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Scariest & Creepiest Archaeological Discoveries

Unearthing the Haunting and Enigmatic Remnants of the Past

By Shacovia StevensPublished about a year ago 43 min read

The cenotes of Mexico are a huge draw

for tourists who like to scuba dive and

experience another world but one flooded

sinkhole in southern Mexico has

terrified local villagers so much that

they refuse to visit and for good reason

underwater archaeologists recently found

a submerged Cavern that was littered

with elongated skulls and human bones

known as sakuayum the Cenote is located

in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and was

sometimes used by the ancient Maya as a

place for sacrificial offerings the Erie

Cenote sits just outside the ruins of

the Ancient Maya city of mayapan mayapan

was once a political center from the

12th to the 15th Century A.D the city

was enclosed within a stone wall where

the cenotes acted as a vital source of

water for the 17 thousand residents who

lived there but over time local Legends

were whispered about sakuayum including

the fact that it was guarded by a

feathered horse-headed serpent that

perched in the tree before spinning

around in the air and taking a diving

leap into the water

for two weeks in 2014 curious

archaeologists dove into the Cenote to

explore it appeared something sinister

took place inside and perhaps knowledge

of this was passed down over the years

leading to the development of Legends

and myths on the first day they

discovered two Chambers in the cavern

connected by a tunnel with bones

scattered across the floor the team

identified 10 skulls in the first

chamber and five in the second and they

think they'll find even more if that

wasn't strange enough these weren't

normal skulls either the skulls were

elongated intentionally flattened during

infancy with no marks to indicate any

exact causes of death researchers

believe the people who were buried there

probably weren't actually sacrificed and

with few artifacts located scientists

aren't sure whether the people were

Elite or if they received any kind of

special treatment belonging to both

males and females ranging from teenagers

to adults questions still remain about

the reason why the bodies were there in

the first place

the fact that the Cenote lies to the

south of mayapan the direction

associated with the underworld makes

researchers believe the dead may have

been buried there to await their next

cycle of creation back then the ancient

Mayans would have wanted to avoid

burying people near the rest of the

population and they certainly wouldn't

have wanted to drink the water there

either which is why the cenotes may have

been excluded from the boundaries drawn

on original maps of the city either way

these strange elongated skulls make for

a chilling if not interesting Discovery

the San Jose Galleon in 1708 off the

coast of Cartagena Colombia a large ship

full of treasure was on its way back to

Spain when disaster struck the San Jose

Galleon was attacked by British forces

lying in weight at the port to steal the

treasure as the captain pushed forward

the British Navy tried to board the

galley in three different times to take

it as their own but the ship then burst

into flames it sank to the Bottom of the

Sea along with the 600 people and 20

billion dollars worth of gold silver and

jewels that were on board since then the

San Jose has been lying on the ocean

floor lost for centuries in 2015 the

Colombian government announced that they

had found the San Jose but instead of

being a celebrated find it became the

center of an international custody

dispute with many wanting a piece of the

pie a robotic submarine called the Remus

6000 which is operated by the us-based

Woods Hole oceanographic institution

officially discovered the ship the

nearly 13 foot long underwater

autonomous vehicle can explore up to 3.7

miles below the Sea's surface it was

able to descend just 30 feet above the

San Jose to snap photographs of The

Galleon as well as its bronze dolphin

engraved cannons which researchers used

to distinguish it was indeed the San

Jose the original salvage company stated

they found the ship in the early 1980s

but kept it quiet former Colombian

President Juan Manuel Santos announced

that the Colombian Navy had actually

found the Galleon in 2015. Spain says

that it doesn't matter the billions

belong to the Spanish Crown as experts

and historians battle over this sunken

treasure the ship which had been

submerged for 300 years continues to

rest on the sea floor with its riches up

for grabs the exact location of the Holy

Grail of shipwrecks has been kept

private to stop divers and treasure

Seekers from looting the treasure

underwater city of XI Chang XI Chang is

often called the Atlantis of the East

this small underwater city of XI Cheng

is a gorgeous and mysterious Time

Capsule of Imperial China perfectly

preserved 131 feet under chiandal Lake

in sejiang Province stands the

Magnificent Stone architecture from the

Ming and Qing dynasties the submerged

city of XI Chang is so Majestic the

underwater complex is also known as lion

City in Mandarin it was purposely

flooded in 1959 to make way for a dam

and the hydroelectric power station

about 300 000 residents were relocated

for the project some of whom had

families that had lived in the city for

hundreds of years but they didn't have a

choice the city was flooded and

forgotten in 2001 the city was

rediscovered when the Chinese government

organized an expedition with

professional divers to see what remained

of the Lost Metropolis exploration and

interest increased even further about 10

years later when the magazine Chinese

National Geography published

illustrations of what the city might

have looked like in its Glory Days

despite being completely submerged

underwater chi chang has remained

astonishingly well preserved the city

has been protected from wind rain and

sun erosion underwater photographs

revealed the city had five entrance

Gates instead of the traditional four

there were 265 archways on the city

streets featuring carved stonework of

dragons phoenixes lions and historical

inscriptions originally China was going

to send submarine tours to the city for

the general public but plans were

scrapped due to fears that tours would

damage the historic buildings there

there's still a lot to explore and map

out so today only Advanced divers with

lots of experience can get up close to

the ruins athlete yam skeleton off the

coast of Israel a submerged prehistoric

settlement known as atlid yam has been

drawing the attention of researchers for

decades it lies 26 to 40 feet below sea

level a marine archaeologist named ahud

khalili first discovered the site in

1984 and ever since then underwater

excavations have revealed a trove of

fascinating discoveries the ruins have

been incredibly well preserved by the

sand dating all the way back to 7000 BC

as researchers set out to locate

excavate and Salvage the prehistoric

settlements they found 17 submerged

sites including 13 Neolithic sites near

the shore seven megaliths that weighed

about 1 320 pounds each are arranged in

a stone semicircle in the center of

everything obvious cut marks carved into

the stones arranged around the

freshwater spring suggests that they may

have been used for a water ritual a

stone well excavated at the site was

found to contain animal bones Stone

Flint wood bone artifacts and human

remains suggesting it was not only a

water well but a disposal pit

archaeologists found actual skeletons

under the water which is extremely rare

researchers have evidence that the

inhabitants were some of the first to

transition for being hunter-gatherers to

more settled Farmers the team found

traces of more than 100 different plant

species that either grew at the site or

were collected from the wild as well as

animal remains including those from

domesticated animals sheep and pig bones

