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Looting and Leaving Little

By Shelby Hagood Published about a year ago 5 min read

It was a pleasure working with you, but we will no longer be needing your services at this time. Laila’s heart dropped as she read the email to the end of her job. It didn’t make much income, but it at least kept her afloat. She didn’t know what to do with her life at that point. She liked how the job was remote and flexible to where she didn’t have to make a commute to arrive at a workplace every day. There must be something else out there similar to this so that I can have the type of job that I would like to work, she thought to herself. She searched online for what could work and came across a job where you are a warehouse person for small businesses because of how they do not need or cannot afford giant warehouses across the country. It was a company called LineLoot where you would receive packages, take pictures of the contents, and then pack and ship them out. The job only paid monthly instead of bi-weekly like most, but it was a small price to pay for being able to work from home.

She had a phone interview and started the job within the next couple of weeks. The company gave her a password to be able to log into their site in order to upload pictures, tracking numbers, and communicate with the company. It was interesting to see all of the items people bought and what small companies were using the outsource, but when the end of the month came, there was never any payment. The company insisted that they would pay when on the website, but a whole month went by with none of what was promised. Leila tried to log back in after a while and the website said “Reset Your Password.” There was no way to reset because it was no longer the password that was originally given to her by the company.

There were several bad reviews of the company that were posted by those who were crying out to be paid. All those people out there who really needed the money for their families, but LineLoot stayed true to their name while looting it all. Lawsuit threats started while the company started sweating through their golden greedy toes. I wonder if they will go hide off with the money they made somewhere and act like the company never existed in the first place, Leila was curious about the people behind the unethical actions. How did they think they would get away with this anyways?

Leila tried to forget the nonsense that happened and looked in frustration over all the jobs that could fit her role description online. She then quit looking for remote jobs unless they were near her area and paid more than once a month. She applied for some and then decided to take a break by driving down some country roads she liked to clear her head with while playing the radio. There was someone following her as she went and she just maybe thought in her head it was just somebody from her past, but it was a woman she did not recognize in the car. She started to freak out and pulled over in the nearest parking lot while the woman pulled up next to her, rolling down the window and asking, “Who are you and what do you want?”

“LootLix,” was all she said.

“You couldn’t pay anyone, and yet here you are taking the travel costs to come follow me around?” Laila wondered at them.

“Get in my car, I want to talk,” she insisted.

“No way, I am out of here,” Laila started up her car to go, but suddenly another woman that was hiding in the backseat ran out and smashed down the window while grabbing Laila into their car and driving off.

“Where are we going?” Laila asked calmly.

“To put you with the rest of the people trying to tattle on us,” the woman in the driver’s seat replied.

“I didn’t even try anything, I just went on about my business,” Laila admitted.

“You are still a part of this and we have to teach you all a lesson,” she growled.

“Killing? Torture? Are you the HR lady, and the other the payroll lady?” Laila asked.

“Yes, now be quiet.”

“Yes to all the questions or only a few?”

“Shut it!” she yelled as the rest of the car ride was quiet up a little further into the country where a worn down abandoned building was resting.

“Look, were those packages for the mafia or something?” Laila asked.

“If that’s what you call us,” the HR lady replied.

“Wow, always coming up with something,” Laila replied unimpressed.

“Aren’t you scared? Worried?” the HR lady fretted.

“Nope, it’s whatever,” Laila shrugged, “Quite a news story this will turn out to be though.” She was escorted into a seat next to the other fifteen people that had worked for the company. All of them looked scared for their lives.

“Now, you all will stay here and continue to work for us for free,” the HR lady explained. Everyone looked around at the old rotting beds and looked stressed. Laila started laughing.

“Hello, psycho! Do you see what’s going on here?” the second lady finally talked.

“What are you even doing here if you are the payroll lady, but no one gets paid?” Laila laughed.

“You get paid in whatever food I decide to give you,” she responded.

“Fine, food roll then,” Laila rolled her eyes.

“Who do you think you are?” the payroll lady asked.

“Who do you think you are? You think you are in control. Whatever. Not really. You are all sad.”

“Girl, what kind of time do you want here?” the HR lady responded.

“I mean I get a real life horror game, what more could I want.”

“Get trying to psychologically mess with us!” the HR lady screamed.

“I am not doing anything, don’t you want us to enjoy this experience and obey?”

“I can’t have you here,” the HR lady sassed while the police sirens sounded outside the house.

“She distracted us so much, we forgot to take away her phone!” they yelled while trying to run, but it was too late. The ladies were caught and taken in all because of how confused they were by Leila’s behavior. The rest of the people screamed out in happiness and wondered how Leila stayed so calm. Leila’s stoic personality had saved all of those kidnapped on the very first day.

“How about I thank you by offering you a job, maybe inputting evidence into our databases?” the head of police asked Leila.

“Oh yes, that could be exciting,” she agreed and was excited about getting to enjoy her new job while being thanked by all the others.


About the Creator

Shelby Hagood

Warner Bros and Disney 💕

Cat lover 🐱

Love fancy chocolate 🍫

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