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How to tell if a ghost is around

what you may not know

By Lena BaileyPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

When it comes to ghost being around we know the basics. I'm here to confirm what we know and maybe add to the knowledge.

We all know the major signs that a ghost is around. If things move by themselves you know that there's a ghost or spirit around. I'm not just talking about movement like a glass sliding off the table I'm talking about the cup being in a different spot then you where you left it. Spirits and ghosts are well know for moving things. Things may also disappear. People think that that's all the ghost can do. People are of course wrong.

People don't know that spirits or ghosts can break things. People have experienced glasses or windows breaking with out explanation. There is one ghost on a bridge that temporarily disabled or messed with cars. Ghosts can be destructive. This is part of the reason why you have to be careful with the paranormal.

You'll hear some voice when no one said anything. Some ghosts will even call your name. It can sound like your loved ones or someone you don't know. The best thing to do is not to answer and to confirm with loved ones whether or not they said your name.

Animals may act different when spirits are around. They may stare or make noises at nothing. They may even run from nothing or act scared for no reason. Cats may stand on hind legs and bat at nothing. Dogs may howl at nothing.

In some cases you may smell something without explanation. Like you may smell perfume when no one is around. People have reported smelling magnolias or perfume near the Hollywood sign. Some people may smell musty smell or cigar smoke at old hotels or bars.

Lights will flicker, blink or turn on or off by themselves with no explanation. Spirits will mess with electronics or electricity. They are made of energy so it makes sense for them to mess with stuff that runs in energy or puts off energy. Electronics may also turn on or off by themselves.

Unexplained gushes of winds or cold spots can be a sign that ghosts are around. This happens because ghosts are energy so to survive they have to suck the energy some where. This sucking of energy causes the heat to be taken out of an area.

You may also hear tapping, knocking or footsteps with no explanation. These noises can happen anywhere. Lots of people hear these noises in upstairs or in attics. A lot of the time spirits will be moving so that's why the living will hear those noises.

People may experienced being touched when no one else is around. This could be any kind of touch. People can also experience what feels like sexual assault or violation. People also have experienced being pushed or pulled. People have been pushed down stairs.

There may even be a feeling of being watched when there is no one around. Spirits can and will watch the living. It could be who owned the property or a loved one. People who have owned the property or have any connection with the property can be there watching the living.

You may see unexplained shadows. Shadow people are very popular thing that people see and those are usually spirits. People may even see mist, orbs or appreciations. Orbs usually show up in pictures. People may also see unexplained hand prints.

Mirrors are huge thing in the paranormal world. You could see a spirit in the mirrors. Also if the reflection of a person or animal doesn't match what you see the person or animal doing then that's a demon. You can also see things in other glass objects like windows.

So this was just the basics. I want to just give you the basics on topics like this just so you and I can expand later.


About the Creator

Lena Bailey

Georgia born writer. Specializing in dating and true crime

If you have any questions or comments please email [email protected]

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