may be evidence the residents raised and

hunted animals for food

fishing also seemed to play a big role

in the society with over 6 000 fish

bones located during excavation there is

still more to learn about one of the

earliest settlements found with evidence

of domesticated cattle including how it

became submerged an Italian study found

that a volcanic collapse of Mount Aetna

8 500 years ago may have caused a 131

foot high tsunami that would have

engulfed some of the Mediterranean

coastal cities but the fact that the

megalithic Stone Circle Still Remains

standing in the place it was constructed

leads some researchers to disregard the

idea that a tsunami wiped out the

settlement some point to the fact that

it could have been climate change that

caused the glaciers to melt and sea

levels to rise enough that it would have

flooded the land slowly luckily the

unique conditions of clay and Sandy

sediment under salt water are the

perfect conditions to keep everything

well preserved and allow researchers to

explore this ancient site even more want

to give a big shout out to Javier

Aguilar and Bronwyn Crocker thanks so

much for watching and spending time with

us if you are new here be sure to hit

that subscribe button to join the

origins explained family doggerland

twenty thousand years ago the British

Isles were connected to Mainland Europe

by a land bridge known as doggerland is

it just me or does doggerland sound like

a city from Mad Max now completely

submerged the landmass allowed early

Mesolithic people to travel more easily

it was always assumed that a landslide

decimated the area off the coast of

Norway around 6150 BC this triggered a

tsunami in the North Sea that flooded

the British Coastline which likely

killed thousands of people who lived by

the water originally believing the

tsunami was the culprit for separating

Britain from Mainland Europe new

research published by archaeologists

argues that doggerland may have actually

survived as an archipelago of islands

after 15 years of examining the

underwater remains researchers mapped

the territory's marshes rivers and other

geological features and took samples of

underwater Rock by studying these

underwater sediment cores samples showed

evidence of the flood which would have

killed anyone on the shoreline when it

struck 8 200 years ago even though the

tsunamis would have killed many of the

existing hunter-gatherers and fishing

societies along the coast researchers

believe the landmass would have survived

the cataclysmic event oil companies

Drilling in the North Sea use seismic

survey data to construct a digital model

of the 18 000 square miles of what

doggerland looked like before it was

flooded the wooded Valley slowly

disappeared over time so the people who

lived here thousands of years ago had to

move to Higher Ground even today

fishermen continue to find ancient bones

and tools evidence of the people who

lived here so long ago if you think all

of this is in the ancient past think

again climate scientists say that a

similar situation could affect anyone

who lives within 37 miles of Shoreline

today especially if the polar ice caps

continue to melt at an accelerated rate

do you think we should be worried about

a tsunami like this happening anytime

soon let me know in the comments below

Cenote Angelita located just 10 and a

half miles south of Tulum Mexico Cenote

Angelita is a Haven for scuba divers who

want to explore the past a series of

sinkholes and caves in the jungle lead

to the submerged Cenote a 200 foot deep

pool nestled into the dense surroundings

for those who can Brave the depths they

can experience an unexpected surprise in

the water-filled cave inside under the

water there is a river that flows to the


wondering how this happens it starts

with the creation of the Cenote itself

as Limestone Bedrock collapses it sinks

and forms a pit which acts as a

reservoir that fills with fresh

groundwater and salt water as organic

matter like plants and vegetation

decompose in the water they create a

layer of halocline which is a cloud of

hydrogen sulfide that separates the

fresh water from the salt water below

this is what happened at Cenote Angelita

which is a Marvel on its own but to make

this particular Cenote they stand out

even more from the hundreds of others in

the Yucatan submerged trees within the

underwater cave make it a truly magical

Underworld the Cenote was once a holy

site worshiped by the ancient Maya and

you can see why anyone who dives here

will fall straight into a blue

underworld and the deeper you go the

more trees you will see submerged in a

wispy fog the Maya must have thought the

gods themselves live down here these

unique elements of the waters come as

history allow the denser water to sink

to the bottom and gives the optical

illusion that an underground river flows

through Croatian boat wreck 3 200 years

after it sank a remarkable boat wreck

was discovered off the coast of Croatia

Marine archaeologists in France found

the unique Bronze Age boat in a Cove in

2014. the sunken ship was first seen by

fishermen in 2008 to 600 meters from the

beach however they believed it to be a

fairly recent wreck everyone kind of

knew it was there but ignored it however

researchers from the archaeological

Museum of istria believed the boat to be

quite old and were intrigued they

decided to investigate the site and the

boat was determined to be from pre-roman

times stretching over 23 feet in length

and 8 feet wide the ship was just

sleeping six and a half feet below the

surface of the water back in the day

shipbuilding was hard the researchers

found that these shipbuilders had used a

technique of shipbuilding use in the

Adriatic until the Roman era when there

were no metal fasteners available or

they were too expensive carefully shaped

planks were sewn together with ropes

roots or Willow branches and their

sections overlapped so they didn't need

any metal fasteners to bind them

together the boat is incredibly well

preserved for how old it is with most of

its stitching still visible in areas and

the frame largely undamaged multiple

types of wood were used to build the

boat with experts conducting tree ring

dating to determine the age and revealed

it was from around 1200 BC scientists

hope to move it to a boat Museum in

Croatia so the world can Marvel at the

Artistry Pablo pedrin in 1904 a

geologist reported discovering an

ancient city in the seabed near Greece

it was the city of Pablo Petri and in

its Heyday some 4 000 years ago it was

once home to a bustling Port the area

was famous for trade going back as far

as the Bronze Age Ceramics recovered

confirmed that the site was once

occupied by Mycenaeans as early as 3500

BC instead of being based around a

god-like figure or King like many

ancient cities Pablo pedre seems to have

emerged into greatness not just because

of its relationship to the sea but also

because of its affinity for trade and

economics the ancient city was a

sprawling network of stone buildings and

two-story homes that even had Plumbing

the city had a complex water management

system involving gutters and canals as

archaeologists dove into the ancient

city they recovered shards of cooking

pots and Crockery as well as storage

vessels which were used to transport

products like oil wine and perfumes most

likely kept to impressive visitors of a

higher status used to make offerings to

the Gods other items included obsidian

Blaze and bronze figurines dense

concentrations of these vessels in

certain buildings suggest they were used

as centralized storage and probably

redistribution an operation such as this

would have required an advanced level of

accounting and administration to keep

track of everything coming in and out

upon further exploration researchers

found the prehistoric Town had intact

building foundations and Courtyards as

well as rock cut tombs with Graves in

2009 an extensive underwater survey was

done to map the structural remains

