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A creepy village

By Dilani NadeeshaPublished 7 months ago 5 min read

The moon hung low in the ink-black sky, casting an eerie glow over the abandoned village of Ravenswood. The wind whispered through the skeletal remains of decaying houses, carrying with it a sense of desolation that clung to the air like a shroud. The once-thriving community now lay in ruins, its streets overgrown with twisted vines and gnarled roots that seemed to claw at the very soul of anyone who dared to tread upon them.

Legend had it that Ravenswood had been cursed centuries ago, a place where darkness and despair had taken root and refused to let go. The villagers, it was said, had dabbled in forbidden rituals, invoking powers that should have remained dormant. The consequences were swift and merciless, as the village was consumed by a malevolent force that left it a mere shadow of its former self.

Jake, an adventurous photographer seeking to capture the eerie beauty of abandoned places, had heard tales of Ravenswood and its haunted history. Intrigued by the prospect of documenting a village frozen in time, he set out on a moonlit night, guided only by the cryptic directions he had received from a mysterious old man in a nearby town.

As Jake stepped over the threshold of Ravenswood, a bone-chilling gust of wind greeted him, as if the village itself were exhaling a sigh of warning. Undeterred, he ventured deeper into the heart of the forsaken settlement. The crumbling buildings seemed to leer at him with empty windows like vacant eye sockets, and the silence hung thick, broken only by the soft crunch of leaves under his boots.

His camera hung from his neck, a beacon of reassurance as he explored the narrow, cobblestone streets. Shadows danced along the walls, casting distorted figures that seemed to mock him at every turn. Jake approached what was once the village square, now a desolate expanse with a broken fountain at its center.

The air grew colder as he noticed a faint, otherworldly glow emanating from one of the dilapidated houses. A sense of unease settled over him, but curiosity tugged at his every step. Pushing open the creaking door, he entered a world frozen in time. Furniture lay covered in dusty sheets, as if the villagers had hastily abandoned their lives, leaving everything behind.

As Jake moved through the silent rooms, he felt a strange energy in the air, like a current that pulsed with the heartbeat of the village. The walls seemed to absorb his presence, echoing with distant whispers that sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't shake the feeling that unseen eyes were watching his every move.

In one room, a faded family portrait adorned the wall – a snapshot of happiness that had long since faded into the annals of history. The eyes of the family members bore into Jake's soul, their expressions frozen in a mixture of joy and terror. He quickly averted his gaze, feeling an inexplicable guilt for intruding on their private moment.

The glow intensified as Jake ascended a creaking staircase, leading him to the attic. The air grew heavy with the weight of the past, and he could almost hear the echoes of laughter and footsteps that had once filled these halls. In the attic, a single, flickering candle illuminated a circle drawn on the wooden floor, surrounded by arcane symbols that seemed to writhe and pulse in the dim light.

A shiver ran down Jake's spine as he realized he stood in the epicenter of the village's cursed history. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and the temperature plummeted. The candle flame wavered, casting dancing shadows that seemed to take on sinister shapes.

Suddenly, a guttural whisper echoed through the attic, a voice from the abyss that spoke in a language long forgotten by the living. Jake stumbled backward, his heart pounding in his chest. The symbols on the floor began to glow with an unnatural light, pulsating in rhythm with his racing heartbeat.

The shadows coalesced into ethereal forms, whispering in hushed tones that wormed their way into Jake's mind. Images flashed before his eyes – the villagers engaged in dark rituals, their faces twisted in ecstasy and agony. He felt their desperation, their futile attempts to escape the malevolent force they had unleashed.

A cold sweat coated Jake's skin as the whispers grew louder, demanding something he couldn't comprehend. In a desperate attempt to escape, he fumbled for his camera, capturing the spectral forms in the frame. The moment the shutter clicked, a deafening wail echoed through the attic, shaking the very foundations of Ravenswood.

The glow intensified, blinding Jake as a vortex of malevolent energy spiraled around him. He felt a force pulling him toward the center of the circle, his body resisting against an unseen power. Panic gripped him as he realized he was entwined in the very fabric of the village's curse.

With a final surge of strength, Jake broke free, stumbling backward and crashing through the attic door. He descended the stairs in a frenzied sprint, the whispers and wails echoing in his ears. The village seemed to come alive with a malevolent energy, the very air pulsating with a dark force that sought to consume him.

As he burst out of the house, Jake felt the ground beneath him tremble. The buildings groaned as if awakening from a long slumber, and the shadows seemed to converge into a swirling mass of darkness. He could feel the eyes of the villagers, long gone but still present in spirit, watching him with a mix of gratitude and malice.

The moon, now obscured by thick clouds, cast an ominous glow over Ravenswood. Jake stumbled through the overgrown streets, his mind a whirlwind of terror and confusion. The village seemed to resist his departure, clinging to him like a vengeful spirit unwilling to let go of its newfound plaything.

With each step, the whispers faded, replaced by the mournful howling of the wind. As Jake crossed the village's invisible boundary, the malevolent force released its grip, leaving him standing on the outskirts of the forsaken settlement. He turned back to see Ravenswood in all its haunted glory, a spectral village caught between the realms of the living and the dead.

Gasping for breath, Jake stumbled away from the cursed village, haunted by the images he had captured and the inexplicable connection forged between himself and the tortured spirits of Ravenswood. The legends, it seemed, were not mere tales to be dismissed; they were a warning etched in the very fabric of the village's existence.

As he retreated into the safety of the moonlit night, Jake couldn't shake the feeling that Ravenswood would forever linger in the recesses of his mind, its cursed history an indelible mark on his soul. The abandoned village had shared its secrets, and he, in turn, had become a part of its tragic tale – a tale that would continue to unfold in the whispers of the wind and the shadows that danced in the haunted moonlight.


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    DNWritten by Dilani Nadeesha

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