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Morgan Spurlock

Morgan Spurlock

By UDONSE DENNYPublished about a month ago 4 min read
Morgan Spurlock
Photo by Dan Robson on Unsplash

Morgan Spurlock is a prominent American documentary filmmaker, television producer, and screenwriter, best known for his groundbreaking work in the field of investigative and participatory journalism. His unique approach often involves immersing himself deeply into the subjects he explores, providing an insider's perspective that challenges viewers to reconsider their understanding of various social, cultural, and political issues. Spurlock's works are characterized by their humor, accessibility, and the compelling way they engage with contemporary topics. This essay will delve into his most notable works, his impact on documentary filmmaking, and the controversies that have surrounded his career.

Early Life and Career

Morgan Valentine Spurlock was born on November 7, 1970, in Parkersburg, West Virginia, and grew up in Beckley, West Virginia. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in film from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in 1993. His early career involved working in various capacities within the entertainment industry, including as a playwright and a stand-up comedian, which helped him develop a sharp sense of storytelling and timing that would become evident in his later works.

Super Size Me

Spurlock first gained widespread recognition with his debut feature-length documentary, "Super Size Me," released in 2004. The film was a provocative and highly engaging exploration of the fast-food industry, particularly focusing on McDonald's. To investigate the effects of fast food on the human body, Spurlock subjected himself to a 30-day experiment where he consumed only McDonald's food and super-sized his meals whenever offered. The experiment had severe impacts on his physical and mental health, which were meticulously documented throughout the film.

"Super Size Me" was both a critical and commercial success. It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, where it won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary. The film's impact was profound, leading to a public outcry about the health implications of fast food and prompting McDonald's to phase out its "Super Size" option. The film's success cemented Spurlock's reputation as a filmmaker willing to put himself on the line to uncover uncomfortable truths.

Subsequent Works

Following "Super Size Me," Spurlock continued to create documentaries that explored diverse and often controversial topics. In 2008, he released "Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden?", a film in which he traveled to the Middle East in search of the infamous terrorist leader. The documentary blended humor with serious investigative journalism, reflecting Spurlock's signature style.

In 2010, he produced "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold," a documentary about product placement, marketing, and advertising, which was funded entirely by the brands featured in the film. This meta-narrative approach offered a satirical yet insightful look at the pervasive influence of advertising in media and entertainment.

Spurlock also ventured into television with the series "30 Days," which aired on FX from 2005 to 2008. Each episode of the show followed an individual (often Spurlock himself) living in a different lifestyle or under different conditions for 30 days. The series tackled issues such as poverty, immigration, and religion, continuing Spurlock's tradition of immersive journalism.

Impact on Documentary Filmmaking

Morgan Spurlock's work has significantly influenced the documentary genre, particularly in the realm of participatory documentaries. His method of embedding himself in the subject matter creates a powerful narrative device that makes complex issues more relatable and understandable for audiences. His use of humor and personal vulnerability has also broadened the appeal of documentaries, attracting viewers who might not typically engage with non-fiction films.

Spurlock's films often blur the lines between entertainment and education, making serious topics accessible without diminishing their importance. This approach has inspired a new generation of documentary filmmakers to explore creative and engaging ways to present their subjects.

Controversies and Challenges

Despite his successes, Spurlock's career has not been without controversy. In December 2017, Spurlock preemptively admitted to past instances of sexual misconduct in a blog post, detailing his behavior and expressing remorse. This revelation led to his resignation from his production company, Warrior Poets, and the suspension of several projects he was involved in.

This admission was part of the broader #MeToo movement, which saw many public figures being held accountable for their actions. Spurlock's candid confession was seen by some as a step towards accountability, but it also sparked significant backlash and put his career on hold.

Return to Filmmaking

After a period of relative quiet, Spurlock returned to the spotlight with "Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!" in 2019. The sequel to his original hit documentary delves into the fast-food industry's attempts to rebrand itself as healthier and more transparent. In the film, Spurlock opens his own fast-food restaurant to expose the marketing tactics used to present "healthier" fast food options. The documentary was well-received and showcased Spurlock's enduring commitment to challenging the status quo through immersive journalism.


Morgan Spurlock remains a significant figure in documentary filmmaking, known for his willingness to tackle difficult subjects head-on and his innovative, participatory approach to storytelling. Despite facing personal and professional challenges, his body of work continues to provoke thought and inspire change. Spurlock's unique blend of humor, personal involvement, and investigative rigor has left an indelible mark on the genre, influencing how documentaries are made and consumed in the modern era. As he continues to create, his work serves as a reminder of the power of documentaries to spark dialogue and drive social change.


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