during the survey 15 previously unknown

buildings were discovered including

buildings and streets that date back to

between 1680 and 1180 BC it's clear that

the people of Pablo pedri were in touch

with all the latest Innovations the City

offers a rare opportunity to study in

detail how an ancient port functioned

and even more importantly the extent of

seafaring contacts and trade in the

Bronze Age the Franklin Expedition

military exploring the world in the

1800s was not for the faint of heart the

19th century saw a scramble amongst

European explorers to discover a polar

sea route linking the Atlantic and

Pacific Oceans better known as the

Northwest Passage one of these

Expeditions led by Sir John Franklin set

sail in 1845 with 129 crew members they

felt extremely prepared and confident

with excellent steam engine ships and

all kinds of equipment they had heat

inside the ships and three years worth

of tin food shockingly none of them

survived after spending a year stuck in

the ice the crew deserted their two

vessels in hopes of making it back to

civilization on foot meanwhile the rest

of the world waited to learn of their

fate unaware of just how bad things had

gotten answers came through the

discovery of Clues such as human remains

written notes personal belongings and

eyewitness accounts the evidence showed

that the men died in different places

and at different times throughout their

Quests for survival during the 1980s

archaeologist Owen Beatty excavated

three of the Explorers remains on beachy

Island in Nunavut Canada The Remains

belonged to Sailors John Hartnell John

Torrington and William brain who died

relatively early during the Trek after

spending over a century buried in the

permafrost the bodies were found

remarkably intact the men died with high

levels of lead in their blood possibly

from tinned food or their ship's water

system but a 2016 study determined that

they actually died from a lung disease

such as pneumonia or tuberculosis their

poor health and lack of food exacerbated

the situation BG Island contains a

fourth grave belonging to Thomas Morgan

an investigator who died of scurvy in

1854 while searching for the Lost

Franklin Expedition the Lost ships

weren't discovered until 2014 and 2016

but they were found in practically

pristine condition under the icy water

climate altering asteroid in 2016

scientists closely examined Northwestern

Greenland's Hiawatha Glacier which they

suspected was Keeping a Secret it has a

strange semi-circular movement that was

a little suspicious good thing they

looked because they discovered a 19-mile

wide impact crater hidden beneath the

ice Left Behind from when an asteroid

nearly a mile long struck the Earth

sometime within the last 100 000 years

some scientists theorized that the

asteroid hit around 13 000 years ago

during the end of the last ice age at

the time megafauna like mammoths and

mastodons were declining while humans

spread throughout North America anyone

within 310 miles of the impact would

have seen a bright massive Fireball in

the sky with the energy of seven Megaton

nuclear bombs the impact would have come

with a massive shock wave a huge

Thunderclap and hurricane force winds

that were felt hundreds of miles away

according to Science magazine people in

North America and Europe May have

endured a rainstorm of rock debris and

the greenhouse gases from the crash

would have caused more ice to melt melt

water would have spewed into the

Atlantic Ocean disrupting ocean currents

and causing temperatures in the northern

hemisphere to plummet the discovery of

the crater could potentially help to

explain a cooling event called the

younger dryas which began around 12 800

years ago in fact scientists proposed

the theory that an asteroid impact

triggered the event but until the crater

was found they had no physical evidence

to back it up if these suspicions are

correct it could provide answers to the

extinction of megafauna as well as The

Disappearance of the Clovis people a

mammoth hunting group who are thought to

be amongst the first humans to arrive in

North America and some of the first

humans who domesticated dogs super

gonorrhea the development of antibiotics

has saved countless lives with the

ability to easily cure bacterial

infections but the microscopic culprits

behind certain deadly diseases have

risen to meet the challenges presented

by modern medicine by evolving into new

bacteria resistant strains take for

example super gonorrhea this is a term

that is meant to convey that gonorrhea

is becoming increasingly resistant to

antibiotics and thus more difficult to

cure several countries including France

Spain Japan the UK and Australia have

seen a rise in such cases in recent

years gonorrhea began mutating to become

antibiotic resistant shortly after the

development of antimicrobials during the

early 20th century since then the

disease has become increasingly

resilient making it difficult to treat

even with the so-called last line of

antibiotics that doctors resort to

prescribing this leaves experts with

little to no existing options for

effectively treating gonorrhea cases

that prove to be undefeatable by all

traditional means for this reason the

CDC recommends further research and

development of new treatment and safety

first jigsaw skeletons in 2001

archaeologists discovered four human

skeletons on an island in Scotland at

first the bodies appeared to represent

typical Bronze Age burials initial

testing determined that one corpse

belonging to a male died around 1600 BC

and that a female had died around 1300

BC but something about the skeleton

struck researchers as odd buried in the

fetal position they were highly flexed

in a seemingly unnatural way further

testing determined that the male was not

buried until 1000 BC six centuries after

he had died the female was laid to rest

300 years after her death upon taking a

closer look experts noticed that the

bodies had been deliberately preserved

most likely by being submerged in one of

the area's many peat bogs for anywhere

from 6 to 18 months this marked the

first and only known discovery of

mummies in Britain a decade later DNA

analysis revealed that the two bodies

were made up of six different people's

body parts the Torso skull and neck of

the male corpse belonged to three other

men and the female body contained a male

skull a female torso and an arm bone of

an undetermined gender what's more the

female mummy's skull predates the Torso

by anywhere from 50 to 200 years experts

surmise that the mummies were created

with the anatomy of several different

family members and that they were

assembled like a jigsaw puzzle to

seemingly represent one person they

don't know why this was done

archaeologist Parker Pearson theorized

that the practice served to create a

so-called symbolic ancestor that

possessed characteristics from multiple

lineages but not all researchers agree

including Terry Brown a biomedical

archeology Professor who suggested that

the borrowed bones were used to replace

body parts that had simply fallen off or

been damaged which Theory do you prefer

let me know in the comments below the

resurrection of ancient diseases as I

see places around the world are starting

to melt scientists are becoming

increasingly concerned that ancient

bacteria and viruses could be released

into the atmosphere after spending

thousands of years Frozen in permafrost

their fears were solidified in 2016 when

a 12 year old boy died and 20 others

were hospitalized after being infected

with Anthrax on siberia's yamal

Peninsula experts theorized that a

reindeer infected with the disease died

around 75 years ago and the disease was

soon encased in Frozen soil the bacteria

escaped during a heat wave that caused

the permafrost to fall thereby

infiltrating the local water and food

supply this very scary case left

researchers fearing that deadly

pathogens will repeatedly infect humans

as global temperatures continue to rise

