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Love in the Virtual World

My Story with the Virtual World

By pro hansipPublished 12 days ago 7 min read

**Love in the Virtual World: A Short Story by Spiderwoman**

I am Renjani, a woman who has nothing. I am a vocational school student, not a beautiful woman, nor a generous person. I have a dream to become a developer, in line with my major in vocational school. I really want to study at Padjajaran University (UNPAD). However, with my life being so ordinary, I began to feel the need for a support system to make my life less monotonous.

Today, I was with my friends. I told them that I needed a support system, and my friends suggested that I play a roleplayer (RP) game. My other friends agreed that I should play it. After thinking it over, I decided to follow their advice. Finally, I created an account to start Roleplaying, or RP for short. I started joining various groups to promote myself. At first, no one contacted me or showed interest. I complained to my friends that it seemed no one was interested in me. My friend suggested that I should be proactive by tapping on their accounts. I did it. Once, twice, three times, and the fourth time I didn't succeed. I paused because I started feeling a bit lazy.

However, there was one person looking for a girlfriend, or "need GF" in the terminology. I mustered the courage to reply, "me?" And you know what? Finally, he and I started chatting in the room. We talked until he asked, "Do you need a boyfriend?" I just replied, "Yes, would you like to be my boyfriend?" He agreed. From that moment, my romance began.

At first, I thought our relationship wouldn't last long, maybe just two weeks, since we didn't know each other well. I thought he would lose interest in me, considering I was a bit weird too, right? But I was very wrong. Until now, we are still together. I never imagined that I would still be with him. With him, I feel appreciated and loved, though I still have negative thoughts about him. Forgive me if I'm being mean for not fully trusting you yet.

After being together for a long time, he and I started to feel a bit bored with just chatting. Finally, we decided to meet in person. We met in Bandung, perhaps you know and are familiar with the place, Braga. I met him there. He was very handsome, I never thought he would be like that. Call me exaggerating, but if the reality is like that, what can I do? On the other hand, I felt unworthy to be with him, I was embarrassed. At that moment, he noticed my thoughts.

"Hey, what's wrong? Don't daydream, I'm here, you know."

His voice made me feel a bit lightheaded. Besides having a handsome face, his voice was also handsome. I started looking at him, cursing my heart, damn, why is he so handsome?


I smiled slightly, feeling a bit nervous but also warm in my heart. Khaza looked at me with full attention, as if he could see directly into my soul. I tried to relax and spoke in a softer voice.

"Sorry, Khaza. I was just a bit surprised and... feeling a bit insecure meeting you in real life. You are very handsome."

Khaza chuckled, his laughter sounding comfortable and soothing. "Jani, you don't need to feel that way. You are also very beautiful. I'm glad we finally met."

We sat in one of the cafes in Braga, a comfortable place with a calm atmosphere. Khaza and I started talking about many things, from hobbies, family, to our dreams. I felt increasingly comfortable with him, as if we had known each other for a long time.

After a few hours of chatting, I felt warmth enveloping my heart. Khaza wasn't just handsome, but also smart and attentive. He told me about his childhood in Bandung, how he always loved reading books about technology and his dream of becoming a skilled programmer. We shared the same dream, and that made me feel closer to him.

"Jani, what are you most afraid of?" Khaza suddenly asked, breaking the brief silence.

I thought for a moment. "Maybe, I'm afraid of failing. I'm afraid that I won't be able to achieve my dreams, or that I'll disappoint the people around me."

Khaza nodded, as if understanding my feelings. "I often feel that way too. But we have to believe in ourselves. I believe you can achieve your dreams."

Hearing Khaza's words, I felt a bit more at ease. We continued our conversation more lightly, laughing and joking. I started to feel that this was the beginning of something beautiful.

Evening came, and we decided to walk around Braga. The city lights began to shine, creating a romantic atmosphere. We walked side by side, enjoying the scenery and the fresh night air.

"Khaza, do you often come here?" I asked.

"Sometimes," he replied. "I like the atmosphere here, there are many beautiful memories."

We kept walking, occasionally stopping to look at shops or just enjoy the atmosphere. It felt like a dream come true. I who used to only talk to Khaza through chat, now could walk with him, feeling his presence in real life.

Time passed so quickly, and we returned to the cafe to rest for a while. Khaza ordered two cups of coffee, and we sat in a quiet corner. I felt that today was one of the best days of my life.

"Jani," Khaza began, his voice more serious this time. "I want you to know that I really appreciate our relationship. I know this all started from RP, but I really feel there's something special between us."

I was silent for a moment, feeling his words touch my heart. "I feel the same way, Khaza. You make me feel special and appreciated."

Khaza smiled, gently holding my hand. "Let's go through this together, Jani. We will face whatever comes, together."

I nodded, feeling tears of happiness start to well up in my eyes. "Yes, let's face it together."

From that day on, our relationship grew closer. We often met, shared stories, and supported each other. Khaza was always there for me, in both happy and difficult times. He became an important part of my life, someone who always made me feel meaningful.

One day, while we were sitting in the park, Khaza took out a small box from his pocket. I felt my heart pounding fast. "Jani, I know this may be too fast, but I can't imagine my life without you. I want you to always be by my side," he said, opening the box. Inside was a beautiful ring.

I was surprised, feeling tears of happiness streaming down my cheeks. "Khaza, I... I don't know what to say."

Khaza smiled, his eyes full of hope. "Jani, will you be my life partner?"

I nodded, unable to contain the overflowing happiness in my heart. "Yes, Khaza. I will."

He placed the ring on my finger, and we hugged tightly. In the flower-filled park, we promised to always be together, facing every challenge and achieving our dreams together.

As time went by, we planned our future. Khaza applied for a job at a renowned tech company, and I decided to continue my education at UNPAD, pursuing my dream of becoming a developer. We both worked hard, supporting each other every step of the way. Every night, after a tiring day, we always took time to talk, sharing stories about our day. Khaza always made me laugh, even in difficult times. He was my anchor, someone who always gave me strength.

Days passed, and the day of our graduation came. I felt proud to stand on that stage, achieving the degree I had long dreamed of. Khaza was there, smiling proudly at me. After the graduation ceremony, we celebrated with a dinner with our families.

"We did it, Jani," said Khaza, holding my hand tightly. "This is just the beginning of our journey."

I smiled, feeling happy and hopeful. "Yes, we did it. And we will keep moving forward, together."

Time kept moving, and we started working in the fields we loved. Khaza worked as a programmer at a large company, while I worked at a startup, developing applications that could help many people. We supported each other, sharing joys and sorrows, and kept growing together.

One day, Khaza took me to the place where we first met, in Braga. We sat in the same cafe, reminiscing the beautiful memories we had gone through. "Jani, I am grateful to have met you. You are the light in my life," he said, looking at me with love.

I smiled, feeling my heart full of happiness. "I am also grateful to have met you, Khaza. You are everything to me."

We spent that night full of happiness, celebrating our love and commitment. Under the beautiful night sky, we promised to always be together, facing every challenge and achieving every dream.

Years passed, and we grew stronger as a couple. We built a happy little family, full of love and affection. Every day was a blessing, and I was grateful to have Khaza by my side.

Our relationship was not always smooth. There were tough times, differences of opinion, and challenges we had to face. But we always faced them together, with love and understanding. We learned to support, appreciate, and trust each other.

One day, while we were sitting on our porch, watching our children play in the yard, I felt so happy. I remembered the long journey we had gone through, from our first meeting in the virtual world to this moment.

"Khaza, thank you for always being there for me," I said, looking at him with love.

Khaza smiled, holding

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    PHWritten by pro hansip

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