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Figure in the Cracked Mirror

My story

By AlexavierPublished 9 days ago 3 min read

In the quaint little town of Elmswood, nestled between rolling hills and ancient forests, lived a young woman named Clara. Clara had just moved into an old Victorian house, excited about the charming quirks and historical tales that came with it. Among her prized possessions was an antique mirror, a gift from her grandmother, which she placed in her bedroom.

The mirror, though beautiful, had a long, jagged crack running through it. Clara's grandmother always said the crack gave it character, but Clara couldn't shake the feeling that it looked a bit eerie. "It adds to the charm," she would tell herself, laughing off the shivers that occasionally ran down her spine when she caught her reflection in it.

One stormy evening, as lightning illuminated the sky and thunder roared in the distance, Clara decided to cozy up with a good book. She wrapped herself in a warm blanket and settled into her armchair, glancing occasionally at the mirror. As she flipped a page, a sudden flash of lightning revealed something unusual: a faint, shadowy figure in the mirror that wasn't her own reflection.

Clara blinked and shook her head, attributing it to her imagination and the storm playing tricks on her. But as she continued reading, the figure grew more distinct. It was a woman, dressed in old-fashioned clothing, standing right where Clara's reflection should be. The woman had a mischievous smile, almost as if she was amused by Clara's bewildered expression.

Summoning her courage, Clara approached the mirror. "Okay, this is weird," she muttered. "Who are you, and why are you in my mirror?"

To her astonishment, the figure responded, her voice echoing as if from a great distance. "I am Beatrice, the original owner of this mirror. It seems you and I are destined to share it."

Clara's initial shock quickly turned into curiosity. "So, you're a ghost?" she asked, trying to keep her tone light.

Beatrice chuckled. "In a manner of speaking. But don't worry, I mean no harm. I just enjoy a bit of company now and then. It's rather dull being stuck in a mirror for decades."

Clara couldn't help but laugh. "Well, this is definitely a first for me. I never thought I'd be sharing my home with a ghost. What do you do for fun in there?"

"Oh, you know, the usual ghostly activities," Beatrice replied with a wink. "Rearranging your furniture while you're out, making spooky sounds at night, and occasionally popping up in reflections to give you a good scare."

Clara giggled. "Well, I appreciate the honesty. Maybe we can come to an agreement. You can stay, but no scaring me in the middle of the night. Deal?"

"Deal," Beatrice said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Over the next few weeks, Clara and Beatrice formed an unusual but delightful friendship. Beatrice would offer witty commentary on Clara's outfits, and Clara would tell Beatrice about the latest town gossip. They even started a game where Beatrice would rearrange one item in the house each day, and Clara had to find what was moved.

One day, Clara's best friend, Jenny, came over for tea. As they sat in the living room, Jenny noticed the cracked mirror. "That mirror is kind of creepy, don't you think?" she asked.

Clara smiled. "Oh, it's not so bad once you get used to it. In fact, it's got a great sense of humor."

Jenny looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Let's just say," Clara replied with a wink, "that there's more to this mirror than meets the eye."

As if on cue, Beatrice's reflection appeared, giving Jenny a friendly wave. Jenny gasped, nearly spilling her tea. "Clara! There's a ghost in your mirror!"

Clara laughed. "Meet Beatrice. She's quite the character."

Jenny's initial shock turned into laughter as Beatrice made a funny face. "Well, Clara, you certainly know how to pick your roommates."

And so, the days in Elmswood passed with laughter and light-hearted mischief. Clara and Beatrice's friendship grew stronger, proving that sometimes, even in the most unexpected of places, you can find a friend who brings joy to your life—even if that friend happens to be a ghost in a cracked mirror.

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    AlexavierWritten by Alexavier

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