when frozen under the right conditions

bacteria can remain alive for up to a

million years potentially releasing what

the news Outlet BBC described as a

Pandora's box of diseases thanks for

that over a million reindeer died from

Anthrax during the 20th century alone

and most are buried in Shallow graves in

Northern Russia scientists have also

identified the presence of RNA from the

1918 Spanish flu virus in bodies that

were buried in the Alaskan Tundra

smallpox the Bubonic plague and other

diseases are also likely present in the

Arctic permafrost waiting for their

opportunity to spring back to life and

infect modern humans experts already

know that it's possible to revive long

frozen viruses and bacteria they learned

this in 2005 when they brought a 32 000

year old worm back to life in 2007

scientists revived 8 million year old

and 100 000 year old bacteria that were

found Frozen in Antarctica viruses

dating back some 30 000 years were

resurrected in 2014 and quickly became

infectious while they were incapable of

infecting people this proved that it's

possible for other more dangerous

viruses to re-emerge and Target human

hosts 2020 is proof that deadly

pathogens can wreak havoc on an entire

planet with little to no notice skulls

on Stakes while Excavating ahead of the

construction of a new railroad bridge

over Southern Sweden's Strom River in

2009 archaeologists found an array of

artifacts dating back to around 8 000

years ago left behind by Mesolithic

hunter-gatherers The Collection included

animal bones tools crafted from Antlers

wooden stakes and human skull fragments

also among the evidence were the skulls

of nine adults and one infant found

deliberately lodged into a layer of

stones the skulls lacked jawbones and

two bore the well-preserved remains of

wooden Stakes representing the first

known discovery of stone age people

mounting heads on sticks surrounded by a

collection of animal bones that were

sorted according to species the skulls

belonged to two females four males and

two people between the ages of 20 and

35. according to National Geographic

nearby the team found the nearly

complete skeleton of an infant who was

either are stillborn or died shortly

after birth the skulls bore obvious

signs of blunt force trauma to the top

of the head and other injuries some of

which showed evidence of healing the

female skulls displayed evidence of

wounds to the sides and backs of the

heads while the males had blows to the

face and the top of the head in the

words of researcher Frederick hallgren

the individuals had been recently

smashed in the head and then put on

display the wounds could not be

connected with the causes of death nor

was the team able to determine what type

of weapon was used to inflict the

injuries or the reasons for hurting the

people and putting them on display DNA

analysis revealed that two of the men

were probably cousins or more distantly

related according to hallgren but this

does not lead experts any closer to

answers as they try to disentangle the

mystery of the only case of Mesolithic

people engaging in this type of burial

practice on the contrary these

prehistoric hunter-gatherers were known

to respect the dead it's believed that

the skulls became separated from the

bodies during decomposing position there

are numerous possible reasons for the

injuries including abuse Warfare and

cultural practices experts believe that

the skulls may have been put on Stakes

to honor local community members or as

trophies but the truth for this display

remains a mystery mummified long in 1959

archaeologist Michelle Fleury got quite

the shock when he found a preserved lung

it was inside a stone sarcophagus in the

Basilica of Saint Denise in Paris where

many French kings are buried along with

it were a skeleton jewelry textile and

leather fragments and a strand of hair

The Remains belong to the 6th Century

marovingian Queen arnagund the mother of

King shilparik and one of King cloter's

Six Wives identified based on a gold

ring bearing the inscription arnagundus

she lived sometime between 5 15 and 580

A.D for decades numerous questions

surrounded Queen arnagan's lung

including whether it was mummified

naturally or deliberately and why it's

her only preserved body part in 2016

researchers concluded that the lungs

remarkably intact State likely results

from the copper belt that was placed

around arnagan's corpse prior to her

burial the belt deposited large amounts

of copper oxide into the lung which

scientists detected during biopsies and

it had an embalming effect on the organ

experts also determined that the Queen's

body was injected with a mixture of

spices and aromatic plants which may

have contributed to the lungs

preservation Neanderthal cannibalism

around 49 000 years ago a group of

hominids murdered and cannibalized 13

neanderthals at El cidrone a car's cave

located in modern-day Northern Spain in

1994 cave explorers discovered the

victim's skeletal remains prompting

archaeologists to excavate the site over

400 artifacts were recovered including

animal bones and an array of stone tools

the group consisted of three adult males

four adult females three teens between

12 and 15 years old two juveniles

between the ages of five and nine years

old and one infant mitochondrial DNA

analysis indicates that the individuals

were a family with the men being closely

related and the women coming from

outside the group the bones lack the

bite marks customary of a carnivorous

animal attack but contain cut marks made

by stone tools leading to the conclusion

that the group died at the hands of

other hominids rather than animals

several of the Bones Show deep Cuts

including evidence that they were

cracked open to obtain marrow or brains

relying mostly on a plant-based diet the

victims were malnourished when they died

it's likely that their killers were also

struggling to acquire enough food and

that they murdered the group out of

desperation this morbid Discovery

reminds us of the alarming reality of

what people are capable of when driven

by hunger Shackled skeletons from

ancient Greece in 2016 a mass grave with

skeletons clamped in Iron shackles was

found found in an ancient Greek Cemetery

south of Athens there were at least 80

skeletons found Shackled at the wrists

but who they were and how they got there

is a mystery everyone appears to have

been killed the same way all tied at the

hands most of the remains are of men who

were very young and healthy at the time

they were executed now they lay in areas

of Dugout ground some in Long neat rows

others piled on top of one another with

their arms and legs twisted and their

jaws Frozen Open dating between the 8th

and 5th centuries BC the cemetery holds

more than 1500 bodies with others laid

to rest in ceramic pots and other adults

burned on funeral pyres during that time

Athens was a place of unrest with

everyone fighting for power some

researchers believe the remains could be

from followers of Cylon a noble and

Olympic champion who staged a coup in

Athens in 632 BC when his coup failed

Cylon supposedly hid in the temple of

acropolis before he later escaped but

all of his reporters were killed they

will take further DNA testing to

determine just who the remains belong to

now the necropolis will be made into a

site open to the public and the Shackled

skeletons will get their own display

underground to preserve them Jade burial

suit the Han Dynasty in China was

extremely powerful and Rich the Royal

and the wealthy for some reason chose a

very unique burial suit that looks

almost robotic pieced together with

Mosaic tiles made from Jade these Jade

suits were extremely expensive and for

centuries people believed that these

suits were just Legend Jade was the most

precious stone in ancient China that

symbolized Purity and moral Integrity

but in 1968 researchers announced the

discovery of a tomb with an extremely

well-preserved suit proving the stories

