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Darlene is a troubled soul with an addiction to all things chocolate from bars to milk to cake, it’s unhealthy, some even might say deadly.

By Steven OceguedaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Darlene was impulsive, she ate constantly, chocolate was her addiction. It was the only thing that made her feel good, she was bullied at school every day for her size and habits. Her parents took her to therapy when she was young in an attempt to correct the problem, they didn’t know wether the bullying started because she was fat or if she was eating so much because she was getting bullied. It all started when she ate her fist bar of chocolate, it was during a school trip to the chocolate factory near her hometown, her mother never used to let her eat sweets, but she gave her money to buy things at the gift shop. Darlene had never eaten chocolate before, her friends had always teased her about it, but she didn’t mind. She was such a happy girl, she had plenty of friends and her parents had such high hopes for her. Once she was introduced to chocolate she was hooked, she begged her parents for more and more. Darlene had developed a serious chocolate habit, she ate 5 chocolate bars a day and never missed a day, Darlene slowly grew and grew, within a year she became obese and didn’t care one bit.

The old Darlene was gone, her friends were gone, they thought she was gross, people began to avoid her, she stopped showering regularly and also stopped caring about the chocolate stained on her clothes. Her life become centered around the addiction, she lost herself in the void of happiness she thought she had found for herself. “Why have a relationship when you could just have chocolate,” she would tell herself. She was a virgin all her life. She had one encounter with a fellow classmate in college, but that was just a drunk mistake the guy made and never caller back or talked to her ever again. She went on aimlessly enjoying her favorite treats and ignoring all attempts to snap her out of her dreamlike existence. She grew older and her life got slowly worse, her parents kicked her out after college, they had felt they did all they could for her and she just wasn’t doing anything to benefit them or to fix her life. She was forced to move to a rundown apartment in a bad part of town, she got a job she didn’t want at an office filled with people that she knew judged her for her weight and appearance. She wasn’t an amazing worker, but she thought she was doing okay, she was using her degree which made her parents happy, but they had slowly stopped talking to her. She didn’t feel it at first, it was slow, gradual, it came at a snails pace, her life was slowly ever so slowly spiraling down to the deepest darkest parts of a depressive cycle.

The last day of her life was a bad one, she was fired from her job, she had no idea it was coming, she had actually begun to have thoughts of maybe turning her life around, but once her boss called her into his office and looked at her with that face, the face of disgust and of shame for having her as an employee it hit her like a ton of bricks. Her life was absolutely horrible, her parents had abandoned her, she would never get married or have kids, she was disgusting to the opposite sex and women hated her and her just as much, “she had done it to herself”, they would say, but did she really, was it all her fault? She had no friends no where to go for help, she started to realize what it would be like to live on the street, she was scared, her parents stopped returning her calls, and it had been months since anyone had tried to talk to her as a friend, she felt so lonely. She ate a lot more on her really bad days and this was a really really bad day. Darlene decided to see how much chocolate she could eat in one sitting. She cashed her entire last check on the way home from getting fired and spent it all on chocolate. She got to her apartment which she realized she could only keep for so long without paying the rent and began to cry, she was in so much agony, she knew what would make her feel better. Darlene opened as many chocolate bars as she could and brought out a big chocolate cake which she placed infront of herself, she ate and ate, she began to noticed that eating chocolate wasn’t making her happy anymore, like it used to. She kept eating, trying to feel something, she began to feel like as much chocolate as she ate was as crazy as she got. Darlene felt insane with hunger, and had no way of quenching her need, she didn’t know she was having a break down. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she had chocolate all over the lower part of her face, even under her neck flaps.

She just kept eating, Darlene didn’t stop for anything, she had nothing else to do. Eating was all there was, chocolate didn’t make her feel good anymore, but maybe if she kept eating she could break through to her happy place again. She did reach a happy place, after eating approximately 100 large size chocolate bars and 2 full sized chocolate cakes she had died of a sugar overdose. The cops where called when her neighbors reported a bad smell coming from her house, what they saw disgusted them to the point of vomiting almost as soon as they opened the front door. Darlene was bloated beyond normal human capacity, it looked like she had thrown up chocolate all over her front, the officers also noticed she had evacuated her bowels, something that happens to many once they die. They saw over 100 unwrapped chocolate bars and a large amount of different colored chocolate bar wrappers, all empty and laying on floor, they wrote in their report the cause of death was “Death by chocolate”.


About the Creator

Steven Ocegueda

Hi, I’m a writer from California, a proud American of Latin heritage and a fan of writers like Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft, Horror is my passion.

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    Steven OceguedaWritten by Steven Ocegueda

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