. They would trade resources with Longaria on occasion. They did not recognize it as the cheerful land it once was…


In an attempt to strengthen her fortress, the Red Witch planned to gather Snow White and permanently transform her into a witch by using her evil, enchanted mirror. She sauntered to its resting place in the den of a large brick house she commandeered. In a squeaky, hag's voice she spoke the words,

"Mirror mirror on the wall, take me to Snow white, the fairest of all."

The brass outline of the mirror reacted to the words by emitting a brilliant glow. The reflection became filled with dark, sparkling smoke that coalesced into the image of the Senri: a mischievous entity who lived in the mirror. His rounded head was charred and blistery. His bright yellow eyes, full of deception, opened one at time. He spoke in a raspy, bass tone that reverberated.

"As you wish, my infernal queen."

The red witch became a large crimson bubble that gravitated toward the mirror until its grasp pulled her in. She was teleported directly to Snow White's location...


By this time the 7 dwarfs were on a mission to retrieve and revive Snow white. The woodland creatures knew everything about the Red Witch but were defenseless against countering the mood spell. They informed the dwarfs of Snow Whites' condition and whereabouts.

The dwarfs, along with a few of the animals, watched her from afar as she tormented the various flowers she once cared for. Pieces and parts of petals and stems littered the yard. Snow White paused to sharpen her blade in preparation for continuing her murderous tirade. She felt nothing except unfounded spite against beauty.

The dwarfs planned to rid her of the evil coursing through her soul. It came in the form of a magic red apple. Ripe, juicy and shiny it was. The remedy required she take all but one bite. But the apple was too beautiful. Snow white would reject and destroy it long before she would eat it. Doc, the very wise but nervous dwarf offered a solution to this dilemma.

"Oh my! The poor girl has gone awry. She will never eat the apple in its perfect form, I say. Perhaps, we... shall... slice it into crude and jagged pieces. Grumpy, you will have the wonderful privilege of offering it to her as a prize for doing such handiwork on the helpless flowers she butchers. She will gander right through the rest of us and attack, I say!"

Grumpy's eyes twitched in disapproval of hearing his name volunteered. Complaining as always, he responded,

"I most certainly will NOT approach her unless she agrees to be me bride! Send Dopey to approach her! The little bumster is too naive to cause any trouble, you see!"

Doc shakes his head in disappointment as he began to mangle the apple.

"Listen, her current condition is unstable, she doesn't relate well to us. You are the best chance for success. Your constant callous attitude will meld with hers, I say. If you don't do this simple deed, well, you will never have a chance at her hand in marriage."

Grumpy stomped his feet in the dirt and turned away from the others. He knew Doc was right; his stubbornness always got in the way of making the right decisions. He grabbed the browning apple, now wrapped in silken cloth and began walking toward the small wooden house that Snow White called home.


Suddenly, the Red Witch appeared out of nothingness. The woodland creatures swiftly scurried away at the sight of her. She stood half the distance between Snow White and Grumpy. She looked at the dwarf with beaded eyes and scoffed. Not caring too much about him, she crept toward the house. Snow White was oblivious to their presence. Grumpy began walking faster and faster, his short legs were a hindrance. Right as the Red Witch reached the pathway to her front door, a bombardment of squirrels flew out of the trees and attacked her, biting and scratching her face. One by one she grabbed them off and slammed them to the ground, but there were too many of them. The dwarfs knew they had no choice but to join the scuffle. The commotion alerted Snow White of what was going on around her. She made a deep frown at the sight then brandished her knife to aid the witch. She stabbed, slashed and beheaded the brave squirrels who were ultimately there to help her. The dwarfs worked together in tackling the Red Witch. They tumbled and rolled until they pinned her arms to the ground. From some unknown inspiration, Grumpy shoved the apple pieces in her mouth and smashed them across her face. The witch summoned a neon red dome that expanded from beneath her to deflect the dwarfs and squirrels away. She stood up and began spitting pieces of apple to the ground. Snow White continued to slice through the barrage of squirrels returning to attack the witch.


The sanctified apple began to work its magic. Enough of it absorbed into the witch's blood. She hunched her neck and jerked her shoulders back. Her long black hair began to shrink and curl, her skin lightened, her pimply nose retracted! She let out a scream into the heavens that rumbled the valley to its core. Seconds later, she fell to the earth, landing on her stomach. Her head was covered by the black cloak she wore.