were real then they discovered another

complete suit one of them had 2

498 Jade plates and over two and a half

pounds of gold wire sub discoveries of

more Jade suits LED researchers to

conclude that they were probably fairly

common among the Han Dynasty's

wealthiest Aristocrats unfortunately

many if not most Jade suits were likely

lost to grave robbers at some point in

history other suits that have been found

were made up of small square or

rectangular pieces although

archaeologists have found others made

with triangular trapezoid or rhomboid

pieces the pieces were sewn together

with wire and some suits were held

together with gold silver or silk thread

it looks like the type of string that

was used depended on a person's social

status Emperor's suits were threaded

with gold while suits belonging to

princes princesses Dukes Etc contained

Silver Thread copper thread was used for

the Sons and Daughters of those whose

suits were bound with silver and lower

ranking Aristocrat suits were held

together with silk all other members of

society were forbidden from having a

jade burial suit at all and they

probably couldn't afford it anyway

people did not always follow these rules

and it looks like some tried to make

these burial suits out of other less

expensive materials on average it took

several years to create just one suit

these are now recognized as some of the

greatest treasures in China The Hermit

Kings Lair located near the river Trent

in the countryside of central England a

site called Anchor Church caves once

served as a refuge for an exiled

Anglo-Saxon King long regarded as an

18th century Folly in other words a

building made for purely decorative

purposes this structure probably served

a real purpose the cave house was built

around 1 200 years ago and may have

housed northumbrian King aired wolf who

was deposed and exiled for unknown

reasons in 806 A.D the disgraced

medieval Monarch lived during a

politically turbulent time that was

marked by persistent fighting between

kingdoms and Kings aired wolf was

removed from Power possibly by his own

son just 10 years after he he murdered

two of his predecessors and took the

throne in 796 A.D he spent the rest of

his life in Exile in the neighboring

rival Kingdom of Mercia as unusual as

this sounds living as a Hermit in caves

was one way for former royalty to take

on a religious life of sorts according

to archaeologist Edmund Simons who spoke

with life science a reconstruction of

the Cave's original plan consists of

three rooms and a chapel Simon said that

cave dwellings like this may represent

the only surviving examples of Saxon

architecture he participated in a study

that identified 20 other cave houses in

West Central England dating as far back

as the 5th Century during the 18th

century English Aristocrats Sir Robert

Burdette repurposed The Anchor Church

caves as a dining space for him and his

friends they could eat outside in the

privacy of the magical secluded area who

wouldn't want to eat here historians are

excited that there is a building 1 200

years old in plain sight and they are

hoping to find more medieval Nubian

Cathedral using remote sensing

technology a team of Polish

archaeologists working in Old dongola

Northern Sudan recently discovered the

largest Nubian church ever found in the

region this suspected medieval Cathedral

may have served as a seat of power for

archbishops when Christianity gained a

foothold in the Nubian Kingdom of

mercuria during the mid 6th Century

earlier this year a team led by director

Arthur oblusky from the Polish Center of

Mediterranean archeology found an empty

space in the town's underground Citadel

when they investigated further they

expected to find a Town Square that

perhaps hosted communal prayers instead

the team encountered the structure which

proved to be a vast medieval Nubian

Cathedral far from the rest of

Christendom but probably one of the most

powerful Christian communities in Africa

at the site they honored two apps walls

decorated with large figures as well as

a large domed tomb which believes may be

the burial of an Archbishop the building

measures roughly 85 feet wide and is

about as tall as a three-story apartment

building after thriving as a Christian

Center into the 14th century dongola

fell under the influence of Islam

excavations have been ongoing since 1964

and currently aimed to document the

final period of Christian dongola as

well as the development of pre-colonial

African societies further research will

hopefully help a Bluesky and his team

accurately date the cathedral which was

likely built during a time period when

churches were influential landowners

that were typically run by Elites and

Royals Mediterranean whales around 2000

years ago during the first century the

famed Roman author naturalist and

philosopher Pliny the Elder wrote about

orcas hunting whale calves and the

Mediterranean Sea near the Strait of

Gibraltar during the summer the killer

whales viciously slaughtered mother

whales and calves in the Bay of Galis

according to pliny's account what's

weird about this is there are no killer

whales in the Mediterranean no one has

seen Killer Whales off the coast of

Spain in fact not many whale species are

seen in the Mediterranean period and

none are known for breeding in the

region leading researchers to believe

that Pliny may have mistaken dolphins

for whales but Dolphins aren't known for

slaughtering mother whales and calves

either now groundbreaking research

carried out in recent years suggests

that pliny's account is factual a 2018

study describes the discoveries of Bones

belonging to North Atlantic right whales

and Atlantic gray whales which were

found among the ruins of an ancient

Roman fish processing facility a along

the Strait of Gibraltar on Earth in the

ancient Roman city of bayalo Claudia

near modern-day Tarifa Spain the

evidence fits perfectly with pleiny's

claims even if it does not remotely

reflect the Region's ecology today lots

of things have changed in thousands of

years not just the rise and fall of

Empires the discovery has prompted

experts to wonder if the Romans

harvested whales in addition to their

known tradition of harvesting tuna and

other large fish according to Lead City

author Anna Rodriguez while ancient

fishermen lacked the technology to

venture out to sea and Hunt large whales

it's possible that they may have taken

advantage of the opportunity to kill

them while they were close to shore Anna

further explained that the study shows

how even heavily studied regions have

surprising elements to their past

leaving one to wonder what else has been

lost to history in places like the

Mediterranean prehistoric Beast one of

the first vertebrates to evolve on land

lived around 310 million years ago in

what is now the May is in Creek in

Illinois dubbed your mungunder bolti the

creature was a Microsoft measuring just

1.9 inches long it had a long slender

body with short Limbs and a blunt skull

the species is named after jormungander

the world Serpent of Viking mythology

that was large enough to wrap its body

around the earth and which once battled

Thor the Norse god of thunder and had

specialized scales that scientists

believe were meant for repelling dirt

indicating that the ancient reptile

burrowed underground and slithered like

a snake according to a recent study Jay

bolte went extinct around 251 million

years ago the fossil is giving

scientists the rare opportunity to learn

more about early microsores which they

believe were the first amniotes a type

of backboned animal that developed

embryos and fluid-filled eggs according

to the University of California Museum

of paleontology if this is the case then

Jay bolti's snake-like body is evidence

that animals diversify faster on land

that experts originally thought want to

give a big shout out to Zach piser and

Earth Earth is watching our videos

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videos about archeology and amazing

