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Prepare to be amazed by the incredible speed of these bugs!

Bugs Speed Facts!

By Karthiga Elangovan Published 11 months ago 6 min read

Hey gang way everyone the insects are on the move the fastest butterfly to flutter around is the skipper these creatures can achieve speeds of up to 37 miles per hour and have some excellent quick reflexes and speeding next to it is a fully grown horse not a horse fly but a horse it's Galloping next to the skipper at the same speed. A cute little ladybug is in the way move or you get trampled the horse is getting closer, but the ladybug lifts off and flies right next to them overtaking both the skipper and horse then it decides to land on the horse's head for the rest of the race even though ladybugs can fly at a maximum speed of around 37 miles per hour.

They usually remain in the air for a couple of minutes they can even fly as high as 3600 feet in altitude the horse is in the lead now the skipper decides to land right on the horse's head next to the ladybug. It sticks its head to the tip of the horse's snout automatically taking the lead hey that's cheating. The desert floor is scorching under the burning side no wonder the Saharan silver ant is the fastest on Earth it can even lift hundreds of times its own weight if Usain Bolt the fastest man on earth can run four strides per second this tiny ant can run 50.

If you look closely you can even see its tiny legs Gallop at high speeds it reaches speeds of 2 miles per hour which may not seem like anything if you're a giant human glancing from above but down below they're the speed leaders of the Ant World out of nowhere another bug Sprints right by it leaving a dust storm behind it's the Australian tiger beetle and it's one of the fastest land insects on Earth and it can run at more than four miles per hour some beetles of the same species are even faster and run at around 6 miles per hour don't worry about its wings they're just for decoration. It doesn't even fly it doesn't need to yikes a cockroach these creatures can run up to three miles per hour, a little house mouse pops out of a corner and starts chasing the road these little critters can run up to eight miles per hour but the roach drifts and slides and creeps into little Corners to outrun the mouths a kitty cat leaves from the shelf and joins the chase reaching 30 miles per hour the Cockroach and the mouse sneak Escape outside the cat goes back to licking itself and plotting against everyone.

centipedes don't have a hundred legs but they're still pretty creepy and rather fast millipedes however are really slow and don't even qualify for this race centipedes are carnivores and use Venom to help catch prey while millipedes feed on leftovers plants and veggies when in danger they just curl up into a ball the centipede crawls ahead thinking it's winning the race the millipede rolls down the hill and overtakes the centipede it passes the Cockroach who's still getting chased by the mouse the downhill ends with a ramp so the millipede rolls down and bounces up into the sky a dragonfly can hit the 35 mile per hour mark flying but the millipedes soars past a hawk moth flies through and catches up to the dragonfly it can fly at the same speed but the dragonfly overtakes it they reach the forest and are zigzagging through the branches and leaves. They're both flying like alien ships in outer space dodging all obstacles the millipede lands on a tree branch and continues walking a tiger moth caterpillar moves ahead of it at three miles per hour the millipede curls up into a ball and hides out for the rest of the race but the branch it landed on is moving it's actually a stick insect and even though they can't run fast they can grow about 13 inches long underneath it there's a fairy fly which is considered to be the smallest insect in the world being only 0.005 inches in size that's even smaller than a mustard seed it sprints on the tree branch and tries to outrun the stick insect the dragonfly and the hawk moth are head to head it's almost impossible to spot them in the thick forest but the fastest animal on earth swiffs past them all at almost lightning speed a bumblebee can fly at 33 miles per hour and flap its wings around 200 times per second.

The honeybee can fly at 20 miles per hour and flap its wings up to 230 times per second they speed through the flowers the millipede is still curled up hiding next to a couple of leaves and branches the Bumblebee takes the lead and is almost at the end of the field but a giant Asian Hornet pops out of nowhere and chases it back to the start a giant Asian Hornet can fly up to 25 miles per per hour and is pretty aggressive it starts gaining on it but a bat appears out of thin air and swoops down on it scaring it away the horse with the skipper and ladybug run right next to the bees and they start flying down a hill out of nowhere the millipede starts rolling down past the horse and lands on a log floating in the middle of a lake on the surface are thousands of tiny water striders that can reach speeds up to a hundred body lengths per second if a six foot person were swimming, it could cover around 400 miles in an hour some frogs start chasing the water striders and easily pass them a Goliath frog can weigh up to seven pounds and jump as far as 10 feet forward some freshwater crabs swim quite slowly but use their little legs to move from one rock to another a swimming whirly gig Beetle tries to escape from the frogs paddling at an impressive three miles per hour these tiny bugs have natural paddle-shaped feet in the middle and hind legs a bunch of grasshoppers get startled and fly away they're actually Flyers but their powerful legs give them the height they need instead of taking off from the ground when in the air they can reach speeds up to 8 miles per hour they're on par with a house mouse which has finally overtaken the Cockroach.

A flea isn't much of a sprinter but it can hop its own body size by a lot if humans could jump like fleas then we'd be able to jump to the Empire State Building which is 1450 feet high including its antenna it wins the title for highest Hopper around with the relative size a mosquito can fly as fast as one mile per hour while a typical house fly can reach five the house fly swiffs past the mosquitoes and takes the lead to bother and Buzz around you but a bigger Superfly horsefly flies by at 90 miles per hour it outflies the house fly and mosquito and starts doing laps around them Tiny Mites are no bigger than a sesame seed but they can run 322 body lengths per second to put that into human perspective it's the equivalent of someone running around 1300 miles per hour it zips through the whole race and has been running with everyone since the beginning but we couldn't see it the horse keeps running and ends up near traffic miles away from the finish line is a giant house spider that can run at 1.2 miles per hour.

A big Texas brown tarantula can be pretty Speedy depending on the temperature the cooler it is the slower but more stable they walk when the temperature increases they run faster but less coordinated these hairy beasts are around two inches long and move about four body lengths per second at 62 degrees and 10 body lengths when it's hotter most insects are right at the end of the race the horse fly and the bed are head to head but the Hornet is catching up the tiger beetle on the ground is lightning speed away they're close to the Finish Line the Frog leaps in front and almost catches up with the rest a surprise swoop from the dragonfly and Hawk moth overtakes The Hornet it's too hard to tell but the millipede rolls past everyone and claims the goal.


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