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X-Energy Inks Deal to Build Next-Gen Nuclear Reactors in Washington State, Bolstering Carbon-Free Energy Efforts

Advancing Clean Energy Solutions through Next-Generation Nuclear Reactors in Washington State

By Hemraj HemadePublished 11 months ago 3 min read


X-Energy, a pioneering company at the forefront of next-generation nuclear reactors, has made a surprise announcement that it will collaborate with Energy Northwest to construct up to 12 modular devices in Central Washington. This partnership comes after X-Energy had previously abandoned its plan to build four demonstration reactors in Maryland, opting instead to join forces with chemical giant Dow for a project in a Gulf state. The joint development agreement outlines the construction of X-Energy's innovative Xe-100 advanced small modular reactors adjacent to Columbia Generating Station, the sole commercial nuclear power plant in Washington state. With the potential to generate up to 960 megawatts of power, these reactors are set to make a significant contribution to Washington's efforts in cutting carbon emissions and slowing global warming.

A Surprising Move

X-Energy's decision to switch gears and focus on Washington state for its next-gen nuclear reactor project comes as a surprise to many. Initially planning to deploy its demonstration reactors in Maryland, the company's strategic shift to collaborate with Dow for a Gulf state project raised eyebrows. However, the new joint development agreement with Energy Northwest demonstrates X-Energy's commitment to harnessing the potential of Central Washington as an ideal site for their advanced reactors.

The Promise of Advanced Small Modular Reactors

As the world seeks to transition away from carbon-emitting fossil fuels and address the challenge of climate change, there has been renewed interest in nuclear power. Advanced small modular reactors, such as X-Energy's Xe-100, offer a promising solution by providing clean energy without emitting greenhouse gases. By harnessing nuclear fission, these reactors produce electricity without contributing to carbon pollution, though they do generate radioactive waste. Such advanced reactor technology is expected to play a vital role in providing continuous, carbon-free electricity to complement intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar.

A Step towards a Sustainable Energy Portfolio

The joint venture between X-Energy and Energy Northwest aligns with the latter's mission to supply the region with clean, reliable, and affordable electricity. By incorporating X-Energy's innovative reactor technology into its energy portfolio, Energy Northwest aims to bolster its carbon-free electric generating resources. This strategic move comes as no surprise, given the growing demand for clean energy solutions and the urgent need to diversify energy sources.

Timeline and Capacity

The agreement outlines the construction of up to 12 Xe-100 advanced small modular reactors, with the first reactor anticipated to be operational by 2030. If all 12 reactors are built, they have the potential to generate an impressive total of 960 megawatts of power. As the deployment of these reactors progresses, Washington state is poised to become a leading example in the quest for sustainable, safe, and efficient nuclear power.

Fuel Supply Challenges and Collaborative Solutions

Both X-Energy and TerraPower, another next-gen nuclear power company backed by Bill Gates, face the challenge of securing reactor fuel. Russia had been the sole commercial producer of HALEU (high-assay, low-enriched uranium fuel), but geopolitical events led to the suspension of this supply source. In response, TerraPower and Centrus Energy have joined forces to establish domestic production capabilities of HALEU at a facility in Ohio. X-Energy, on the other hand, plans to create its fuel production facility in Tennessee to ensure a reliable supply for its reactors.


The partnership between X-Energy and Energy Northwest to build next-gen nuclear reactors in Washington state marks a significant step towards achieving a carbon-free and sustainable energy future. As the world continues its quest to combat climate change, the deployment of advanced small modular reactors promises to be a game-changer in the energy landscape. With increased safety, efficiency, and carbon neutrality, these reactors present a compelling solution to address the global challenge of meeting energy demands without compromising the environment. As the project progresses, it will undoubtedly draw global attention and pave the way for a greener, cleaner, and more resilient energy infrastructure.

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Hemraj Hemade

I am a blog writer

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