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What are The Popular Types of Ninja Swords?

Ninja Swords

By Mai SophiaPublished 6 months ago 4 min read

Ninja swords are traditionally made of steel and shaped into a long straight blade with a circular handguard called a tsuba. A blade length typically ranges from around 30 centimeters (12 in) to 90 centimeters (36 in), but occasionally, much longer blades have been wielded. The handguard is generally between 8 and 16 centimeters (3–6 in) from the fulcrum, or center of the tang. The hilt is usually wrapped with cloth for a tight gripping surface, but not always.

In addition, many of these swords also feature three ridges on either side of the blade, forming a crossguard for added protection. These ridges are typically just slightly wider than the blade itself, and they can be used to trap an opponent's weapon. The crossguard also ensures that the sword properly aligns with the forearm when fighting at close quarters.

Types of Ninja Swords:

The popularity of ninja swords is surprising; it is not the most popular in Japan, but still the number one selling item. There are so many different types of these swords, it would take days to explore all their designs. One famous design has a long hilt that includes a spike and red cloth wrapped around it.

Some like longer blades with a large hilt that covers the whole arm. All these blade lengths vary depending on personal preference for weight and balance, going from lightweight flexible swords to heavy sturdy ones with wooden handles. Let’s take a look at some cool options:


The Katana is the most common ninja sword. It was used infrequently by ninjas in feudal Japan, whereas other common swords such as the wakizashi and katana-no-dachi were used more often. The blade of a katana is made from multiple pieces of folded steel that are clad together with softer iron or copper to form a unified edge.

The blade of a katana is quite long at around two meters in length, but it has a slim profile which makes it very agile. The hand guard is usually diamond-shaped with a pair of katanas interlocked on top.


The wakizashi is basically an average-sized katana; however, it does not extend as far from the hilt to the tip of the blade. It is intended for people who are not proficient in using longer swords but want to increase their power and efficiency in one swift stroke.


The kodachi is identical to a wakizashi except that it has a curved blade, meaning that the back of the blade curves down instead of straight outwards. The curve in the blade allows for thin cuts and slices rather than a more powerful slash.

The kodachi was among the most common Ninja Swords. It is a very versatile blade that can be used for stabbing, cutting, or slashing, unlike some of the other swords. The kodachi has a longer hilt with a slender profile and an elegant blade that curves downwards at the back. It is not as strong as other swords but it is still significant and was used effectively in battle.

The kodachi and the wakizashi both had one long curved blade, however, the kodachi had a longer hilt than the wakizashi. The kodachi usually did not have a hand guard, but it did have an extra grip shape that prevented it from slipping out of the hand.


The shakujō (栂正) was a dual-edged straight sword; however, it had a curved blade designed specifically to increase its efficiency when cutting through objects like books and scrolls. It was used during Samurai battles and was said to offer the best of both worlds.


A tachi was a long sword that did not have a hand guard. The tachi had a long curved blade designed for cutting and slashing and it was worn with the blade pointing down by the wearer's side. It was usually between 70 and 100 cm long, but some were even longer than this.


A naginata is a Japanese polearm which originated in the 5th century. It has an elongated curved blade at the end of a very long shaft and it is used in a similar fashion to a sword. This weapon was also used for self-defense and it had moderate cutting capabilities.


The chokutō was essentially a longer version of the wakizashi with an elongated grip that was designed to allow two hands to wield it together. However, most people prefer to use only one hand as it is more versatile in combat situations and this sword style is ideal for dueling.

Ninja swords are a popular trend today. This is not just because they’re aesthetically pleasing, but also because they are functional as well. They are sharp, have a variety of uses, can be used to decapitate your enemies, and more. If you’re into seeing these amazing swords in action or even making one yourself, it might be worth looking into the history of these unusual weapons.

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About the Creator

Mai Sophia

A Writer/blogger by day, a knife enthusiast and survivalist by night. I've reviewed a lot of products and have helped people make the right purchase

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