discoveries stolen Roman frescoes

sometime during the 1970s someone

illegally cut out three fragments of a

first century Roman wall Fresco in

stabie a village near Pompeii the pieces

contain images of a dancing woman

carrying a tray a woman's head and a

cherub playing a flute law enforcement

recovered the relics last year as part

of a bigger investigation into illicit

artifact trafficking records show that

the frescoes changed hands between

American Swiss and English antiques

dealers several times during the 1990s

three other stolen frescoes that were

seized in the investigation were found

by police in 2012 in the village of

chivita Juliana which is located to the

northwest of Pompeii officers found on

The Works after discovering a hidden

tunnel leading to an illegal

archaeological dig thankfully Police

Stopped the thieves Before They carried

out their plans to smuggle the stolen

frescoes abroad the suspect's criminal

trials are ongoing meanwhile

archaeologists have continued to

excavate at chivita Juliana and have

found an array of fascinating artifacts

including the remains of three harnessed

and saddled horses as well as the

remains of two people who died side by

side the return of important

archaeological artifacts to their

rightful place is a big deal because

once they are taken and switch hands and

it becomes All About The Money the

entire story gets muddied and Confused

Viking era tombs lasting from around 800

A.D to 1050 the Viking era was kind of

short yet it made a long and enduring

mark on European history discoveries

from this fascinating period are

continuously being made with one of the

latest consisting of seven Viking era

tombs in the ancient Swedish town of

siktuna near modern day Stockholm dating

back to the 900s the burials were built

around the time sick tuna was founded

they contained the remains of four

adults and four children and two of the

children are believed to be twins based

on their small size the pair appeared to

have died during or shortly after birth

according to project manager Johan

rooner who spoke with life science

following the discovery archaeologists

also found a handful of artifacts

including a leather belt with iron

fittings silver coins were found in one

Viking's mouth which was once a common

practice throughout the region he

further explained that the tombs are

some of the oldest Christian burials

ever found in sikhtuna at the time it

was common to cremate the dead but the

bodies were buried in the ground the

site also contains charcoal pits and

caskets bearing evidence of fire damage

which is a first for the area although

these archaeological features are

customary for the Viking Christian

period it was kind of a mix between

Christian and Viking practices

some of the tombs had stone structures

that are also typical of Viking age

Christian burials ancient Egyptian

warship at its peak around 2 400 years

ago the ancient city of heraklion was

Egypt's largest Mediterranean Port its

ruins are now submerged and abukir Bay

off the coast of Alexandria where

archaeologists recently discovered a

wrecked warship from heraklion's final

years of existence found beneath a

crumbled Temple and 16 feet of clay the

ship's shape suggest that it was built

for Speed measuring 82 feet long the

vessel's hull is six times its width

indicating that it could travel quickly

and was not meant for holding cargo or

passengers based on its flat bottom and

Keel which are useful for traveling in

shallow water researchers believe the

ship was built for the Nile River

heraklion also called Tony's was a

Melting Pot of Egyptian and Greek

culture this is evident in the abukir

bay ship which contains a blend of Greek

shipbuilding techniques and Egyptian

design and construction experts believe

that the vessel was built somewhere in

Egypt using repurposed wood from older

ships during the second century BC a

series of catastrophic earthquakes and

tsunamis began to destroy heraklion the

clay ground liquefied collapsing

buildings around the city and causing

large stone blocks from the Temple of

Amun to crush the ship the vessel is

remarkably well preserved thanks to the

clay that buried it it's only the second

worship from Egypt's ptolemaic period

that has ever been found coin horde

located on the Taman peninsula in

modern-day Russia the ancient Greek city

of phenogoria had numerous enemies due

to its strategic trading position within

the bosparin kingdom thanagoria was

extremely wealthy owing to its

advantageous location for centuries the

city faced repeated attacks by the Huns

Turks and other groups hoping to seize

its wealth when fanagoria was raided

during the first half of the 6th Century

a quick thinking resident placed their

coins in an amphora and frantically

buried the loot with which they never

came back to get archaeologists found

the container filled with 80 copper

coins called Staters while Excavating a

layer of fanagoria that bears evidence

of fire damage from the attacks large

parts of the city were torched

destroying homes Wineries and public

buildings experts believe that the

nomadic Huns or the avars a group who

fled from the Turks may have been behind

the brutal Invasion the coins Bear

images of late third and early 4th

Century Boston Kings while their minting

was discontinued around 341 A.D the

coins continue to circulate in the

region coinciding with the use of

Byzantine gold as currency Roman Road

the recent discovery of a Roman Road

submerged in the Venice Lagoon indicates

that the area may have been filled with

settlements before the city was

officially founded during the 5th

Century based on past discoveries of

artifacts in the area archaeologists

have long known that parts of the now

submerged Venice Lagoon were accessible

by land during Rome moment times but

they were unsure of the extent that

humans occupied the Lagoon a recent

archaeological mapping project of the

Lagoon revealed the presence of 12

structures in the triparty channel

measuring up to 8.9 feet tall and 173

feet long they appear to have lined a

road the findings built on the previous

discovery of what appeared to be paving

stones by scuba divers during the 1980s

additionally the team discovered four

more structures that were up to 13 feet

tall and 442 feet long the largest of

which they believe was a dock or other

Harbor structure it looks like a whole

permanent settlement may have existed in

the now submerged reportsy Channel they

theorized that the road may have been

connected with a larger Road Network in

the Veneto region and that Sailors and

travelers use it to travel between the

northern Venice Lagoon and the

modern-day city of kiaja Ice Age wolf

puppy a female wolf puppy was just

discovered in the Canadian Yukon

mummified and an almost perfect

condition according to life science the

