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Echoes of the Other Side 2 (A Short Horror Story)

Cults And Cases

By Umut ÇalışkanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

First Story


As I walked into the precinct, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. The last case had left its mark, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to face another one. But I knew I had to, it was my duty as a detective. The case that had been assigned to me was a strange one. A string of murders had been occurring in the city, and the victims all had one thing in common - they had all been involved in a cult that was rumored to be involved in dark rituals.

 As I delved deeper into the case, I couldn't help but feel like something wasn't quite right. It was as if there was a force guiding my every move, leading me down a path I wasn't sure I wanted to take. While I was investigating these new murders, I decided to look back one of my old cases. The Springfield Cult was a group of individuals who believed in the power of the supernatural. They believed that they could harness this power to control the world and establish a new order. They had been responsible for several murders and acts of violence before they were finally apprehended. 

As I sat in my office, staring at the closed case file of the Springfield Cult, memories flooded back to me. It was a case that had nearly destroyed me, mentally and emotionally. But even though it was closed, it still haunted me. The leader of the cult was a man named Jonah, a charismatic and manipulative individual who had convinced his followers to commit these heinous acts. His eyes held a dangerous glint, and I could never forget the way he spoke, as if he held some sort of power that was beyond human understanding. But even though Jonah was behind bars, I couldn't shake off the feeling that the cult was still alive and well. It was as if the darkness that had consumed them had seeped into the very air of Springfield, tainting everything it touched.

 And then, one day, I received a call. It was from someone claiming to be a former member of the Springfield Cult. They claimed that Jonah had somehow managed to maintain his influence from behind bars and that they were still carrying out his commands. I knew then that I had to investigate. But as I delved deeper into the case, strange things continued to happen. There were times when I felt as though I was being watched, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce. And then, one day, it happened. I was investigating a lead when I suddenly felt myself losing control. My body was moving on its own, and my thoughts were clouded by a sinister presence. I fought against it with all my might, but it was as if I was no longer in control of my own body.

 It was only later, after I had regained my senses, that I realized the truth. The darkness that had consumed the Springfield Cult had taken hold of me too, and I was just one step away from being consumed by it. But I couldn't give up. I had to keep fighting, to keep investigating until I had uncovered the truth about Jonah and his cult. Only then would I be able to put this case to rest, once and for all. As I continued my investigation, I couldn't help but feel drawn to a particular house in the outskirts of Springfield. It had been abandoned for years, and rumors had it that it was haunted by the ghosts of the cult's victims. I decided to investigate the house, even though my instincts were telling me to stay away.

 As I entered the house, I felt a cold breeze pass through me, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. But I pressed on, determined to uncover any clues that could lead me to Jonah and his followers. As I walked through the house, strange things started to happen. Doors opened and closed on their own, and I could hear whispers coming from the shadows. But the more I explored, the clearer the picture became. The cult had been using this house as their base of operations, and it was here that they had performed their dark rituals. As I reached the attic, I saw something that made my blood run cold. It was Jonah, sitting on a throne-like chair, surrounded by his followers who were chanting in an unknown language. I tried to make a move, but it was too late. Jonah had sensed my presence and turned to face me, his eyes glowing with an unnatural light.

 He spoke, and his voice was like a knife through my soul. "You should have stayed away, detective. But since you're here, you might as well join us." And then, everything went black. When I woke up, I was back in my office, and the case file for the Springfield Cult was open in front of me. But there was something different this time. The cult leader's name wasn't Jonah anymore. It was my own name. And as I looked in the mirror, I saw my reflection staring back at me with those same glowing eyes. I had been possessed by the darkness that had consumed Jonah and his followers.

 But even though I was lost, there was still a glimmer of hope. I knew that if I could just hold on to my humanity and fight against the darkness, I might be able to break free. And so, the investigation continued. But this time, it was no longer just about uncovering the truth. It was about saving myself and preventing the darkness from spreading any further. I had to face my own demons, both literally and figuratively, and fight for what was right. It was a battle that I knew would be long and hard, but it was a battle that I had to fight. For the sake of the victims, for the sake of Springfield, and most importantly, for my own sake.

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About the Creator

Umut Çalışkan

Motivation stories sometimes tech related stuff

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