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Dracula (1931) is a Masterpiece of Classic Horror

'Dracula' initiated the horror genre in Hollywood.

By Marielle SabbagPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

You’ll never return the same from Dracula’s castle again.

Dracula is a 1931 classic based on the novel written by Bram Stoker. Count Dracula snares innocent victims with his hypnotic powers and thirst for blood. A group of people band together to stop the evil vampire’s sinister plans to end his reign.

Older movies are a treasure. They hold a rich history and worthy stories of the past. Dracula initiated the horror genre in Hollywood. The original Dracula bears a mystique atmosphere and develops innovative filmmaking techniques.

Bela Lugosi’s startling performance as the menacing blood-thirsty Count Dracula is iconic. He also played the role in a stage adaptation before the film. You never know what Dracula has planned. Everything from Lugosi’s slow actions and his mesmerizing stare are effective.

Dwight Frye doesn’t get enough credit for his riveting performance as Renfield. Renfield’s disbelief in the supernatural is what gets him in trouble. Now under the sinister power of Dracula, Renfield tries to warn everyone of the vampire’s powers. Frye was comical in his unhinged manic behavior.

I kid you not, I felt goosebumps when Renfield and Dracula first met on the staircase. People nowadays don’t realize it but we are watching history.

Helen Chandler, David Manners, Edward Van Sloan, Herbert Bunston, and Frances Dade cannot go unmentioned. Their performances contribute to the film’s enduring legacy. The performances also help viewers connect to the story.

Edward Van Sloan delivers a memorable performance as Professor Abraham Van Helsing while Helen Chandler deserves more credit for her performance as Mina. Each actor brought their own unique qualities to their roles, contributing to the overall atmosphere of dread and suspense that permeates the film.

Dracula also marked history for one actress. The late Carla Laemmle (who was the last surviving cast member) is the first female to have given the first line of dialogue in a horror film.

One reason why older films deserve more hype is how they did special effects. For the time, the special effects for Dracula are breathtaking. Although, the effects are noticeable. It’s clear that strings are holding up the bats. When the coachman is heading to the castle, it’s actually a glass painting in the background.

One of the most striking aspects of Dracula is its eerie and atmospheric cinematography achieved by Karl Freund. The cinematography for Dracula includes intricate and effective camera shots. I liked lingering shots and camera movements when Dracula moved about on the screen. Some of the camera shots were tinted green to give it a more eerie look.

Tod Browning’s direction was exceptional. I have seen one other film directed by Browning which is the controversial film, Freaks. Browning skillfully crafted suspense and tension in his direction. Some scenes are a bit slow in pacing.

Browning's choice of filming locations greatly enhanced the film's eerie atmosphere. The use of gothic-style sets, particularly Dracula's castle added a sense of authenticity to the story. Filmmakers transformed the inside of the castle into a complete gothic ambiance that you’d like to visit but also run away in terror.

An alternate version of Dracula exists. The original film version has no soundtrack. I was annoyed that there was no background music to fill scenes when I first watched this. Since then, I have learned that the use of no music adds a layer of horror. Browning's decision to use minimal music was unconventional for the time but proved highly effective.

Don’t avoid watching older movies. We cannot forget about them. Dracula is a must-watch for any horror enthusiast.

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About the Creator

Marielle Sabbag

Writing has been my passion since I was 11 years old. I love creating stories from fiction, poetry, fanfiction. I enjoy writing movie reviews. I would love to become a creative writing teacher and leave the world inspiring minds.

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