Snow White dropped the blood-covered blade and looked at her red stained hands in shock. She began to hyperventilate. Tears rushed down her face as she looked to the earth at all the dismemberment. The depraved spell besieging the land had been broken.

Heavy cloud cover began to break, allowing pleasant rays of sunshine to penetrate. The 7 dwarfs cautiously approached Snow White. Each one of their faces expressed concern.

"Look at what I've done! I don't know what came over me, I've become a monster and don't deserve to live!" She bellowed with sorrow... She quickly looked at the knife and grabbed the handle sticking out from the dirt. She raised it high in the air. Some of the dwarfs covered their faces and held onto each other. Grumpy sprang into action as she plunged the knife towards her heart, but the desperate action was stopped by the hand of Prince Valtry. He arrived just in time. The knife returned to the ground once more. They looked each other in the eye, her tears streamed even faster. She felt defeated and collapsed into his waiting embrace. Grumpy crossed his arms and sneered.

"Quick everyone! hurry hurry?" The tiny voice of a lark shouted as it swooped past everyone.

The Red Witch wasn't dead. Several squirrels had rolled her over onto her back. To their surprise, she was no longer a witch but a young woman who was fast asleep. Snow White and the 7 dwarfs ran over to gaze upon the sleeping maiden. The prince followed.

"I can't believe my eyes!" Snow White uttered with surprise. "It's Elsa! This is Elsa, my sister!" Her words were met with audible gasps and slight gestures. "Elsa was lost to this world through an evil mirror years ago. She has returned! I am so grateful to everyone! How can I ever repay you all? This is a glorious day indeed for Longaria!"

Everyone smiled in unison as Snow White lifted Elsa's head onto her lap and began caressing her curly black hair. She was breathing but not yet conscious. The sun was in full bloom, the pleasing sound of trickling water returned. The birds sang their songs, the flowers stood up straight, the squirrels danced a jig and the dwarfs rejoiced! Life had returned to normal in Longaria... So, they thought... Grumpy was bitter, he had one eye on the knife and the other on the prince. The mirror had plans for him...

The Senri Dall-E

Thank you for stopping by! 😍


About the Creator

Lamar Wiggins

Creative writer in the Northeast US who loves the paranormal, mystery, true crime, horror, humor, fantasy and poetry. Take a chance, you'll be thoroughly entertained.

"Life is Love Experienced" -LW


Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (27)

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  • Teresa Renton3 months ago

    Fabulous! I love this retelling and the loose thread at the end. Maybe a sequel? 😉😂

  • Donna Fox (HKB)8 months ago

    Lamar, I like how you did this. The idea of Snow White being an angel of light is such an interesting twist! I like the substitution of the Evil Queen for the Red witch, very clever and I like the “power” she has! The ability for the mirror to transport the witch where she wanted to be or to whoever she wanted was such a great add! I love that it’s the dwarves that give her an apple that’s not poisoned but a cure, another great twist! Which you twisted again and gave the apple to the witch! I love that the witch changed back to a young woman and then was revealed to be snow white’s sister, another brilliant twist! Also that the true villain is the mirror not the witch!! I loved your descriptive language when it came to Senri, it was so vivid I could clearly see him in my mind! Overall this was such a great read, I love the intensity, pacing and overall feel of the story! I also like the sinister ending that alluded to Grumpy being the next victim of the mirror!! Such a cleverly written story with brilliantly thought out twists!! I very much enjoyed this!

  • Kelly Sibley 8 months ago

    Cool... very, very cool! Loved the dark spin! Congratulations.

  • Tiffany Gordon 8 months ago

    Phenomenal storytelling Lamar! I absolutely loved your spin on this classic tale! The squirrels danced a jig! So cute! You outdid yourself with this one! It is Outstanding! BRAVO!

