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Friend to Monster

By Pablo Gonzales Jr

By Pablo GonzalesPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

There was a young and innocent little girl who found a small creature in the forest behind her house. The creature was like no other ever seen or talked about. It had a head of a rat, teeth of a cat, and wings like a bat's. It had a body of an ape, stood on two legs, legs were that of an ape, but the toes were talons. It's arms were long and slender full of black fur. Its eyes red and slit like a snake's. This little girl was very young and had not seen many creatures. She did not know that the curious little friend she found was something that shouldn't be around. She smiled at her little friend and full of innocent intention went to pat the little thing on the head. The creature did not resist and made noises like a purr, it seemed to like the pats from the little girl. Hearing her mother's call, the little girl went back inside her home. Leaving the little creature all alone.

The next day the little girl went back out. On the lookout for the little friend that she patted on the head. She found the excited little creature near where they met. This time she spent more time patting its head. Together they even walked through the forest near her house. When a pack of wolves came to close, it scared them. When a bear came to near, it made it fear and run.Her little friend following close behind and always looking out for her. They played around in the forest like this day after day. As the little girl grew, so did the little creature. The little creature grew to be a little taller than the girl and would always be happy to play. When the little girl was old enough to go to elementary school, she knew enough about creatures to know what would be a monster. The girl, still little, but not as ignorant began to think if her friend was a monster. Her friend that looks like no other, with no record found when searching for it's kind. The girl now knows she has been playing with a monster. Now her love for her friend is gone, replaced with fear. She went around to her parents and the townspeople to tell them about the monster. She showed pictures she took recently a few days before. The people all gathered and she led them to where the monster was.

She approached the monster alone while the others crept up and said, " Are you a monster?". The monster replied, "I guess I am, but I am also your friend since we were very little". The girl had never asked the monster anything before and had never heard it speak. She was surprised when it spoke and how it sounded like any boy would from elementary school. She stepped back and said, " I'm not friends with monsters, I don't like monsters, monsters are bad". She started to run out of the forest when the townspeople and her parents sprang up. They started to point their weapons at the monster. The monster knew he had to run away fast. With many loud bangs behind it, it ran and flew deeper into the forest thinking, "My friend betrayed me". It continued moving with tears in its eyes. Then when it was far enough away and had stopped it shrieked in anger how its friend had betrayed it. Nearly resulting in its death. With a broken heart, hurt soul, an angry mind, it became a real monster, that hates friends.

The girl forgot about the monster and lived without much care for the world. Spoiled by her parents and friends. She was loved by the community and treated like the town princess. The monster did come back every other month for a day. The monster would observe the girl over the years as she grew. It would grow up too. It grew into a marvelous form. It wings large and mighty. Its teeth so white and strong. A defined and proud head. A body covered in pitch black fur and astonishing muscles only seen in old myths. When the girl turned 18, the monster had become fully grown. During a new moon night it flew into town. Seeking its first friend and the person who had hurt it more than any weapon. The monster is not human, it does not do unnecessary things. It did not want to make her suffer or take something she has. Its only desire was to destroy her swiftly and make her pay for her cruel betrayal. It found her walking home with her friends on a sidewalk. It swooped down from being on a tree and grabbed her. It took her to the sky and said the only words it has uttered since the betrayal. It grabbed her by the throat so she won't speak, only listen. It said to her, "I felt great pain in an unseen place in my body. I learned what it was and clarity came to me. I had done no evil, only done right. I played with you, protected you, and allowed you to be free in the forest. Nothing could harm you, I wouldn't allow it. We laughed together, shared ourselves with each other. I read a human book called The Bible. It taught me what sin is. I have never sinned, I never hurt or killed anything or anyone. I never grew jealous, hateful, or felt great hunger. I never did anything meaningless or unbecoming. You though, you are a traitor. I read in another book called, Dante's Inferno. Traitors go to the deepest ring of hell. I will be sending you there. You are and forever will be my first and only sin". The monster then ripped the girl in two with its bare clawed hands. It then left the town and never returned. Never seen or heard again.


About the Creator

Pablo Gonzales

Just a guy getting his creative side some exercise.

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