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Did You See a Ghost?

Real ghosts?

By Karen GrattanPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

When I was 13, I woke up one night and in the corner of my room, I saw two shadow figures holding and kissing one another. It was a male and a female. I shut my eyes and opened them, and they were still there. Suddenly they both glanced over at me and I shut my eyes again. When I finally opened them and looked, they were gone. I think I saw a ghost.

What Is a Ghost?

A ghost is a spirit of a person who has died. The physical body of someone who dies ceases to exist, but the spirit continues on. It is believed that after you die, some ghosts/spirits will hang around due to emotions, either resentment or guilt. They want to reach the living to resolve some matters for satisfaction. If the ghost doesn't feel fulfilled, it might stay around for centuries.

Seeing Ghosts

Some people believe and others do not. It is noted that seeing a ghost is rare. But that does not mean the ghosts are not around. Ways of knowing you're in the presence of a ghost is an unexplained cold breeze or dampness. Some people have reported feeling nausea or sadness. Some people try to speak to ghosts, and there are professional ghost hunters. They use equipment such as recorders and heat boxes to provide evidence of the ghost's existence. The voice recorder captures voices from the ghost when you play back the recorder; this is know as "electronic voice phenomenon," or EVP.

Other ways ghosts can be detected is by a picture. If you take a photo of your room, let's say, and you notice somewhere in that picture there is a shadow figure, it's safe to say it is a ghost. I lived in an apartment years ago and took a picture of my room after I had decorated to send to my sister. I notice after looking at it in the corner was a gross looking face; it looked like a gremlin. I showed it to several people and they all agreed it was something strange. Here is something you can try yourself: Go around your house with your phone camera and take pictures of different areas or rooms. Now look back carefully, and see if you can detect anything out of the ordinary. You might be surprised what you find.

Different Types of Ghosts

The most common of all ghosts is usually of a deceased person, family member or a historical figure. Some may be friendly and some may not. Some have figured out how to speak, move objects, or appear; this is called a poltergeist and they are likely to haunt a place where something awful happened. They will progress quickly and have been known to become dangerous. Experts have categorized this as a form of energy that is being controlled unknowingly through a living person. Orbs are a type of anomaly that is usually captured by photography. They hover around as a translucent ball of light. When caught in a photo, most likely it is a surprise for the person taking the photo. It is believed that an Orb is the soul of a human or an animal that has died and travels around to different places. They take on a full body shape, and that is called an apparition. In a photo, they appear either as a white or blue cloudy figure. The last type of ghost to know is a funnel, spotted in homes or old buildings. This type is also called a vortex, which is associated with a cold spot. Experts say they take form as a swirling funnel, and are believed to be a loved one returning to visit or a former resident of the home. If they are caught on a video or camera it will appear as a wisp of light or swirling spiral of light.

If you want to investigate, all you need is some free time, darkness, and some electronic equipment. I advise to bring along a friend or family member. Noises, faint voices, or unexplained lights might be evidence of a ghost. If you're lucky, you might caught a glimpse of a cloudy shadow figure. Are you ready for that?


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