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Potatoes Overboard

When Potatoes Outsmarted a Japanese Submarine

By Richard ClementsPublished 7 months ago 2 min read
The USS O'Bannon

Introduction: The USS O'Bannon's Unconventional Victory

Amidst the chaos of World War II, the USS O'Bannon's encounter with a Japanese submarine stands out as a tale of unconventional heroism. This unassuming destroyer, armed to the teeth, found itself in a bizarre face-off that would rewrite the rules of naval engagement.

The USS O'Bannon: An Unassuming Hero

The USS O'Bannon, part of the United States Navy, was no stranger to conflict. It sailed the Pacific armed with an arsenal that made it a formidable force. From anti-aircraft guns to torpedo tubes and 5"/38 calibre guns, there were a few adversaries this USS Fletcher Class Destroyer couldn't tackle. But it was an unexpected encounter in April 1943 that etched its name into history.

The Encounter with RO-34: A Twist of Fate

Picture the scene: the USS O'Bannon, poised to ram a surfaced Japanese submarine, the RO-34. The plan seemed straightforward, a tactic to neutralize the threat. But just as the destroyer closed in, hesitation struck. What if the RO-34 was laying mines? The potential danger of an explosion forced a rapid change in strategy. The two vessels ended up side by side, mere yards apart, in an unexpected turn of events.

Japanese Submarine RO-34

The Potato Gambit: Unexpected Brilliance in Chaos

In a moment of desperation, facing armed Japanese sailors on the submarine's deck, the USS O'Bannon's crew found themselves unarmed. Darkness enveloped the scene. Then came a stroke of genius born from necessity. Crates of potatoes became impromptu projectiles, thrown towards the enemy.

The Potatoes That 'Sank' a Submarine

The unsuspecting Japanese crew mistook the airborne potatoes for lethal hand grenades. Panic rippled through their ranks. Frantically, they tossed the potatoes back at the USS O'Bannon or flung them into the dark waters. Amid this chaos, the American ship gained precious moments. The distraction allowed it to pull away and mount a swift retaliation.

The Ultimate Victory and Legacy

With distance secured, the USS O'Bannon opened fire, damaging the RO-34's conning tower before it vanished beneath the waves. But this wasn't the end. Depth charges from the USS O'Bannon and its allies turned the submarine into a watery grave, claiming the lives of 66 Japanese sailors.

Recognition and Legacy

News of this unconventional victory spread, capturing the imagination and earning the USS O'Bannon recognition from unexpected quarters. The Maine Potato Growers Association presented the crew with a plaque, celebrating their ingenious use of potatoes in "sinking" a Japanese submarine. Yet, this extraordinary incident was only a chapter in the illustrious tale of the USS O'Bannon.

Maine Potato Growers Association Plaque

Conclusion: A Testament to Quick Thinking in Warfare

The USS O'Bannon's legacy transcends the potato incident. Throughout World War II, it was a beacon of courage, earning 17 Battle Stars and a Presidential Unit Citation, the highest honour bestowed upon US Navy ships. However, the potato incident remains a remarkable testament to the unforeseen triumphs born of ingenuity amidst the chaos of war.

It serves as a reminder that amidst the din of battle, in the most unlikely of circumstances, simple solutions can yield extraordinary victories. The USS O'Bannon's tale endures as a symbol of resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity, a beacon of hope amidst the tumultuous waters of war.


About the Creator

Richard Clements

Unearthing the Mysteries of History, Crime, and the Unknown

Delve into the captivating world of history, crime, and mystery through factual writing. Explore the past, unravel human behavior, and solve enigmas.

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    Richard ClementsWritten by Richard Clements

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