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The Story of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) part 2 :

The greatest of all messengers

By Ummay Habiba AisheePublished about a month ago 2 min read

Let's get into the difficulties and hardship faced by the most loved unto Allah. I’ve chosen this aspect of his life because we’re going through a very difficult period, a unique time where coronavirus has come in and changed a lot of the norms that we had before it came in. It seems to be a semi-long-term change, perhaps who knows. May Allah protect us all and grant us a return to life that is even better than what it was before. But more importantly, may Allah grant us a better relationship with Him than ever before because even if life did not return to normal, but you have a better relationship with Allah, you have succeeded. And if life returns to better than normal and you don’t have a good relationship with Allah, then you have not succeeded.

Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)— best of creation, most noble of all prophets—his father passed away before he was born. Subhanallah. Allah chose for him to be born in a city and at a time when there was no advancement in terms of electricity, running water, the internet, mobile phones, motor vehicles, aircraft, space jets, whatever else there might have been, but Allah favored him above everyone. He was born when he was born; his father had already preceded— or the death of his father had preceded his birth. This act showcased his wisdom and earned him the title "Al-Amin" (the Trustworthy).

This incident teaches us about the power of unity and collaborative problem-solving. Trust and honesty are vital in leadership, but these qualities can be tested when opinions clash. The Prophet's life demonstrates that maintaining integrity is crucial, even when faced with opposition.

Before his prophethood, Muhammad worked as a shepherd and later in business for Khadijah, a wealthy merchant. His honesty in business dealings impressed her, leading to their marriage. Despite being much older and previously married, Khadijah supported him wholeheartedly. She was the first to accept Islam, highlighting the importance of mutual respect and support in a relationship.

This period also underscores the value of accountability and transparency in business. Muhammad meticulously recorded every transaction, reflecting his integrity and attention to detail. His life exemplifies that education goes beyond formal literacy; it's about the wisdom and values one upholds.

The Prophet's initial revelation in the cave of Hira marks a significant turning point. The command "Read in the name of your Lord who created" emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge and relying on divine guidance. This moment teaches us that with faith in Allah, nothing is impossible.

His early followers, including Ali ibn Abi Talib and Abu Bakr, were drawn from close circles, highlighting the influence of good companionship. The story stresses the need to surround oneself with positive influences and maintain strong, ethical relationships.

The Prophet's life was marked by trials, including the loss of his children and persecution. These hardships weren't signs of Allah's displeasure but tests that strengthened his resolve and faith. Similarly, the challenges we face, such as the current pandemic, can be seen as opportunities to reaffirm our trust in Allah and grow in resilience.

In summary, the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teaches us valuable lessons about leadership, integrity, the power of supportive relationships, and the importance of maintaining faith and resilience in the face of adversity. These principles are timeless and relevant to our lives today. May Allah grant us the strength to embody these lessons.

World HistoryNarrativesBiographies

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Ummay Habiba Aishee

I dream as long as I sleep .

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    Ummay Habiba AisheeWritten by Ummay Habiba Aishee

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