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Popular Ninja Weapons and Their Modern Uses!

Ninja Weapons

By Mai SophiaPublished 6 months ago 4 min read

Ninja weapons are the tools of the ninja. Typically they were used for assassinations or other covert missions. Some of the most common weapons are swords, shuriken, kunai, and kusarigama. Although these weapons were used by ninjas in the past, they have also been adapted and are still in use today.

These weapons are typically small because a ninja needed to carry as few items as possible while completing many missions; weighing 15 kg or more is not suitable for traveling through any terrain. The weapon would be concealed on their person until they could use it to attack their enemies. This ranged from a sword-carrying kimono sleeve to a toothpick-like dagger like the double-edged tantō knife which can also function as a keychain clasp when not needed for battle purposes. Here are some cool weapons of ninjas:


A shkurien is a sharpened tool for throwing. It has two to four points and is usually about 30 millimeters in diameter. The shuriken can be used for both offensive and defensive tactics, even if the blade of the weapon is not sharpened. A typical shuriken such as this one could be made out of metal or another material that will keep its shape when thrown. Oftentimes these weapons have spikes on the ring of it, thus making it more difficult to pick up after being thrown.


Yes, it is a real thing. A ninja-to is the weapon carried by ninjas in feudal Japan. It was primarily composed of a wooden wakizashi blade and had a curved tsuba or handguard connected to the hilt of the sword via rope or chain. The blade's length could vary from 5–7 feet (1.5–2 m) long with an average weight between 7 and 10 pounds (3-4 kg), although lengths closer to 8 feet were preferred by some schools as they made ones armed with them more nimble due to their shorter reach relative to other ninja weapons such as kaginawa or spears.


to stab, thrust, or cut through something to attack with a sharp tool a cylinder-shaped Japanese weapon that can be fitted with a blade or spike at one end and a grip for throwing at the other

A kunai is a cylinder-shaped Japanese weapon that can be fitted with a blade or spike at one end and a grip for throwing at the other. It was originally used to stab, thrust, or cut through something. To attack with it means to attack with a sharp tool. A kunai is also called "shuriken" in some parts of Asia. A weapons expert could be expected to use this knife as an offensive tool because of its easily concealable length and weight.


Kusarigama is a Japanese weapon characterized by the rusty yari tipped with a weight, called the gama. Kusarigama was traditionally carried on horseback in order to ward off pursuers.

Nowadays it has evolved into an independent combatant using its kusari chain as a whip with either sickle or sword attached. Its use for self-defense, however, has been rated moderately by experts who mention that it can be dangerous if not used skillfully. The weapon's name is derived from its use of two parts that are joined together: one called kusari and the other one gama.


If you want to really know what a katana is, and why it's been revered by Japanese warriors for centuries, you've come to the right place. A katana is a Japanese sword that has been used since ancient times. Originally designed for cutting into enemies in combat, they are renowned for their sharpness and durability. Nowadays, you can find these ninja weapons in museums or on tour groups around Japan as well as other countries such as China or Korea where their culture is prevalent.

The Use of Ninja Weapons Today!

Ninjas are almost a myth today, and swords, ninja stars and shuriken, have been replaced by baseball bats as the weapons of choice. However in recent years many ninjas have been training again with what they learnt from their master to use for self-defense or for fighting criminals. This is a guide explaining the different ninja weapons used in modern times.

The most common weapon used today by ninjas is the katana which is a short sword that has a curved blade on the spine of its blade which typically measures between 27 and 29 inches long with its cutting edge facing forward. The katana is a very effective weapon in close quarter combat which is very easy to learn and fun to use. The katana is the most commonly used ninja weapon.

Ninjas are known for using shuriken or throwing stars as their main ranged attack weapon against an opponent. Shuriken were widely used by ninjas during the Warring States period and today, these weapons can be thrown by hand, or used with a simple spear launcher. These weapons are very efficient at taking out an opponent from long range as they are sharp and made of metal but some shuriken have been created from other materials such as plastic, wood etc… These ninja weapons weigh anywhere from one ounce to ten ounces.


About the Creator

Mai Sophia

A Writer/blogger by day, a knife enthusiast and survivalist by night. I've reviewed a lot of products and have helped people make the right purchase

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