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Top 5 ghost stories


By Sivaraman MPublished 4 months ago 2 min read
Top 5 ghost stories
Photo by Crina Parasca on Unsplash

StaThe Phantom of Bungalow No. 17, Ooty:
This can be a well-known frequented house found in Ooty, Tamil Nadu. Legend has it that a British officer committed suicide in Bungalow No. 17 amid the colonial time. Since at that point, local people and guests have detailed spooky sightings and unusual events, crediting them to the anxious soul of the officer.

The Frequented Well of Kolli Slopes:
Kolli Slopes, arranged within the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, is known for its characteristic magnificence additionally for its spooky stories. One such story spins around a frequented well where a lady is said to have suffocated herself beneath secretive circumstances. Local people claim to have listened her cries reverberating from the well at night.

The Phantom of Aayi Mandapam, Pondicherry:
Aayi Mandapam, a authentic landmark in Pondicherry, is rumored to be frequented by the soul of a youthful French young lady who kicked the bucket appallingly. It is said that her soul meanders around the landmark at night, and a few guests have detailed experiencing her spooky figure.

The Phantom of the Frequented Cemetery, Chennai:
There are a few frequented cemeteries in Chennai, with stories of nebulous visions and unusual events. One such cemetery, located in the edges of the city, is accepted to be frequented by the spirits of those buried there. Guests have detailed feeling a sense of unease and seeing spooky figures meandering among the headstones.

The Phantom of the Ancient Post, Vellore:
Vellore Fortification, a 16th-century post in Tamil Nadu, is said to be frequented by the soul of a British officer who was murdered amid a fight. Guests have detailed hearing phantom footsteps and seeing shadowy figures inside the fort's premises, driving to rumors of supernatural movement.

The Apparition of Madras Christian College (MCC):
The MCC campus in Chennai is rumored to be frequented by the soul of a British officer who kicked the bucket amid the colonial time. It is said that his apparition meanders the campus at night, and understudies have detailed hearing interesting clamors and seeing spooky nebulous visions.

The Frequented House of Mylapore:
There's a well-known frequented house within the Mylapore range of Chennai, where local people claim to have seen spooky figures and listened unexplained sounds. The house is said to be surrendered, including to its puzzling atmosphere.

The Apparition of Devanampattinam Beach:
Devanampattinam Shoreline close Pondicherry is accepted to be frequented by the spirits of anglers who misplaced their lives at ocean. Local people have detailed seeing spooky nebulous visions strolling along the shoreline, particularly amid foggy evenings.

The Frequented Bridge of Nungambakkam:
Nungambakkam Bridge in Chennai is rumored to be frequented by the phantom of a lady who kicked the bucket tragically on the bridge. It is said that her soul waits there, and passersby have detailed feeling a sudden chill and hearing ghostly cries, particularly after dim.

The Apparition of Singanallur Lake:
Singanallur Lake in Coimbatore is said to be frequented by the soul of a lady who suffocated herself within the lake after being surrendered by her significant other. Local people claim to have seen her apparition meandering close the water's edge, looking for her misplaced adore.

These are fair a couple of examples of the numerous apparition stories that proliferate in Tamil Nadu, reflecting the wealthy old stories and cultural legacy of the locale. phantom stories that are profoundly established in Tamil Nadu's writing...

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