  • Naomi Gold8 months ago

    Lamar, this is your best work yet. I’m rereading and commenting at the same time, so I don’t forget anything. I hope you don’t mind long-winded commentary. “Longaria wasn't always sanctioned as a place of doom. It was once a land of flourishing sunshine. An exuberant landscape only found in Van Goghs. The aromatic flowers happily conversed amongst themselves and secured a perfect alliance with the woodland creatures; a symbiotic relationship that spanned the years or time. But one day, darkness invited itself into Longaria. Black storm clouds swirled and billowed, covering the beautiful countryside with a permanent, gray hue. The sun had not kissed the land in over three long years...” Holy shit, what beautiful prose! Also, I like how the animals were not affected. It’s astounding the way humans influence one another for better or worse while other animals remain in tune with themselves. “the 7 Dwarfs of Littleton” LOL. “These 7 dwarfs were brothers, all possessing different attributes that acted as one complete personality.” Woah, that’s like the 7 virtues that offset the 7 deadly sins to make for a spiritually complete person. “The reflection became filled with dark, sparkling smoke that coalesced into the image of the Senri: a mischievous entity who lived in the mirror.” That’s the most spooky, metaphysical, psychological horror. When the entity you see in your own reflection is the very thing causing you mischief. 🤯 “The dwarfs planned to rid her of the evil coursing through her soul. It came in the form of a magic red apple. Ripe, juicy and shiny it was.” Again, this is reminding me of the Bible. Probably not your intention, but this is what I’m getting for myself from your art. I’ve always thought the forbidden fruit represented spiritual awakening. LMAO @ the squirrel attack Oh… that escalated quickly. I haven’t read about that much animal slaughter since the The Wizard of Oz scene with the Tin Man. “I can't believe my eyes!" Snow White uttered with surprise. "It's Elsa! This is Elsa, my sister!" HOLY plot twist! The mirror feels even more like a metaphor for the shadow self with that ending. Love this so much! 🖤🤍 Belated congrats on your most recent piece from your reign at the Top. 🥂

  • Dana Crandell8 months ago

    Great job, Lamar! I loved the twist and the way you left the story hanging. Congratulations on the well-deserved Top Story!

  • Stephanie Downard8 months ago

    What an awesome twist! 😁 Definitely a well-deserved Top Story!! Congrats!! 🎉 I loved this!! ❤️

  • Caroline Jane8 months ago

    "Infernal queen" and "bombardment of squirrels" what fantastic turns of phrase. Congratulations on the TS too. Sorry I missed this!

  • Babs Iverson8 months ago

    Impressive and creative story!!! Congratulations on Top Story too!!!❤️❤️💕

  • Mariann Carroll8 months ago

    I love your amazing Story telling, Bravo 👏🙂🙂🙂🙂

  • Jenny Huynh8 months ago

    Amazing and the photos were great too 🙂

  • Mattie :)8 months ago


  • SRenaS8 months ago

    Great story! A twisted fairytale of Snow White. It was amazing!

  • Real Poetic8 months ago

    Back to say congratulations! 🎉

  • Jan Seiler8 months ago

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  • Dana Stewart8 months ago

    Congratulations Lamar!

  • Cathy holmes8 months ago

    Thus us fantastic. Well done and congrats on the TS.

  • JBaz8 months ago

    This is a masterpiece. Brilliant word play and structure with wonderful descriptions. The story line was unique and ‘Grumpy’. Who would have thought… Congratulations

  • Test8 months ago

    Fun take on the story!💙Anneliese

  • I really wanted to be the Red Witch until I saw that pic of her, lol! Why is she so hideous? I envisioned her to look something like rhe Scarlet Witch. Oh well, she's gone and now Elsa is back. So now maybe I wanna be Senri, hehehehehe 😈😈😈 I loved your story so much!

  • Lamar, this is brilliant!!!! It was light enough that I could read it (I can’t and won’t read dark tales), and genius enough that I loved it. This could easily have been an episode of Once Upon A Time …. So many extra details and little nuances that make it special. It’s also feels like a metaphor for where I live and the past couple of years ☺️ so it had this depth of personal resonance too… which may sound crazy… but it’s been a crazy few years (lifetime) 😉😇 Well done 👏

  • Dana Stewart9 months ago

    This dark tale has redemption, and a twist! Those darn mirrors, lol. I really loved this one. Oh and line 'the landscape only found in Van Goghs' was awesome.

  • Sara Wilson9 months ago

    This is so good! I have been a fan of twisted fairy tales for as long as I can remember and this sure is one of the better ones I have ever read. Nice work!!

  • Snow White meets Frozen! Excellent storytelling, Lamar.

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