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Bus Driver

A short horror story

By Chubby cottoncandyPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

I never really liked taking the bus home or anywhere. I find it weird letting your kid get on a vehicle with other random kids and some driver you may not know, I usually just walked or got a ride from close friends and family. I was only a high school student and I had barely moved houses and my school was now farther away. I couldn't walk because my house was now in the outskirts of town and my parents didn't want me walking in the outskirts of town. It was getting harder for my friends to give me rides because they had younger siblings to take to school and they didn't want to risk getting lost or late. My parents would take me to school, at first, but they started getting to work late and they couldn't risk getting fired, so they both told me I had to start taking the bus.

I argued with them making good points about it, but they had both put their foot down on this and I had no choice. The bus came around 6:30Am I got on and I had a bad feeling about the bus driver, he looked like in his early or mid-40's, he looked like he had a beer belly and he looked like he was going bald. He had an angry expression on his face. He looked at me up and down while I got on the bus. I sat on the back of the bus, the bus picked up some other kids and dropped us off at the school and I could feel the bus driver stare at me while I walked on school campus.

For a few days now, I took the bus, but one day was odd than the other days before. It was a Friday morning and it was normal, get on the bus, sit in the back and wait for the other kids to get picked up. The school day went as normal and I waited for the bus, I sat in the back and I am the last one to get dropped off, I never really liked being the first or last especially with this bus driver. The bus took its normal route until the kid who gets dropped off before me get off, the drive is not very long either so when I felt something was wrong I knew something was going wrong.

The bus driver kept looking back at me and I was getting a bit scared, but I got even more scared when he took a "wrong turn" to my house, I told the driver that it was the wrong way but he ignored me, I was getting really scared now so I called my parents and told them what was happening, they had told me that they would track my location and call the police. I got up while the bus was moving to tell the driver to turn around but once I got half way on the bus he pulled out a gun and told me to sit back down. I was petrified, I could not move what so ever well until he shot the window that's when I was cut out of my shock state and I sat back down.

He was driving to I don’t know where, all I saw out the window was land and not a soul in sight, I didn't have any reception on my phone, it was so far from anywhere. It was getting dark and I tried to lay on the seat to crawl under and try to open the back-emergency window and get the hell out of this moving trap. I played the good and bad in my head over and over, I was about to go through with what I had planned until I felt the bus stop, I wanted to run and go but I couldn't move, I was hoping it was my parents that found but I knew it wasn't. I guess I was so scared that I ran to the back and forcefully tried to open the emergency window but then I froze again then I felt a strong pain on my leg, after a few seconds it grew stronger, then I was pulled from my shirt, I tried to get him to lose his grip but the pain from my leg would not go away when I tried and not tried to move. I was getting dragged away to some barn in the middle of nowhere. I started screaming and crying for help, considering the fact no one was in sight, I was hit on the head and went unconscious for a while.

I woke up and I was hanging with my hands tied together and I had a thin piece of cloth over my eyes I could see but it was still a bit blurry. I could make out what was in front of me, I could make out a video camera and almost dim lights around me, I could see the red light blinking on and off it was recording. I could see someone walking towards me, "So, you thought you could try to be smart and try to run huh? well I've been doing this for years now and no one can get away from me" he said this in a low raspy voice. He turned around and went back into the darkness, his words kept going through my mind, "I've been doing this for years" what does he mean? He has done this to other kids? What does he even do? I didn't know what was going to happen and I wasn't going to stick around to even find out. I knew my feet were tied together so I tried to swing back and forth but then I started thinking what good would that do anyways, then the chain holding me up let loose and dropped to the ground, I took the cloth from over my head and to my eyes filled with complete horror and shock, behind the camera and dim lights was a try full of bloody and rusted surgical tools on a blood covered table I was in complete shock I was frozen again but I shook myself out of it. I soon grabbed a small knife to cut the rope that tied me together. I kept the small rusted blood covered knife and started to look around for an opening, so I could get out of here, it was easy but the door to the barn had a lock. I kind of figured it would be considering most of the many storied I've read about scenes like this, it’s almost too hard to escape. I kept looking to see if I could get out but then I tripped over something I got up to see what it was, and it was a rotting corpse, I wanted to scream but then I heard the door opening. I thought quickly then hid myself under the pile of corpses, I wonder how I couldn't smell the rot of these bodies, I could hear the man panicking trying to figure out where I was, I heard his footsteps run out of the barn in a craze rage.

I waited a few minutes, hearing nothing else, until I pushed the corpse off me then stood up. I quietly ran out of the barn and went towards the path that we came from. Running faster and faster with every ounce of energy I had, not slowing down no matter how tired I was, I ran till I couldn't see that barn anymore and I didn't know where I was going I knew I just had to run until I was safe, until I found help. I stopped when I saw headlight coming towards me I hid within the grass as much as I could in case it was the man that had brought me to that sick place. Then once the vehicle got closer I was able to make out that it was a police car, I jumped in front hoping they would stop. Once they noticed a police officer came out and asked where I came from, but I had ignored the officer once I saw my parents come out of the police car, I ran to them happy being able to see them. I turned back to the officer and told them what had happen very briefly once I said everything they raced towards the direction I came from. It was gone, the bus was gone, and the barn was burning down slowly. Once the firefighters put out the fire it was already destroyed by the flames turned to ashes and broken pieces. More police came then investigators, I walked on what was left of the barn and noticed a video camera which was surprisingly undamaged I hid it within my sweater then I went back to the police car heading back home where I was supposed to be this whole time.

Once home my mother made me dinner and my father got me clean clothes then started a shower for me. I decided to get clean then eat dinner I was starving even after what had happened, I talked to my parents about what I had went through, they both agreed that I would never take the bus again. I went to my room planning on going to sleep but I didn't. Once my parent’s went to bed I started up my computer and connected to video camera to it with only a few saved recordings. I played one and one alone.

It started with someone being tied like how I was in the beginning then came out the man, the bus driver, he tore the clothes off the person hanging with no hesitation he cut them open from their chest to stomach then he repeatedly stabbed their lungs as blood started showing from the cloth over their head. I heard the man say "this isn't the good part yet" as he looked to the camera with a small smile I instantly turned off everything disconnecting the camera from my computer I was terrified I kept thinking of how that could have been me. I couldn't sleep after that. In the morning I told my father to take me to the police station, with no questions asked, I gave the video camera to a passing police woman and told them I had forgotten that I had it after that I went home. I decided not to go to school for a few days and when I did my parent took me. Ever since that day I never took the bus, that day could have been my last but for many other kids it was, and they didn't deserve that kind of torture or that way of dying. I wasn't the first and I know I'm not the last either, that so-called bus driver is still out there he hasn't been caught yet, even with the video camera in the polices possession he probably won't get caught. But I swore on my life I would never take a single bus again for as long as I live.


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