wolf pup was preserved in the permafrost

for approximately 57

000 years before being discovered by a

gold miner in Dawson City professor of

anatomy Julie beachan says the specimen

is the most complete one of its kind

ever found that can be traced back to

the last ice age her soft tissue is

still there she has her hair and skin

intact and she still has her little nose

looking like a poor little puppy that

died just yesterday this makes her the

most complete Ice Age wolf ever found in

Canada by x-raying her teeth scientists

were able to tell a lot about her she

died at just seven weeks old and a

zacanus lupus also known as a gray wolf

the puppy died all alone for some reason

perhaps when her Den collapsed she was

mummified and then perfectly preserved

for many thousands of years for us to

find specimens like this one are fairly

common in Siberia but found way less

often in North America adding to the

importance of the discovery it's also

given some insight into when North

American Wolves first developed the

puppies seem to be related to both

extinct beringian wolves that used to

live in Alaska and the Yukon as well as

Russian gray wolves this is exciting

because it's proof that wolves mixed at

some point in the ancient past and

migrated across the Bering land bridge

into Alaska UFOs in the sky at the

Winter Park Ski Resort in Colorado a

street camera captured what appears to

be an unidentified flying object

drifting over the nearby Hills the

object was caught while the camera was

streaming live video meaning there is no

way it could have been faked while the

camera wasn't exactly designed to pick

up random objects hovering in the sky it

was still a modern camera and captured a

very clear image of a dark circular

object above the hills the picture was

screen grabbed then sent to the mutual

UFO Network known as mufon for analysis

this the person who actually discovered

the UFO was monitoring the web camera

for the resort his job is to use the

cameras to monitor the weather

conditions of the ski hills every three

minutes the live stream updates and one

of the updates there was a black disc

over the top of the mountain and in the

next frame there was nothing while you

may be thinking hey maybe it was just an

airplane this isn't very likely whatever

it was had been soaring way too close to

the Land There is no way a commercial

vehicle would be flying so low plus the

witness confirmed with the resort that

there were no helicopters in the area at

the time there's no way the unidentified

object was a bug or some kind of bird

either because it was simply too big the

only thing that makes sense is that a

big black UFO came and went so fast that

nobody else noticed it the tomb of a

priestess a team of archaeologists in

Peru recently investigated the chamber

tomb of a mysterious Priestess from 1200

years ago who once offered blood to the

ancient gods this Priestess was part of

the moche culture who lived in Peru

between the years 100 and 850 A.D before

eventually being conquered by the Inca

they had a complex religious system one

that like others in pre-columbia and

South America practiced blood sacrifice

her tomb was actually the eighth one to

be found at the San Jose De Moto

archaeological site since 1991 when

excavations began experts say she was

buried sometime between 700 and 800 but

she wasn't buried alone this woman must

have been so important in society at the

time that she was buried with full

honors meaning she had seven other

people entombed with her likely to

assist her in the afterlife as well as

ceramic objects Treasures made of copper

and a bizarre and rather creepy funerary

mask one of the most interesting

artifacts buried with the Priestess was

a copper goblet which archaeologists say

was used in blood offerings to the gods

the blood was taken from prisoners of

War who were drained of their Essence

however archaeologists aren't sure who

these moche gods were that demanded so

much blood but there's one more

incredible thing about the Priestess she

may have been one of the rulers of

society at the time archaeologists have

found that the most impressive tombs

from the moche culture all belong to

women they held great religious power

and may have actually ruled over the

entire civilization from the year 650

until its collapse coins of death in

England a man with a metal detector

found two incredibly rare coins from the

14th century originating from a time

when the plague was ravaging England and

the rest of Europe the coins were minted

during the reign of king Edward III

sometime between 1344 and 1351

discovered in Norfolk County the fellow

with the metal detector sent the coins

to be assessed by professional

archaeologists who were quite frankly

astounded by the discovery the they have

given two possibilities for how the

random coins got trapped underneath the

ground they say both were definitely

buried at the same time and that they

were probably part of a purse or a

treasure stash hidden by somebody who

was planning to come back and get them

later that person must have died before

they could ever retrieve their treasure

but just how much money can two coins be

worth first of all they are crafted of

96 percent pure gold back in the 14th

century the coins would have been owned

by a person at the top tier of society

according to archaeologist Helen gagie

in today's currency the two coins

together would be worth 16 700 not

including their historical value

parallel universe in Antarctica the

world's largest neutrino telescope may

have detected evidence of a parallel

universe it happened in the springtime

when the telescope which is a grid of

specialized detectors constructed on

Antarctica's ice detected strange

signals that don't seem to make any

sense the Antarctic impulsive transient

antenna or Anita for short discovered

radio signals being produced by high

energy particles from space these

particles normally enter the atmosphere

from deep space from above however this

time Anita detected them from beneath

the surface rather than being beamed

down from the Stars they seem to be

rising up from the planet the reason

it's so strange is that these particles

should not be able to pass through this

solid mass that is the earth it makes

absolutely no sense and could change the

way we understand particle physics well

some people understand because that is

not my field of expertise one of the

theories as to how the particles

originated has to do with a parallel

universe because the particles are

coming from the opposite direction that

they're supposed to seemingly passing

through Earth by Magic some scientists

say there could be an anti-universe that

is opposite to our own in which

everything runs backward this would mean

the Big Bang is the end of the universe

not the beginning in this alternate

reality right now this is just a theory

