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Uncovering the lost civilisations of Ethiopia and beyond

Legends of Giants and Mysterious Ruins

By GuyDussekPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

In the far-flung city of Harla, Eastern Ethiopia, a fascinating legend lingers, whispered among the local residents. They speak of a time when their land was ruled by giants, a race of colossal beings who once thrived in Africa. These legends find their roots in the enigmatic ruins scattered across the area, structures so monumental that they defy the capabilities of ordinary humans. The truth, however, reveals a different story.

Recent archaeological discoveries by experts from the University of Exeter have shed light on the mysteries hidden within Harla's desolate landscape. Among the broken fragments of a lost settlement, dating back 1,100 years, lies evidence of a cosmopolitan hub and its accompanying cemetery. This once-thriving multicultural center was a vibrant melting pot of activity, with artifacts from distant lands like the Maldives, China, and even Egypt.

But Harla is not the only city cloaked in the veil of obscurity. Caracoto, known today as the Black City of the Cons, was a thriving capital of a long-dead civilization in the inner Mongolian region of China. Once the stronghold of the Tangut people, it flourished as the capital of the Western Xia Dynasty until the formidable Genghis Khan arrived. Unlike his typical conquests, Khan spared the city and made it his own. Under the rule of Iman Ghols, the Black City thrived until the rise of the Ming Dynasty, which led to its ultimate downfall.

Stabiae, an ancient Roman city overshadowed by the mighty Mount Vesuvius, shares a similar fate. While Pompeii steals the spotlight, Stabiae suffered a comparable devastation when the volcano erupted in 79 A.D. Buried beneath layers of ash and volcanic rock, this forgotten city remained hidden for centuries until rediscovered in the 18th century. What makes Stabiae even more intriguing is the evidence of an earlier civilization, the Oscan tribe, who prospered in the area long before the Roman Republic absorbed them.

Venturing into the Sahara Desert, the ruins of Germa whisper tales of a once-powerful civilization that thrived in this harsh environment. The Garamantes, known for their prowess in the slave trade, turned the desert's barrenness into prosperity. The ancient city of Germa, their grand capital, boasted workshops, temples, and thousands of inhabitants. However, their dominance attracted the attention of Emperor Septimius Severus, leading to the city's destruction, abandonment, and eventual desertion.

Traveling further east, Tongwan Chang emerges from the pages of history, a fairy tale city with its shimmering white walls rising from the sand. Built by the Xiongnu culture, this grand capital stood as a testament to their power and wealth. Yet, Tongwan Chang's fate was not one of longevity. The forces of nature and the Northern Wei dynasty ravaged the city, reducing it to an oversized mound of ruins.

The lost sanctuary of Claros, steeped in ancient Greek mythology, reveals a site built by the sons of Kodrus, legendary King of Athens. With altars and temples dedicated to gods like Apollo and Artemis, this sanctuary thrived for centuries. Its sacred cave housed oracles who sought visions of the future by consuming its mystical water. However, this gift came with a heavy price—the shortened lives of those who sought divine guidance.

In the Philippines, the sunken city of Old Pantabangan resurfaced, bared by a prolonged drought that drained the reservoir above it. Submerged intentionally when a dam was constructed, this ancient city vanished beneath the water's surface, erasing 300 years of history. But as nature takes its course.

But as nature takes its course, revealing the forgotten secrets of the past, the sunken city of Old Pantabangan resurfaced, captivating the imaginations of historians and archaeologists. The submerged ruins offer a glimpse into a thriving civilization that once existed in the area.

These tales of lost civilizations and mysterious ruins serve as reminders of the rich and diverse tapestry of human history. They challenge our understanding of the past and inspire us to explore the remnants of ancient cultures. Archaeologists, historians, and adventurers continue to delve into these enigmatic sites, unearthing artifacts and piecing together the stories of those who came before us.

While the legends of giants ruling Ethiopia, the rise and fall of ancient cities in China and Rome, the grandeur of lost civilizations in the Sahara Desert and Tongwan Chang, and the sunken city of Old Pantabangan in the Philippines may have faded from common knowledge, they persist in the annals of history, awaiting rediscovery and renewed interest.

As we uncover these lost civilizations, we gain a deeper understanding of our shared human heritage and the vastness of the world's cultural mosaic. The mysteries that lie within these ancient ruins continue to captivate our imagination and remind us that there is still much to learn and explore in the realms of history and archaeology.

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