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Little black book

Little book of horrors

By Stacey PunchiePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Little black book
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

it was a rainy night I had decided to do a cleaning of my attic to pass the time while clean I found a chest that I didn’t recognise it must have been there before I moved in!

I opened it!, almost everything in me felt a shiver of excitement, I thought it might have some treasures but, the only thing inside was a black note book!

curious I took it up, dusted it off and began to read it had a message “ ask and you shall receive” I thought about the strange cryptic message for awhile before reading on in it was a list of different demands, strangest being a request for a mansion!

I didn’t think much of it, other than I found a journal of a daydreamer, with big dreams I finished my cleaning and took the book with me down stairs .

A few weeks had passed and I found that my life was beginning to look almost hopeless I had just lost my job, then the phone rang I answered it was the bank notifying me that I owe $20 000 I was so shocked I grabbed the nearest paper I could find which just happened to be the little black book I jutted down $ 20 000 on a blank page I had found and started to think about my life and getting it back on track, how was I going to come up with this money! I don’t have any one I can turn too, anything else would be a miracle at this point I thought.

So I poured myself a glass of wine and went to bed, the next morning I awoke to find $ 20 000 next to the book I was shocked!

I began to look around the house someone must be playing a prank on me I thought I looked at the book again and this time next to where I jutted $20 000 it said “granted” in bold red letters I was beside myself, I couldn’t believe my luck this book is magic!

I thought what else can I ask it for I began to wonder!

I asked for a new car the next day I got a call from a radio station saying that I was a competition winner of a brand new car and they needed my details for me to collect my prize!

I could hardly believe my luck this little black book was the answer to all my dreams!

I could just write my way to the perfect life, but what is the catch ? I found myself asking why would you leave such a treasure behind? I thought about it perplexed for a while,

I asked for my dream job and that’s when I found out the catch!

the next day I got a phone call saying I got the job, I rushed to the bathroom, I was coughing up blood, I was shaking in horror, i ran to the book it said 25 days! I stared to cry, I didn’t know what to do or who I could go to for help without seeming like a total whack job this little book with joys and horrors what was happening to me? My hair started falling out, I started losing my teeth, I thought the book is going to kill me! is this how my life really ends?, killed by my dreams and my desires!

Then a thought came to me, try finding the previous owner of the book they could help me, so I call the agent that rented me the house to try find the previous tenant but I didn’t so now all I can do is wait for my time to come... to be continued......


About the Creator

Stacey Punchie

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