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The concept of time

Is it real or just an illusion?

By Alexandria MerchantPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Time is a mysterious concept that exists and doesn't exist simultaneously. I'm intrigued by why time slows down with increased velocity and why shapes warp near the speed of light. Time is actually another dimension, and I am excited to dive into said scientific theories of dimension.

Dimensions refer to the measurements and movements within space. 3D space has height, width, and depth, with 90-degree angles between them. Objects in 3D space can move in different directions. We can add or remove dimensions to move from one space to another. 2D objects move in a plane bounded by two directions, and 1D objects can only move along one direction. Adding extra dimensions is necessary to move from 1D to 2D to 3D. However, when it comes to adding a fourth dimension, it becomes more challenging. In 3D space, it's impossible to draw a line perpendicular to all three dimensions. We can only approximate it. Mathematicians have attempted to represent 4D objects using 3D lines, but the results can be confusing. Time and space are interconnected, and I find it fascinating how they relate to 4D space. Just like there's no real difference between the x, y, and z directions, time is another dimension that is part of the same concept.

it's time that allows us to move about in it but why can't we see it why can't we look in the direction of time It is the force that governs our existence, may not be what it seems. It can slow down for objects moving at the speed of light and flow differently based on gravitational fields, but could it all be an illusion? Is it just a theory of our minds made up by man to make sense of the world? To find the truth, we must question everything we thought we knew about time.

Now being in the age of Aquarius it is time to step into the unknown and challenge this very concept. According to history time was created as a tool to measure, change and bring order to our lives. Our ancestors needed it for farming, navigation, and rituals. From the rising and setting of the Sun to the phases of the moon, we used natural phenomena to keep track. As society evolved, so did our methods. Sundials, water clocks, and mechanical clocks divided the day into manageable parts. Calendars were created to track longer periods. Different cultures had their own calendars, reflecting their understanding. Despite our timekeeping systems, our perception of time remains personal and subjective. It varies based on age, emotions, and culture. Time is a flexible paradigm shaped by our experiences. But is it real or just a idea? Albert Einstein challenged the traditional understanding with his theory of relativity. Time is not separate from space but intertwined in a single continuum known as space-time. It shattered the idea of time as an independent variable. Einstein showed that time is relative, dependent on the observer's frame of reference. Two events that seem simultaneous to one observer may occur at different times to another.

Physicists believe that although we perceive time as real, it is not fundamentally real. Time is not a basic or essential element in constructing reality at the deepest levels of nature. The concept of time as we know it is forever changed. The past, the present and the future is not as complex as we thought. They all exist amongst a time universe. Even still, time does flow, and our own perception of time comes down to our individual, internal processes. Regardless of rather time is real or an illusion, it is important to cherish every single moment of it.


About the Creator

Alexandria Merchant

Hi There beautiful people! I am a writer and fashion enthusiast who hails from Los Angeles. Growing up in a diverse, military household, I mastered the art of connecting with people from all walks of life, my writing mirrors this diversty.

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