it hasn't been scientifically proven

though there is some degree of

likelihood to make matters even stranger

the first time this was detected was

eight years ago and it's happened

frequently ever since despite all the

data and research scientists still

haven't reached any conclusions that's

physics for you the fifth ocean finally

the fifth ocean has been unveiled to the

world a decision was made by the

National Geographic Society to add the

ocean which surrounds Antarctica to the

list of the four oceans already

recognized the Pacific the Indian the

Atlantic and the Arctic in a rather

underwhelming naming decision the ocean

has been called the Southern Ocean the

ocean isn't a new discovery in itself

it's always been there however the idea

to make it an official ocean has been

around for about a century but until

just now it didn't have popular backing

it was on June 8th World oceans day that

National Geographic announced that they

would start labeling the Southern Ocean

as a real ocean on maps going forward

while this may not seem like it will

have a big impact on the World At Large

it actually will Alex Tate from National

Geographic said the biggest impact will

be on education because students up

until now have only been learning about

the four main oceans now hopefully the

Southern Ocean will be included in the

curriculum and people will start

learning more about the mysterious

Antarctic Waters mysterious underground

ping in a remote Community far away in

the Canadian territory of Nunavut a

strange sound has been coming from the

floor of the ocean it's been described

as a ping a hum and even a beep and it's

been heard throughout the fury and

headless Straits an area roughly 80

miles north of igloo Lake a place so

cold it even has the word igloo in its

name but here's the deal with the weird

beeping locals are saying the noise is

so strange that it's been scaring away

the animals The Hunters who live in the

region say that the local sea mammals

have all but vanished coinciding with

the first witness of the beep and

according to them it's coming from the

very floor of the ocean the speculations

have been running wild some say there

are foreign submarines lurking in

Canadian Waters others say there could

be a crash UFO sending out radio signals

trying to contact its Mothership

scientists were quick to point out that

the passage is a migratory route for

whales it could just be whales making

the noises but the locals don't think so

they believe there is something

mysterious and ominous on the seabed

they just can't figure out what it is

ancient Italian menu scientists have

recently discovered what ancient

Italians ate 2 000 years ago these

scientists took a close look at

materials left behind on over 130 pieces

of ceramic Pottery crafted in medieval

Sicily the sign is as we're hoping to

learn more about the Island's history

during the Islamic rule of Sicily

between 900 and 1200 A.D they used a

special process of residue analysis to

discover the chemical vestiges of food

left on the cookware one of the

scientists involved in the study called

it the first time in which organic

residue analysis was used to identify

food in a medieval Society of many

different faiths here's what they found

people who lived in medieval Sicily had

very diverse diets the sweet Savory and

salty foods however when moving into the

rural areas outside the city the diet

shifted and became heavy with dairy and

grapes rural people also ate far more

pork than those in the city one of the

weirdest things that scientists found is

that they often mix fruit juice with

dishes of meat and vegetables this is

the equivalent of eating plum sauce with

your chicken nuggets or having the

Spritz of lemon on your salad in other

words the ancient Sicilians were a lot

like modern Foodies wormholes a wormhole

is is a bridge that can theoretically

connect different points in space-time a

wormhole could in theory create a

shortcut in which a person could travel

to a different point in the space-time

Continuum in other words travel through

time just recently scientists have

suggested that wormholes may be less

science fiction and more reality the

truth to wormholes is incredibly

complicated to create one the very

fabric of space-time itself must be

altered and this involves pushing

space-time outward with negative energy

negative energy is a thing that really

exists and has been produced in a

laboratory scientists believe negative

energy is what's behind the accelerated

expansion of our universe in a paper

published in the monthly notices of the

Royal Society Russian astronomers said

that there could be some wormholes

existing at the center of bright

galaxies they also suggested we could

find them if we train our telescopes to

look for the right characteristics

specifically the creation of a wormhole

would result in a massive burst of gamma

radiation which we could search for

using telescopes on Earth astronomers

have not actually found a wormhole yet

but the Russian scientists say it's

possible however we would never be able

to travel through one to go backwards in

time a wormhole like this would be

positioned at the center of the Galaxy

where the temperature would be so

intense that anything that went near the

Wormhole would be instantly incinerated

six thousand years of History discovered

in England a project to remove

electricity pylons recently LED

archaeologists to discover the ruins of

a Roman settlement and other relics

spanning back a total of six thousand

years it was a complete accident that

this place was discovered the power

pylons were located in a protected

landscape and so there had never been

any archaeological investigations in the

area but once a few pieces of ancient

stone were found archaeologists were

called in to see what was going on and

so far excavations have revealed the

settlement from Roman occupied Britain

as well as artifacts from the Neolithic

period and the Bronze Age some of the

oldest artifacts include Flint tools and

scraps of pottery from 4000 BC as for

the Roman settlement it was actually

pretty impressive archaeologists

uncovered eight stone buildings as well

as ovens and millstones that would have

been operated either using cattle or

Roman slaves there were also 34 burials

at the site with the skeleton spanning a

period of 500 years during the Iron Age

finally a cremation Cemetery from the

Bronze Age was also found in total the

site was used for thousands of years

probably on and off again archaeologists

don't know exactly what the significance

of the location may have been in ancient

times but seeing as it was used by so

many different people it must have been

a landscape of great importance thanks

for watching which of these discoveries

surprised you the most.


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