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Blackout Horror Stories

Truly Disturbing

By Manuel SanzPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Dark Road...

During my early twenties, I was employed as a construction worker and engineer in the Philadelphia region. My colleagues and I were primarily engaged in basic construction tasks, such as constructing add-ons to existing structures. One notable project in 2012 involved the construction of a small basement area and the extension of the main floor for a coroner dentist building. This basement was intended to accommodate a bathroom and two spacious storage areas. Our progress was commendable, as we had already installed functioning lights in the basement. Consequently, the basement had been sealed off, eliminating the presence of a large hole in the ground. The operational lights provided us with sufficient illumination during our nocturnal work shifts.

During one particular incident, my co-worker Jordan ascended the stairs and proceeded outside to assist with the construction of the add-on section. Meanwhile, I was occupied with the electrical components, albeit lacking the expertise of a professional electrician. Unexpectedly, a power outage occurred, which I promptly deduced was unrelated to my activities. Presumably, a power disruption had transpired in the vicinity. Due to the nature of our work and the resulting grime on our hands, we refrained from carrying our mobile phones on our persons.

Instead, we stored them in our jackets, which were hung upstairs. Fortunately, we had the foresight to equip ourselves with flashlights, which we kept in our vests. However, before I could retrieve my flashlight, an unsettling rattling noise permeated the air. The closest approximation I can offer is that it resembled the sound of a bag of coins being vigorously shaken, although not precisely identical. Curiously, the noise appeared to originate from within the confined space designated for the future bathroom. Swiftly, I extracted the flashlight from its pouch on my vest, activated its beam, and directed it towards the bathroom area.

We had previously installed a door, which was partially closed, obstructing my view of the actual room. The sound I heard did not resemble any typical structural noise, leading me to speculate that it might have been one of my colleagues. Approaching the door, I cautiously ran my hand along its side, taking a moment to gather my composure before pulling it open. To my astonishment, my flashlight illuminated an individual dressed entirely in black, standing with their face concealed in the corner of the small room, rendering their features invisible. However, when this person turned their head, resembling a startled deer in the woods, I caught a glimpse of the glow in their eyes. Reacting swiftly, I forcefully shut the door and hurriedly ascended the stairs, my heavy boots echoing with each step, in search of my co-workers.

To my surprise, they were all gathered outside, seemingly prepared to conclude their work for the night due to a power outage affecting the neighboring buildings. Confirming their presence, I counted three of my co-workers, eliminating the possibility of any of them being the mysterious figure in the tiny room. I inquired if anyone else from our workplace had been present in the building that evening, but they all shook their heads in negation. Consequently, I felt compelled to lead them downstairs to witness the unsettling stranger in the basement. Reluctantly, they followed me to the basement and the small room, only to find that the person I had encountered was no longer there, as I had feared.

I was greatly embarrassed when my colleagues did not believe me, neither in the basement nor anywhere else in the entire building. However, I did not intend to hold them hostage or force them to believe me. Consequently, we all returned outside and proceeded to pack up our belongings. As the individual in possession of the building key, it was my responsibility to secure the premises once everyone had departed. After observing the others drive away, an indescribable feeling compelled me to revisit the basement one final time in search of the person I was certain I had seen. Taking a deep breath, I exited my vehicle, unlocked the building door, and descended back into the basement.

To combat the overpowering darkness, I utilized two flashlights, one of which I had previously employed, and my mobile phone. Upon reaching the bottom step, I halted, overwhelmed by the deafening silence that permeated the cramped, unfinished basement. The anticipation of hearing a sound intensified my unease to the point where I contemplated turning back and ascending the stairs. Suddenly, the rattling noise emanated once more from the minuscule room.

Without even glancing in its direction, my heart leapt into my throat, prompting me to hastily ascend the stairs, forcefully slamming the basement door shut. I promptly locked the building door and departed, relieved that it was a Saturday and I would not have to return until Monday. From that point forward, I made certain to avoid working alone in that basement. Fortunately, we completed the project within a few weeks without any further peculiar occurrences.


About the Creator

Manuel Sanz

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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    I love scary stories! Well crafted!

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